ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Мурманский государственный педагогический университет» (МГПУ) УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ ДС.1 Кольский Север на английском языке Основная образовательная программа подготовки специалиста по специальности 050103 География со специализацией «Социальная география Скандинавских стран и туризм» Утверждено на заседании кафедры иностранных языков и методики их преподавания факультета филологии и журналистики (протокол № 6 от 28.01.2008 г.) Зав. кафедрой Лукина М.М. _______________________________ Раздел 1. Программа учебной дисциплины. 1.1 Автор программы: ст. преподаватель кафедры ИЯ и МП МГПУ Карасев А.А. 1.2 Рецензенты: Квасюк Е.Н к.п.н., доцент кафедра ИЯ и МП (МГПУ); Зыкова В.Н. к.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков (МГТУ). 1.3 Пояснительная записка: Будущий педагог должен уметь не только продуктивно и познавательно вести занятия по предмету, являющемуся его специализацией, но и организовывать и проводить разнообразные факультативные уроки с учащимися. Данный курс рассчитан на студентов географического факультета со второй специальностью «Английский язык» и нацелен на развитие регионального образовательного компонента в структуре знаний студентов старших курсов педагогического вуза. На наш взгляд, очень важно, с воспитательной точки зрения, привить любовь к родному краю, познакомить студентов с историей, культурой и экологией Кольского Севера. В процессе изучения курса студенты с дополнительной специальностью «Иностранный язык» получают необходимые лексико-грамматические навыки для проведения обзорных экскурсий по городу-герою Мурманску с зарубежными гостями столицы Заполярья, говорящими на английском языке. Материал предлагаемого курса выстроен таким образом, что бы у студента появилось целостное представление о Кольском Севере, регионе, обладающем не только целым рядом специфических черт экономического развития, но, так же и исключительным природным своеобразием. Вопросы обеспечения жизнедеятельности местного населения, экологической безопасности и защиты природы нашли своё отражение в ряде разделов учебной дисциплины. Текстовые материалы, разнообразные упражнения пособия «Кольский север» могут быть так же применимы в процессе изучения иностранного языка студентов, обучающиеся по специальности «Безопасность жизнедеятельности». Региональный компонент содержания, с нашей точки зрения, призван облегчить усвоение иноязычного языкового материала, за счёт включения принципа межпредметных связей. Авторы составители программы рекомендуют преподавателям, приступившим к работе над курсом, использование дополнительных текстов, статей из иностранной и отечественной прессы, научных работ на английском языке, материалов из сети интернет и других электронных ресурсов, видео- аудио материалов. Цель курса: ознакомление студентов с климатом, флорой и фауной Кольского Севера, населением, городами и поселками, экологическими особенностями, а так же средствами английского языка, необходимыми для осуществления межкультурной коммуникации по данному профилю. Студенты должны знать: - историю Кольского Севера, - лексику по темам спецкурса, - научную информацию о погодно климатической, социально-экономической ситуации на Кольском полуострове, - характеристику населенных пунктов Мурманской области. - необходимый грамматический минимум используемый в типичных ситуациях общения с англоговорящими представителями зарубежных стран. Таким образом, задачами данного курса можно считать: - углубление знаний по данной теме, - расширение и систематизации словарного запаса на английском языке. - развитие коммуникативных навыков, а также навыков устной речи по краеведческим темам, -умений устного и письменного перевода в контексте регионального компонента. Студенты должны уметь: - рассказать о населенных пунктах Кольского Севера (с использованием географической карты), - провести экскурсию по краеведческому музею, - сообщить о погодно-климатической и социально-экономической ситуации на Кольском полуострове. Место данного курса, в цикле изучения иностранного языка в вузе, определяется его практической коммуникативной направленностью на усвоение будущим учителем необходимого лексико-грамматического уровня иностранного языка, региональным компонентом содержания учебного материала, обеспечивающим осуществление, такого важного методического принципа, как реализация межпредметных связей в обучении. При составлении программы автором принимались во внимание материалы пособия «Кольский Север», разработанного, творческим учебно-методическим объединением преподавателей Мурманского государственного педагогического университета, среди авторов которого были в частности, М.М.Лукина, Т.В.Куликова, И.М.Степанова, К.В.Орлова, Я.А.Горбунова. 1.4 Извлечение (в виде ксерокопии) из ГОС ВПО специальности (направления), включающее требования к обязательному минимуму содержания дисциплины и общее количество часов (выписка): требования к обязательному минимуму дисциплин специализации не отражаются в ГОС ВПО) 1. 050103 2-3 География со специализацие й «Социальная география Скандинавских стран и туризм» Семестр № Шифры наименования специальности Курс 1.5 Объём дисциплины и виды учебной работы. Виды учебной работы в часах Трудо Всего ЛК ПР/ ЛБ Сам. аудит СМ работа емкос ть 4-6 100 50 10 40 - 50 Вид итогового контроля экзамен 1.6 Содержание дисциплины. 1.6.1. Разделы дисциплины и виды занятий (в часах) Примерное распределение учебного времени: № 1 2 3 Наименование раздела, темы Introduction The weather Flora, fauna and nature Всего аудит 1 2 3 Количество часов ЛК ПР/СМ ЛБ 1 1 1 1 2 Сам. работа 6 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Population The Murmansk Region Murmansk, Kola Kirovsk, Apatity Monchegorsk Olenegorsk, Polyarny Kovdor, Lovozero Ecological Problems of the Kola Peninsular Revision 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 10 10 4 8 10 10 6 2 4 1.6.2 Содержание разделов дисциплины. Тема Introduction The weather Flora, fauna and nature Population The Murmansk Region Murmansk, Kola Kirovsk, Apatity Содержание разделов дисциплины 1.Введение. Geographical position of the Kola North. 2.General facts about position of the Kola Peninsular. 3.The Influence of the gеographical position on the local population activity 1.Winter and the Polar Night 2.Spring 3.Summer and the Polar Day 4.Autumn Territory characteristics Fauna Flora 1.General facts 2.Kola Laplanders 3.The Saami People 1.Population 2.Twin-towns 3.Local Festivals 4.Communication with outside world Тексты для чтения и обсуждения «По Кольской Земле.On Kola Land», стр. 31 «По Кольской Земле.On Kola Land», стр. 57 Laplandsky zapovednik, Заповедники и национальные парки России, М, 1998 The Polar Region, Man, Environment and lifestyle, стр. 29 К. Полтев. Мурманск, М., Прогресс, 1989 links 1.The capital of the Russian North 2.Geographical Position 3.History of Murmansk 4.Sights 5.City-port 6.History of kola and it’s reality Kirovsk, Apatity, the industrial history Bryleva Z. I. The history of the Kola Peninsular, 1996 стр.157-169 Murman Oblast // Barentskalenderen, 2001, стр. 15-17 The Polar Region, Man, Environment and lifestyle, 67-74 Monchegorsk 1.The location of The Murmansk Region. The Monchegorsk Essential Guide for tourists 2.The origination of the city and businessmen, The Solo name Publishing House, 1996 3.Industrial history of the town Olenegorsk, Polyarny 1.Olenegorsk Murman Oblast // 2.Polyarny, the glorious Barentskalenderen, 2001, history of the Northern стр. 28-32 NAVY Kovdor, Lovozero 1.Kovdor Laplandsky zapovednik, 2.Lovozero Заповедники и национальные парки России, М, 1998, стр. 64 The incredible Kola Peninsular, Oslo, 1994 Ecological Problems of 1 What is environment? The Murmansk Region. The the Kola Peninsular 2. The Results of people’s Essential Guide for tourists activity and businessmen, The Solo 3. Ecological problems Publishing House, 1996, 4. Methods of nature стр. 132 protection Revision - Повторение изученного материала по широкому спектру вопросов. - Написание проверочной работы 1.6.3 Темы для самостоятельного изучения. № Наименование Форма самостоятельной Колраздела работы во дисциплины. часов Тема 1 The weather Сделать высказывание по 4 плану: 1) The weather of Murmansk 2) the Polar Day and the Polar Night 3)the Winter in Murmansk 4)Summer beyond the Arctic circle Найти эквивалент следующим словам:… 1) English equivalents 2) Russian equivalents Форма контроля 1)заслушивание сообщений на занятии 2) выполнение лексических заданий 3) перевод текстов, выполнение упражнений 4) вопросы по плану занятия 5) написание рефератов 2 Flora, fauna and Составить тематический 6 nature словарь по теме: - фауна Кольского полуострова - животные северных лесов - флора тундры и тайги Посещение студентами местного краеведческого музея. Написание отчета о посещении. 3 Population 4 5 6 7 Сообщение по вопросам: 6 the multinational population of the Murmansk region the indigenous peoples of the North посетите Краеведческий музей, раздел «Коренные народы Севера» Соберите информацию о традиционном быте саами. The Murmansk Найдите информацию о 4 Region городах Назовите фирмы или организации, имеющие связь с зарубежными партнерами в области сырья, туризма, образования Напишите сообщение в виде заметки иностранного корреспондента о местных фестивалях, праздниках Murmansk, Kola 1)Составление диалогов по 10 аспектам: -Иностранный турист спрашивает Вас о культурной, социальной жизни Мурманска 2)Посещение Краеведческого музея Kirovsk, Apatity Сообщение по вопросам 6 расположение Кировска, Апатит - история города Кировска - История города Апатиты Monchegorsk Сделать сообщение по 6 вопросам: Составление словаря, проверка, ведение рабочей тетради. Проверка письменных отчетов об экскурсии. Составление диалогов по теме. Прослушивание сообщений, составление диалогов по теме, чтение, перевод текстов, коллективное обсуждение вопросов плана Сообщения по теме, составление диалогов, ролевая игра с участием представителей Мурманской области и иностранных гостей по аспекту «Праздники, фестивали на Севере России» Проверка диалогов, чтение, перевод текстов, написание сочинений о родном городе Чтение и перевод текстов, заслушивание сообщений Чтение и перевод текстов, 8 Olenegorsk, Polyarny -происхождение названия Мончегорск -промышленные предприятия - история создания города 1)Разработать план экскурсии 4 по Оленегорску 2)Собрать информацию об Оленегорске и оформить ее в виде сообщения 3)Сделать сообщение об истории Полярного 1)Сообщение о Ковдорском 4 ГОК 2) Сообщение о Ловозере, как туристической достопримечательности 3) составление диалогов по теме 10 Ecological 1) Подготовить сообщение 6 Problems of the об: Kola Peninsular -экологических организациях Кольского полуострова - экологии Мурманска -Лапландском заповеднике - Видах животных, занесенных в Красную книгу -Международных экологических проектах 11 Revision 1)Написание рефератов 4 2)Повторение материала к итоговому обсуждению 3) подготовка сообщений по материалу из электронных источников (деревни Кольского полуострова) 9 Kovdor, Lovozero заслушивание сообщений Показ населенных пунктов на карте. Оформление мини-выставок (фото) о городах области. Проверка диалогов, чтение, перевод текстов Чтение сообщений, составление диалогов, работа по карте Проверка рефератов, коллективное обсуждение вопросов на повторение. 1.7 Методические рекомендации по организации изучения дисциплины. 1.7.1. Тематика и планы аудиторной работы со студентами по изученному материалу. Тема Introduction План, вопросы для коллективного обсуждения, задания для самостоятельной работы 1) Geographical position of the Kola North. 2) General facts about geographical position of the Kola Peninsular 3) The influence of the geographical position on the local population activity. Литература (основная и дополнительная) «По Кольской Мурманск, 1969 земле», “The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 1. Characterise geographical position of the Kola Peninsular Timofeev A. “Murman MIA using the map. “Contact”, 1992 2. Show and name the seas, which wash the Kola Peninsular 3. Show and name the main lakes and rivers of the Kola North 4. Where is Murmansk situated? The weather Make the map of the Kola Peninsular and mark the seas, lakes, rivers. Make a bibliography of the literature about Kola North 1.Winter and the Polar Night 2.Spring 3.Summer and the Polar Day 4.Autumn 5. Season Holidays Characterise summer and winter on the Kola Peninsular. Find some adjectives to describe the weather of Murmansk. Does the Kola Bay freeze? Why? Describe winter, autumn season changes in the nature По Кольской Мурманск, 1969 земле», “The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 Timofeev A. “Murman MIA “Contact”, 1992 Сделайте высказывание по плану: The Polar Day and Polar Night -The winter in Murmansk region -the summer beyond the Arctic Circle Найдите эквиваленты к словам: … English, Russian Flora, fauna 1. Territory characteristics and nature 2. Fauna “The Murmansk Region. The 1. Flora Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 How did the glacier influence the 2-nd edition, 1996 nature of the Kola Peninsular? What is the area of the Kola Laplandsky zapovednik. Peninsular characterized by? Заповедники и What activities connected with nature национальные парки can be found beyond the Arctic России. Circle? What species of fish and animals can Pokhievsky V. The Northbe found here? West (Karelia and the Kola Составление тематического Peninsular).M, 1985, p.152 словаря, посещение краеведческого музея (раздел «Фауна, флора»), написание отчета о посещении музея. Population The Murmansk Regiоn Murmansk, Kola 1.General facts 2.Kola Laplanders 3.The Saami People What is the population of the Kola Peninsular? Where does the majority of people live? Into what classes can you devide the population? Can the population of the Murmansk Region be called multinational? Who are the Lapps? Составь сообщение по следующим вопросам: -the multinational population of the Murmansk region -the indigenous people of the North. Посетите Краеведческий музей, «Саами» Соберите информацию о традиционном быте саами. Составьте диалоги по теме. 1. Population 2. Twin-towns 3. Local Festivals 4. Communication links with outside world What adjectives can characterize the population of the Murmansk region? Who are the indigenous people of the North? What are the twin towns of Murmansk? Where are they situated? What local festivals do you know? Найдите информацию о городах побратимах. Какие фирмы, организации нашего края связаны деловыми отношениями с зарубежными партнерами в сырьевой, туристической, образовательной сферах? Напишите заметку от лица иностранного журналиста о местном фестивале или празднике 1. The capital of the Russian North 2. Geographical Position 3. History of Murmansk 4. Sights 5. City-port 6 . History of kola and it’s reality «По Кольской Мурманск, 1969 земле», The Polar Region, man environment and lifestyle, 1993 Rasmussen H.E.The Saami on the Kola Peninsular//the BR, 1995 The saami –one people in four nations//Zundahoem K. O., 1996 Полтев К.. Мурманск Прогресс, М., 1989 Economy of Murmansk Province – M,1993 Arctic Jazz Festival//the Barents Tribune - 2000, № 3 The Polar Region, man environment and lifestyle, 1993 По Кольской Мурманск, 1969 земле», “The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 Kirovsk, Apatity Monchegorsk Olenegorsk, Polyarny Where is Murmansk situated? Why is Murmansk the most important port in the Russian North? Do you think Murmansk is the right name for the city? How does geographical position influence climate in Murmansk? Составьте диалог между иностранным туристом, интересующимся культурной, социальной жизнью Мурманска и горожанином. Вы планируете посетить Колу. Что бы вы там посмотрели. Составьте план посещения Колы. Посещение Краеведческого музея г. Мурманска Kirovsk, Apatity, the industrial history Where is Kirovsk situated? When did Kirovsk arrear on the map? What sport competitions take part in Kirovsk? What is polar-alpine botanical garden famous for? What opportunities for tourists are there in Kirovsk? Сделать сообщения по вопросам: -расположение Кировска, Апатит -история города Кировска -история Апатит 1. The location of Monchegorsk 2. The origination of the city name 1. Industrial history of the town What is the centre piece of Monchegorsk? What does it symbolize? What is a counter balance to the smoke and dust of the factories? Is it enough for the balance in nature? What is the origin of the name Monchegorsk? Сообщение: -Промышленная история города, -происхождение названия -история создания города - Сталинские лагеря на территории Кольского полуострова 1. Olenegorsk, 2. Polyarny Where is Olenegorsk situated? When was Olenegorsk founded? Bryleva Z. I. The history of the Kola Peninsular // Helsinki, 1996 Ruegg B., Hague A., Convoy to Russia, 1993 По Кольской Мурманск, 1969 земле», “The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 Timofeev A. “Murman MIA “Contact”, 1992 The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 Kovdor, Lovozero Ecological Problems of the Kola Peninsular What is the origin of its name? What are the places of interest in Olenegorsk? What was the first name of Polyarny during WWII? Разработать план экскурсиипо Оленегорску Собрать информацию об Оленегорске Сделать сообщение об истории Полярного Составить диалоги по теме 1. Kovdor, Lovozero Who are the Lapps? What are the main problems of the Lapps and how are they solved in the modern society? What is the population of Saami in the world? in Russia? What area does Saami region cover? Do all Saami people roam? Why? Сделать сообщение о Ковдорском ГОКе Сообщение о Ловозере, как туристической достопримечательности Составить диалог по теме 1 What is environment? 2. The Results of people’s activity 3. Ecological problems 4. Methods of nature protection What is the origin of the term “ecology”? What are the results of people action on the Kola Peninsular? What are the biggest polluters of environment on the Kola Peninsular? Name the ecological problems. Подготовка сообщение о: экологических организациях Кольского полуострова -экологии Мурманска - Лапландском заповеднике - Видах животных, занесенных Красную Книгу Revision Коллективное обсуждение вопросов на повторение Зачет рефератов по темам курса. Ruegg B., Hague A., Convoy to Russia, 1993 Economy of Murmansk Province – M,1993 The Polar Region, man environment and lifestyle, 1993 “The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen”, 1986 2-nd edition, 1996 Laplandsky zapovednik. Заповедники и национальные парки России. Murman Oblast// Barents Kalen-deren, 2001, p.28-32 1.8 Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины 1.8.1. Рекомендуемая литература: основная 1. “По Кольской земле. On Kola Land.”- Мурманское книжное издательство, 1969. 2. The Polar Region, man, environment and lifestyle – Uneshtorgizdat, – 1993. 3. The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen. M., The Solo Publishing House, 1996. дополнительная 1. “Murman” MIA Contact, 1995. 2. Rasmussen H. E. The Sami in the Kola Peninsular // The Barents Region – Troms, 1995. 3. Ruegg B., Hague A., Convoy to Russia. – Rev. – Kendal (England) World Ship Society, 1993. 1.9 Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины. 1.9.1 Перечень используемых технических средств- аудио, видео техника, имеющаяся на факультете, а также на кафедре ИЯ и МП МГПУ. 1.9.2. Перечень используемых пособий. 1. “По Кольской земле. On Kola Land.”- Мурманское книжное издательство, 1969. 2. The Polar Region, man, environment and lifestyle – Uneshtorgizdat, – 1993. 3. The Murmansk Region. The Essential Guide for tourists and businessmen. M., The Solo Publishing House, 1996. 1.9.3. Перечень видео- и аудиоматериалов программного обеспечения. 1.Видеогид. Путеводитель по Мурманску и области. – 1996, 2005, 2007 2. Праздник Севера: история, традиции. – 2001 - видеокассета 1.10 Примерные зачётные тестовые задания. 1. The Climate on the Kola peninsula is determined by a) location at a high lattitude and influence of Gulf Stream b) cold winds and the influence of North Pole c) long winters and short summers 2. The Kola Bay was covered with ice a) once in 1940 b) every year c) the Bay has never been 3. Professoinal meteorologists describe the climate of the Murmansk coast as a) moderately cold, changeable, sea climate b) meditaranian climate with strong; winds с) continental climate with cold winters and cool summers 4, In spring holidays in the Murmansk region follow one after another a) "Good Morning, sunshine"; "Festival of the North";"Fishermen's Day" b) "Fishermen's Day"; "Goad Morning, sunshine"; "Old New Year" c) "Festival of the North"; "Goodbye winter"; "Fishermen's Day" 5. The area of the Kola Peninsula above the Artie Circle is characterised by a) tundra and taiga b) rivers and mountains c) deserts and forests 6. Some animals such as ... were huntered to extichition in the 60s-70s a) tundra wolves b) ducks c) squirrels 7. "Mushroom-hunters" are the people who a) gather mushrooms b) special police which fires people picking up mushrooms when special permit is working c) robbers, take picked up mushrooms from lonely people in the forest 8. The population of the Kola Peninsula is a) over 1 mln people b) 450 thousand people c) over 5 mln people 9. The Murmansk Region is a) multinational b) generally Russian c) Saami 10. The Saami Region reaches from a) Central Norway into the Kola Peninsula b) Central Russia into Karelia c) from Finland to Norway 11. The saami is a) a single homogenous group b) a number of different branches of one people I2. The Saami of Finland Russia Norway and Sweden have co-operate bоdу called a) The Saami Council b) Duma c) Human Rights Committee 13. Towns on the Kola Peninsula have … sister-cities from ...countries a) 36; 9 b) 52; 6 c) 3; 6 14. The Murmansk Region is rich in a) raw materials b) nature flora and fauna resourses c) computer techniques of new generation 15. Murmansk was founded in 1916 by a) Nicholas II b) Soviet leaders c) Saami people 16. The most northern .., in the world travel along the streets of Murmansk a) oars b) buses c) trolleybusses 17. Kola was the town first appeared on the Kola North, in 1996 markes its ... anniversary a) 440th b) 500th c) 320th 18. Kirovsk is situated on a) the shore of the lake Bolshoi Vudiavr b) the shore of the lake Imandra c) the Barents Sea shore 19. Kirovsk is one of the Russia's most famous a) ski resorts b) orthodox centre c) towns made of wood 2O. What town is considered to be the town of the scientific intelligentsia of the region a) Apatity b) Olenegorsk c) Monchegorsk 21. What town was founded in 1949 at the fool of the Oleniya Mountain a) Olenegorsk b) Kovdor c) Lovozero 22. What is the national administrative district of the Lapps? a) Lovozero b) Polyarny c) Apatity 23. The term "..." was coined in 1866 by the German Biologist Ernst Hackel a) ecology b) environment c) pollution 24. Annual dampling of poisoned industrial wasted has led to a) ecological catastrophes b) variety of fish resourses c) increasing the number of Plants and Factories 1.11 Примерный перечень вопросов к зачету – не предусмотрено. Контрольные вопросы: 1. Geographical position of the Kola Peninsular. 2. Climate on the Kola Peninsular 3. Flora, Fauna and nature. 4. Population. The Saami People. 5. The Murmansk Region. 6. Murmansk and Kola. 7. Kirovsk, Apatity, Monchegorsk. 8. Olenrgorsk, Polyamy, Kovdor. 9. Lovozero. 10 .Ecological problems on the Kola Peninsular. 1.12 Комплект экзаменационных билетов – не предусмотрен. 1.13 Примерная тематика рефератов. 1. Tourist s opportunities of the Polar night. 2. The Kola Peninsular during WWII. 3. Economical situation on the Polar North. 4. Sisters cities. 5. The Saami People. 6. The Most Important Festivals of the Kola Peninsular. 7. Focuses of cultural life of the Polar Night. 8 . Little villages are very interesting for visiting. 9. The Imandra Lake. 10. MurmanskPlaces of interests in Murmansk. 11. The Wild life of tundra land. 12. Business projects and their realization in this region. 13. Cultural exchange in the modern history.Extremal Tourism and its impact on the popularity of the North. 1.14 Примерная тематика курсовых работ – не предусмотрено. 1.15 Примерная тематика квалификационных (дипломных) работ- не предусмотрена. 1.16 Методики исследования 1. Изучение специальной краеведческой литературы на английском языке. 2. Наблюдение за экономической и культурной жизнью города и области. 3. Посещение выставок краеведческого музея, с фиксацией полученных результатов. 1.17 Бально-рейтинговая система, используемая преподавателем для оценивания знаний студентов по данной дисциплине – не используется. Раздел 2. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины (или её разделов) и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы обучения. Данная дисциплина не предусмотрена для студентов заочной формы обучения. Раздел 3. Содержательный компонент теоретического материала. Тема 1. Introduction. Weather Содержание. Основные понятия The ice masses of the North Pole influence the weather, as does the contrasting warmth of the Gulf Stream. Professional meteorologists describe the climate of the Murmansk coast as that of a moderately cold, changeable, sea climate, with comparatively mild winters and cool summers. On the other hand, the more southerly town of Kandalaksha, on the same latitude as the Arctic Circle, has a continental climate, which differs from that in Murmansk. The winters there are more severe but the summers are sunnier. The Polar Night, i.e. almost continuous night, officially begins on November 29th and lasts until January 15th. The hours of darkness last longer and longer until the longest night, which is on December 22nd. During this period you may well be lucky enough to witness the unusual natural phenomenon of the Northern Lights. January and February are usually very cold. There are Вопросы обсуждения для 1. The weather of Murmansk. 2. The Polar Day and the Polar Night. 3. The winter in Murmansk Region. 4. The summer beyond the Arctic Circle. 5. The holidays and the festivals in Murmansk. Ссылки на источники A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. 2. Flora, Fauna and Nature 3. Population blizzards as well as gale force winds with average speeds of up to 15 meters per second. Murmansk is situated 300 kms north of the Arctic Circle. A million years ago a huge glacier, one kilometer thick, crawled across the Kola land. Due to this, the soil became one solid layer of permafrost with only its upper crust thawing out sufficiently to sustain Life. The area of the Kola Peninsula above the Arctic Circle is characterized by tundra and taiga. The Arctic taiga is not as dense as the Siberian taiga but rather stunted and sparse. The territory covers 144.9 sq. kms and, in addition to woodland, there are many as 110.710 lakes and 18.209 rivers. Low hills and marshy valleys typify the landscape from the Barents Sea to the White Sea, with the Khibiny Mountains being the only exception. It is here where the town of Kirovsk is situated. The population of the Kola Peninsula is an estimated 1.067.100. As one might expect, the majority of people – 92,4%, live in the town while only 7,6% live in countryside. Just over 660.000 people live in the Murmansk region, 407.000 of whom live in the city of Murmansk itself. Men outnumber women by 13.400. Children under the age of 15 make up 23,4% of the total population, 30-40 year olds – 24,4% and those over 70 – 1,9%. In the past few years there has been a general decrease in the overall population. The Murmansk Region, the city of Murmansk in particular, is multinational. There are 392.480 Russians, 43.956 Ukrainians, 15.506 Byelorussians and 5.166 Tatar nationals who live in Murmansk. In addition, 1. Where is Murmansk situated? 2. How many rivers and lakes are there on the Kola Peninsula? 3. Do people like to go picnicking in nearby woods? What do they do else? 4. What do you know about fishing above the Polar Circle? 5. Who lives in the woods? When does hunting season begin? 6. What can you say about different berries and mushrooms? 7. What interesting facts do you know about the lakes on the Kola Peninsula? 1. How big is the population of Saami in the world; in Russia? 2. What area does Saami region cover? 3. Can coast Saami easily understand east Saami? Why? 4. How do outsiders imagine Saami everyday life? 5. Do all Saami people roam? Why? What are the reasons for roaming? A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk there are also Germans, Spaniards, 6. What is Saami regional Finns, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, culture based on? administration, Turks, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans, 7. What are 1994. Vietnamese, one Dutchman, one traditional Saami Frenchman, one Englishman, one sources of Austrian and one Croat as well as livelihood? What representatives of many other is the most nationalities. important one? 8. What are the The Saami are one of the indigenous main sources for peoples of Europe. There are over Saami yolk 75000 Saami. They have their own chants, tales and history, language, culture, livelihoods, stories? way of life and identity. The Saami 9. What is a region (“Sampi” in Saami) reaches from special Saami Central Norway and Sweden through tradition in the northernmost part of Finland and ornamentation into the Kola Peninsula. Thus, Sampi clothing and covers areas belonging to the states of handicrafts based Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. on? In Russia there are about 2000 Sami 10. In what world people. More than half of the Saami organization do speak Saami. There are several Saami Saami take part? languages, and the Saami speaking the different languages cannot usually understand each other. Within the borders of Sampi, there live coast Saami (sea Saami), forest Saami (inland Saami), mountain Saami (migrating Saami), skolt Saami and Kola Saami (Russian Saami). The last two – East Saami. 4. The Murmansk Region The Murmansk land is multinational. The majority of the population is Slavonic by nationality: Russian, Ukrainian, and Byelorussia. There are also Tatars, Finns, Germans, Bulgarians and others as well as those of French, English, Dutch, Austrian, Arab and Chinese descent. Overall, there are about 35 nationalities. The indigenous population of the peninsula is Lapps, or Laplanders, although very few Laplanders actually live on Russian soil. Most of their kinsmen live in the West, in Finland, Norway and Sweden. No matter what his or her origin, everyone on the Kola Peninsula speaks Russian. The establishment of official friendly relationships with foreign states began as far back as the 16th century. In 1595 a treaty was signed with Sweden. Other significant treaties were signed in 1826 with Norway and in 1940 with Finland. The Murmansk Region further promotes friendship with an extensive network of foreign twin-town links in Europe and America. As many as 36 towns from nine countries have twinned with towns on the 5. Murmansk For centuries it was believed that it would be impossible to live here because of the severe climate and the fact that hardly anything grows. However, it took a mere 80 years for the biggest city on the planet situated above the Arctic Circle to be built on the shore of the Gulf of Kola. This city is the city of Murmansk, the capital of the Russian Polar Regions. It is the largest port in the Russian North and the only port to remain ice-free all year round. It is the only place in the world where a colossal atomic fleet is based. Murmansk is also the capital of the international Festival of the North, which attracts athletes and visitors from different countries and 1. In Murmansk land there are only Russians. 2. The indigenous population of the Kola Peninsula is Lapps. 3. Arctic cruises to the island of Spitsbergen and to the coast of Novaya Zemlya are not very attracting for visitors. 4. The Murmansk land is a land of civilized communication links. 5. The Murmansk region is a member of the international association, the Barents EuroArctic Region. 6. There are no acting joint ventures in Murmansk Region 7. Nobody knows the distances from East to West and from North to South. 1. Murmansk is one of the few Russian towns, which was not occupied by the Nazis during the Second World War. 2. For more than 3 years fascist forces led an embittered air and land attack completely destroying the town, but nonetheless, never managing to take A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of 6. Kola continents. Murmansk is situated on the very edge of the Eurasian continent just before the icy void of the North Pole. However, this does not mean to say that it is always cold. In winter the average temperature is –10 oC and in summer between 15 oC and 25 oC, resulting in an average annual temperature of around 0`C. The climate is fairly moderate due to the warm Atlantic Gulf Stream from the Barents Sea. It is very rare for there to be frosts of lower than –30 oC, yet in summer the sweet smell of lilac and rowan blossom fills the air. During the hazy, lazy days of summer the people of Murmansk even sunbathe and go swimming in Semyonovskoye Lake in the northern part of the city. Murmansk has an interesting history. It was founded in the reign of the Romanov Tsar, Nicholas II, on October 4th 1916 and was originally called Romanov-on- Murman. In 1917 the town was renamed Murmansk. Murmansk is a maritime town. All of its large enterprises are connected with the sea. These include the Merchant Sea Port (founded in 1915), the Fishing Port (1934), the first Russian Trawler Fleet (1920), the Murmanribprom Fleet (1949), the Sevribkholodflot Fleet (1965), the fish produce manufacturing industries, the Murmansk Shipyard Association, the Murmansk Shipping Company. Fairly recently some firms have been created specializing in the exploration of oil and gas in the northern seas Kola was the first town to appear on the Kola North and is the town, which gave the Kola Peninsula its name. In 1996 marked its 440th anniversary. Unfortunately, nowadays there are hardly any traces left of the old town. The architecture is that of typical, small provincial town of the 1950s-1980s. Originally, Kola was just a little Russian fishing village on the shore of the Gulf of Kola, situated between the Tuloma and Kola Rivers. Later the village was turned into a fortress, one of Russia’s it. 3. For its heroism Murmansk, along with other cities of the former Soviet Union, was given the title, Hero City. press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1. Geographical position of Kola. 2. History of the town. 3. The Church of the Annunciation. 4. Population of Kola. 5. Kola industries. A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. 1994. 6. Kirovsk polar outposts. It is also became the centre for trade with neighboring northern countries. In 1965 Kola officially received the status of a town and became the administrative centre of the Kolsky District. The northern part of the town has practically merged into the southern part of the city of Murmansk. Cargo in transit by road passes through Kola from Finland, Norway and Sweden. Kola is an attractive, compact town, very green and leafy in summer. Its little squares and low buildings create an atmosphere of intimacy. It is a very cultural town with libraries, museums, two Houses of culture and its own amateur theatre as well as several schools, which lay special emphasis on the arts, music and sport. The Kola Peninsula’s traditional summer marathon has been held here since 1971. Kirovsk is situated on the shore of Lake Bolshoi Vudiavr and surrounded by the Khibiny Mountains. It is the most picturesque town on the Kola Peninsula. The town as it is called today appeared on the map in 1934, before which time it was called Khibinogorsk. It was founded in the 1920s as a direct result of the discovery in the area of the world’s largest deposit of apatite. In 1929 construction began of the region’s largest enterprise, the Apatity JointStock Company. Kirovsk is one of the Russia’s most famous ski resorts. Competitions in downhill, slalom and ski jumping as an individual competition and in combination with cross-country skiing take place every spring in the Khibiny Mountains. Part of the Festival of the North, the Russian national championships and various downhill and freestyle cup competitions also take place here. The world’s most northern, polar-alpine botanical garden, planted in 1931, is situated five kms from the town and contains a rich collection of Arctic flora. In the mineralogical museum Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. 1. Kirovsk is situated on the shore of Lake Bolshoi Vudiavr and surrounded by the Khibiny Mountains. 2. It is the most picturesque town on the Kola Peninsula. 3. The town as it is called today appeared on the map in 1934, before which time it was called Khibinogorsk. 3.It was founded in the 1920s as a direct result of the discovery in the area of the world’s largest deposit of apatite. 4. Kirovsk is a splendid place to video and photograph and will leave a lasting A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. 7. Apatity 8. Monchegorsk one can become acquainted with the minerals of the Khibiny Mountains. Kirovsk is a splendid place to video and photograph and will leave a lasting impression on the visitor. The town of Apatity is situated at the geographical centre of the Kola Peninsula on the edge of the tundra. The Khibiny Mountains are nearby and the White Sea and the Barents Sea are just “a stone’s throw away”. Apatity is on the main highway and railway line, leading from the depths of Russia to the ice-free port of Murmansk. The new international Khibiny Airport was opened in 1993. Apatity is an industrial and scientific centre. 1996 is the 30th anniversary of the founding of the town and even though it is still very young, it is one of the largest in the region. Apatity is located on the shore of lake Imandra, which is the largest lake on the Kola Peninsula, and at the foot of the Khibiny Mountains, which are the highest in the area. The beautiful scenery of the surroundings makes the town particularly attractive. It is equally beautiful both during the long winter Polar Night, when the celestial Northern Lights appear in the sky, and during the White Nights with the unsetting summer sun. Around Apatity are numerous campsites, holiday centers and private allotments. Locals like to explain to visitors the origin of the town’s name. The mineral, apatite, is found in large quantities in the Khibiny Mountains. It is used for producing valuable fertilizers and for this reason it is sometimes called a fertile mineral. The local apatite deposit, which is the only deposit of apatite in Russia, is also the largest in the world, of which fact the citizens of Apatity are very proud. Monchegorsk stands on the shore of Lake Bolshaya Imandra. The town is very attractive and has many trees and shrubs. In summer it is very green and in fact “monche” in Lappish means beautiful. Being a far away from the impression on the visitor. 1. Where is Apatity situated? 2. When was the town founded? 3. What is the population of the Apatity? 4. What is the origin of the town’s name? 5. What towns and villages come under the administrative control of Apatity? 6. What do you know about Polarniye Zori? A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. 1. Location. 2. Different sightseeing. 3. Industries. 4. History. 5. The A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – 9. Lovozero nearest railway station the town is quite Monchegorsk and peaceful. Russian Orthodox In the town’s museum of Local Church. History and Economy you can find out all about Monchegorsk’s 60-year history. Well worth a visit, too, is the renowned Museum of Coloured Stones. Other places of interest are the park, the boat station, the Palace of Culture and the sport complex, which includes a swimming pool. At the entrance to the town is a statue of a man holding a pickaxe high over his head. The unusual monument is dedicated to the first explorers of the Monche tundra. Fairly recently, yet another landmark appeared in Monchegorsk of which the locals are very proud, the Monchegorsk Russian Orthodox Church. It is the largest church on the Kola Peninsula and was built with money donated by the Severonikel Industrial Complex. This was an unprecedented gift as money for the building of churches usually comes from the personal donations of ordinary people. Monchegorsk is one of the tourist centers of the Kola North. Many people come to the area to canoe down river, ski across country or go hiking and often their trip begins in Monchegorsk. The old village of Lovozero is the national administrative district of the Lapps, or Laplanders, the indigenous population of the Kola Peninsula. The first Lappish settlement pogost, in Lovozero was founded in the 16th century. The assimilation of the Lapps with the more numerous Slavonic population of the peninsula has, over the centuries, inevitably obscured the original culture of this national minority. However, during the last few decades, measures have been taken to revive the traditions and language, which had almost become extinct. Moreover, attempts are being made to create a written form of the Lapp language, something that had never existed before. The outlook is beginning to look brighter. Linguists have created textbooks and printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, dictionaries of the Lappish language. Some new and revived holidays, peculiar to the Lappish people, have become traditional events in the calendar, for example, the summer sport and folk games, the Bear Games, the Lappish Culture Day on May 24th and the Lappish Peoples’ Day on February 6th. In 1983 the local radio station started broadcasting in the Lapp language. In addition to Laplanders, representatives of other indigenous minorities, Komi and Nenets, also live in Lovozero, as well as Slavs. 10. The Kola Peninsula is one of the Ecological richest in the world in natural resources. problems on Discovery of ore deposits in the Khibiny the Kola region, Lovozero, Kovdor, Peninsula Monchegorsk predestined the development of large industrial mining and treatment companies. Annual damping of poisoned industrial wastes has led to ecological catastrophes. In 10 years the Kola Peninsula will be crossed with the belt of dead forests fully. Now this zone is extending constantly with 2-3 kms each year. Therefore, environmental pollution is the most important problem of our region. A great part of air pollution is caused by emissions from Nickel melting shop. Imagine, please, there are no grass and herbs around, like in horror films. This plant brought serious problems to the environment, not only to the Kola Peninsular but also to Finish and Norwegian lands. The Kola Peninsula is considered to be a region with an extremely dangerous ecological status threatening the northern people’s health and living conditions. The main reason of it is that the purification systems either don’t work at all or work insufficiently. For the past 5 years the atmosphere has continued to be polluted by various harmful substances with concentrations exceeding the maximum allowed levels. Speaking of water pollution, it is necessary to mention that the litter 1994. 1. The ecological situation has led to the necessity of realizing that environmental problems are not somebody else’s.. 2. The projects are run in cooperation with local administrations and nature reserves. A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. 11.Revision thrown by Apatic Company into the real pearl of Zapolyarye – the Imandra Lake, from which the dwellers of Apatity receive their drinking water, damages badly the environment. At the same time, the Severonickel Company emits thousands of tons of harmful substances. A large amount of heavy metals is concentrated in fish there and makes it practically inedible. During the past few years the illness rate in Monchegorsk has grown which is related to the respiration organs. The infant illness in skin disease is particularly high here. Another ecological problem, maybe the most serious, is radioactive contamination. Our region takes the first place in our country in the quantity of nuclear reactors per capita. Enterprises are widespread here, which put into practice various nuclear technologies. Among the civil objects, it is first of all the Kola nuclear power plant. At the Kola NPP there are four reactors, the first two were built in 1973 and 1974 and are considered to be the most dangerous ones in the whole of the former USSR. Representatives of Gosatomnadzor are saying that the number of incidents connected with construction defects is increasing. This means that to prolong the life of these two reactors with 5 to 7 years after 2003 will entail serious consequences. Moreover, low activity wastes of civil enterprises are saved in 30 km from Murmansk on five ships “Lotta”, “Lepse”, “Serebryanka”, “Volodarsk”, and “Imandra”, which are a few km long far from living blocks. All atomic ice-breaking fleet of Russia is also served in our region. TheWeather Flora, Fauna and Nature Population The Murmansk Region Murmansk Kola Kirovsk Apatity Monchegorsk Olenegorsk What do you know about the history of Murmansk Mass Media? What local newspapers do you know? Which of them do you usually read? What attracts you? A.Shutov, G.Archipov. Murmansk Region. Essential guide for tourists and businessmen. – printed in Finland, 1996. Kola Peninsula. Great business opportunities in Kovdor Lovozero Ecological problems on Kola Peninsula Are there any local TV stations in Murmansk? Which of them do you usually prefer to watch? What programs are you interested in? Explain your answer. Think about Murmansk radio stations. What programs are interesting, useful for you? Explain your answer. the richest region of the Russia. – Formap, 1994. Murmansk region. possibilities for co-operation. – Committee of press and information on the Murmansk regional administration, 1994. В основе содержания курса лежит пособие – Лукина М.М., Куликова Т.В., Степанова И.М., Орлова К.В., Горбунова Я.А. Kola North: Учебно-методическое пособие для учителей английского языка и студентов со второй специальностью «Английский язык». – Мурманск: МГПУ, 2004. – 39с. На кафедре ИЯ и МП МГПУ имеется в наличии печатные экземпляры пособия, а так же его электронный вариант. Данное учебно-методическое издание знакомит студентов с климатическими условиями, флорой и фауной Кольского Севера. Материалы, собранные в пособии позволяют учащимся обогатить знания о коренном населении Севера, городах Мурманской области, транспортной системе и экологической ситуации, сложившейся в данном регионе. Предлагаемые тексты и система упражнений к ним расширяют лексический запас и формируют умения монологической и диалогической речи по данной теме. Раздел 4. Словарь терминов (глоссарий). acid rains – кислотные дожди; аggravate – ухудшать; alive – живой; attain – приобретать; вody – тело; водный бассейн; сaesium – цезий; сall for – призывать к чему - либо; changeable – изменчивый; склонный к переменам; claim – заявлять; утверждать; consider – считать; полагать; costal – береговой; contamination – заражение; загрязнение; consider – считать; полагать; consumer – потребитель; покупатель; copper – медь; медный; converter – преобразователь; трансформатор; coke – кокс; dangerous – опасный; dead batteries – севшие батареи; decade – декада; десятилетие; deteriorate - ухудшать; deterioration – ухудшение; destroy – уничтожать; разрушать; device – прибор; disaster – катастрофа; diversion – многообразие; dust – пыль; прах; emission – выброс; endowment – снабжение; endless – бесконечный; environment – окружающая среда; elevated – увеличившийся; приподнятый; ex – бывший; exceed – превышать уровень, число; extremely – чрезвычайно; factory – завод; фабрика; fertilizer – удобрение; fraction – частичка; обломок; forecast – прогноз; ground – площадка, в том числе для испытаний; полигон; greenhouse effect – парниковый эффект; harm – вред; herbicide – гербицид; host – хозяин; количество; hydrocarbon – углеводород; ice-breaker – ледокол; inneficient engine – неэкономичный двигатель; it is worth doing something – стоит того, что бы это сделать; just – справедливый; justice – справедливость; justify – оправдывать; keep in touch – поддерживать связь, контакт; keep up with - поддерживать связь, контакт; быть в курсе дела; leaded gasoline – бензин с низким октановым числом, с большой примесью свинца; leukemia – лейкемия; list – список; mankind – человечество; mean – значить; military – военный; missile – ракета; mine – шахта, рудник; notably – особенно; nuclear – ядерный; occupancy – населенность; overwhelm – преобладать; ozone holes – озоновые дыры; pesticide – пестициды; poison – яд, отрава; poison – отравлять; pollution – загрязнение; pollute – загрязнять; plutonium – плутоний; protection – защита; protect – защищать; pose – показывать; purification – очистка; очистной; recуcling – вторичная переработка; reason – причина; research data – исследовательские данные; responsible – ответственный; responsibility – ответственность; remain – оставаться; rise – подъём; run off – смыв во время паводка; technology – технология; testing area – полигон; topical problem – актуальная проблема; thoughtless – бездумный; threat – угроза; inflow – приток; invention – изобретение; isotope – изотоп; iodine – йод; quality – качество; quantity – количество; salinity – солёность; shallow – мелкий; significant – значительный; steel – сталь; still birth – рождение мёртвого ребёнка; soil – почва; source – источник; ресурс; strontium – стронций; substance – вещество; sulphur dioxide – оксид серы; survival – спасение; выживание; thermal power plant – термоэлектростанция, ТЭЦ waste – трата; расход; потеря; wasteless – безотходный; wasteful – расточительный; warning – предупреждение; weapon – оружие; unsafe – небезопасный; unruined – неразрушенный; upwards – выше; X-rays – рентгеновские лучи; уard – двор; zone - зона Раздел 5.Практикум по решению задач (практических ситуаций) по темам лекций (одна из составляющих частей итоговой государственной аттестации) – не предусмотрено. Раздел 6. Изменения в рабочей программе, которые произошли после утверждения программы – нет. Характер изменений в программе Номер и дата протокола заседания кафедры, на котором было принято данное решение Подпись заведующего кафедрой, утверждающего внесенное изменение Подпись декана факультета (проректора по учебной работе), утверждающего данное изменение Раздел 7. Учебные занятия по дисциплине ведут: Ф.И.О., ученое звание и степень преподавателя Карасёв А.А., ст. преподаватель Учебный год Факультет 2009-2010 ЕГФ Карасёв А.А., ст. преподаватель 2010-2011 ЕФКиБЖД Специальность 050103 География со специализацией «Социальная география Скандинавских стран и туризм» 050103 География со специализацией «Социальная география Скандинавских стран и туризм»