НОВОСИБИРСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ АГРАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ VETERINARY MEDICINE Методические указания по английскому языку Новосибирск 2010 Кафедра иностранных языков Рецензент: доц. Т.Я.Запорожец. VETERINARY MEDICINE: Метод. указания по английскому языку /Новосиб.гос аграр уни – т; сост: Е.Ю.Сементовская, Н.А.Комлева. – Новосибирск, 2010. – 34 с. Методические указания предназначены для студентов первого и второго курса ветеринарного факультета очного и заочного отделений. Цель методических указаний – ознакомить студентов с формами и конструкциями, специфичными для языка научных текстов, с необходимым минимумом ветеринарной терминологии и подготовить их к чтению и беспереводному пониманию оригинальной литературы по специальности. Методические указания состоят из 32 адаптированных текстов по специальности описательного и повествовательного характера. В конце каждого текста имеется словарь терминов. Читать и прорабатывать тексты следует во 2-м семестре первого года обучения иностранному языку в вузе. Утверждены и рекомендованы к изданию методической комиссией факультета государственного и муниципального управления (протокол № 4 от 2 апреля 2009г.) © Новосибирский государственный аграрный университет, 2010 2 PART 1. ZOOLOGY TEXT 1. MAN AND OTHER LIVING THINGS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Man is the dominant species on earth. When man looks around him, he must realize that he shares his home, our planet, with a vast number of other living things. Man himself is a mammal and also are many of the animals with whom he is most closely associated: the dogs and cats which often share his life; the cows and sheep and pigs upon which he feeds; the oxen, donkeys and horses which, until very recently, pulled his ploughs, carried his burdens and gave him his most effective means of transport; and the rats and mice which, even in an age when hygiene has become a fetish, still manage to appear as unwelcome guests in his home. Quite apart from such familiar creatures, a richly varied cast of wild mammals is still spread in astonishing diversity over the face of the earth. Wordlist species to share creature plough burden mammal биол. вид делить, жить вместе существо плуг ноша млекопитающее животное 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 2. HOW DO MAMMALS DIFFER FROM THEIR VERTEBRATE COUSINES? 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. All mammals belong to the important division of the animal 3 kingdom as the Vertebrata, or "backboned animals". But reptiles, birds, amphibians and fishes are vertebrates too. All mammals have lungs and breathe atmospheric air. But so do birds and reptiles, as well as most adult amphibians. Practically every mammal gives birth to living young, but many reptiles and fish also do this. Mammals are warm-blooded, but we can say the same of birds. How then do mammals differ from their vertebrate cousins? What are the typical mammalian qualities that they share among themselves? A most important distinction between mammals and other vertebrates is that all mammals – and only mammals – produce milk with which they feed their young. Another important distinction between mammals and all other vertebrates, indeed, all other living things – is that only mammals possess true hair. A hairy covering is particularly important to mammals as a protection against rain and cold. Wordlist vertebrate reptile amphibian позвоночное животное пресмыкающееся животное земноводное животное 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 3. TYPICAL INTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAMMALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Mammals have a number of internal characteristics which are especially typical, though perhaps less obvious. The number of their skull bones is reduced, as compared with other vertebrates, and each half of the lower jaw consists of a single bone. The teeth are typically differentiated and specialized. In the circulatory system, the left aortic arch forms the connection with the heart, as compared to the right aortic arch in birds. A muscular wall, or diaphragm, separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. 4 Certainly the most important single factor, which gives mammals their superiority over other animals, is the development of their brain. The mammalian brain is a complex and highly organized structure, much more advanced than that of any other animal. This development also has been made possible by the capacity for heat regulation, which has been such an advantage to mammals in other ways. The ability to maintain the complex activities of the cerebral cortex in the higher mammals, and to store memories, is very largely dependent on the ability to maintain a constant body temperature. Wordlist internal lungs skull jaw circulatory system muscular diaphragm aortic arch chest abdominal cavity heat cerebral cortex анат. внутренние органы легкие череп челюсть система кровообращения мышечный; мускульный; мускулистый диафрагма дуга аорты грудь, грудная клетка брюшная полость температура кора головного мозга 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 4. THREE MAIN SUBCLASSES OF MAMMALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The living members of the class mammalia are today divided into three main subclasses, according to differences in their anatomy and the manner in which they bear their young. First are the monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, of which there are only two families. Second are the marsupials, or mammals with pouches for carrying their young, which are comparatively undeveloped, even embryonic in appearance, at birth. Third, and by far the largest group, are the placentals, mammals whose young grow and develop within the mother's body, nourished by means of an organ known as the placenta, which forms a connecting link between their blood streams. 5 These three major divisions developed very early in mammalian history and each of them evolved thereafter quite independently of the others. But these three main divisions are just the beginning. Living mammals are further divided into 18 smaller groups or orders. Subdivisions of each order are also made-families, genera, and species according to the degree of evolutionary kinship. In addition to any popular name or names it may have, each species of animal known to zoologists is given a scientific name. Wordlist subclass to bear monotreme egg-laying marsupial pouch embryonic placental blood order genus (Pl.genera) degree of kinship подкласс носить клоачные, однопроходные яйцекладущие сумчатое животное сумка эмбриональный плацентарное животное кровь биол. отряд биол. род степень родства 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 5. DIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF A MAMMAL (THE WOLF) 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The system by which individual kinds of mammals are scientifically named within the large categories can be seen by taking a familiar example, the wolf. First of all, the wolf belongs to the class mammalian. Then it falls in a group made up of the placental mammals, and is further separated into the order Carnivora, or meateating mammals. To distinguish it from such other meat eaters as cats, weasels and the like, it is placed in the family Canidae, that of the doglike carnivores. Together with various other closely related species, it is included in the genus Canis, which separates it from 6 such closely allied groups as the foxes and the bush dogs. The specific name of the wolf is Canis lupus, distinguishing it from all near relatives, such as the coyote (Canis Latrans) and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Wordlist плотоядное животное, хищник зоол. ласка зоол. собака кустарниковая собака; лесная собака луговой волк, койот Carnivora weasel Canis bush dog coyote 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 6. HOW PLANTS AND ANIMALS GET THEIR NOURISHING FUEL 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Food is the fuel which makes the body machine work, and without it living things quickly lose their energy and eventually die. Plants do not ‘eat’ in the sense that we usually understand that term, but they synthesize organic food, using chemicals in the soil and the air as ingredients, and the rays of the sun as the source of energy. The lowest animals, on the other hand, absorb their nourishment directly through their body coverings. Thus the amoeba, although lacking a mouth, surrounds food particles and absorbs them through the flexible membrane in which it is enclosed. In the higher animals this process of taking in food has become much more complex. To get their essential nourishing fuel and to break it down for energy, mammals, like other vertebrates, have to perform a whole series of complicated operations. First, of course, each animal has to find an actual supply of the kind of food suited to its particular bodily needs. Second, the animal must actually get the food into its mouth. But its only the beginning of the process. Wordlist to synthesize синтезировать 7 chemical covering amoeba flexible membrane химическое вещество покров амеба гибкий, эластичный перепонка, оболочка, пленка 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 7. HOW MAMMALS EAT 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. After finding food and getting it to the mouth a further complex sequence of events must occur before the food can perform its function of nourishing the animal and keeping it alive. First the mouth itself must be equipped with suitable machinery for dealing with the particular food which it receives. In most mammals this machinery is provided by the teeth, and these vary enormously from species to species in arrangement and structure. When a mammal swallows food, usually after chewing it, the food passes into the oesophagus, a simple passage which conveys it quickly to the much wider envelope known as the stomach. Here the proteins are broken down by the action of the gastric juices, and the food goes on to the small intestine. Now reduced to a sort of mash, it continues to break down into simpler components, some of which are immediately absorbed into the blood stream. These processes continue in the caecum and large intestine. Nourishing matter is absorbed in different proportions into the blood stream as the journey proceeds. Finally, the unused residue is passed out through the rectum and returns to the soil as manure to enrich the food supply on which future generations may feed. Wordlist machinery oesophagus passage envelope stomach protein gastric juice 8 механизм пищевод проход оболочка желудок протеин, белок желудочный сок intestines кишечник intestine small intestine large intestine blood stream caecum nourishing matter residue rectum manure кишка тонкая кишка толстая кишка поток крови слепая кишка питательное вещество остатки прямая кишка удобрение 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 8. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: BALANCED RATION 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Livestock management is an art that has been developed from years of observation and experience in breeding and caring for farm animals. The practitioner or specialist is called an animal husbandman. His duty is to keep the animals under his care in health and to nurse them when sick. He must apply the fundamentals of livestock management to do everything within his power to maintain conditions most conducive to animal health. A sufficient quantity of palatable and nutritious feed is needed by animals in order to maintain their condition and production. A balanced ration must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. The properties of these components should be varied with the purpose for which the animals are kept. For instance, the ration of a high-producing dairy cow should include a relatively large amount of minerals and carbohydrates and should be fed according to the pounds of milk produced. Too much feed of excellent quality may be as injurious as too little. Wordlist livestock husbandman condition conducive palatable carbohydrate домашний скот животновод условие, состояние здоровья благоприятный вкусный, питательный углевод 9 свойство молочная корова вредный property dairy cow injurious 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 9. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: PURE WATER 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Drinking water should be supplied plentifully and be fresh and kept reasonably clean. For the dairy barn, individual drinking cups to keep water before the cows constantly drink it are highly recommended. It is reported that they increase milk production 10 per cent. A supply of water should be available in yards and pastures. Care should be taken to guard the water from filth of all kinds as polluted water is unfit for drinking purposes. The yellow-green scum that appears in troughs during the summer is not, in itself, harmful, but, it may catch and hold dangerous microbes. This vegetable growth may be killed by emptying the water and thoroughly scrubbing the trough with a 5 per cent solution of blue vitriol. The drinking cups become foul through decomposition of accumulated refuse and saliva, so need similar attention from time to time. Domestic water supplies are made safe by chlorination. Wordlist pasture filth trough solution blue vitriol foul decomposition saliva to be made safe пастбище грязь, отбросы корыто, кормушка раствор медный купорос, серно-кислая медь загрязненный, стоячий (о воде) разложение, расщепление, гниение слюна обезвреживаться 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 10 TEXT 10. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: DIRECT SUNLIGHT & CLEAN STABLES 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Nature's means of controlling diseases and promoting growth of both plants and animals is through the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Accordingly barns should be built with plenty of windows to admit an abundance of sunshine. To be most effective the sunlight must be direct, as the passing of the light through window glass filters out its growth-giving and germkilling properties. Stables should be designed in order to keep the animals clean. Manure should be removed daily and drawn to the field or stored at some distance from the stable. Stables should be disinfected at least twice a year. Whitewashing the walls aids in maintaining sanitation. Attention should be paid to arrangement for making the barn work easy and to prevent crowding. Among the points which must be considered in planning the stables are the following: the site, the building materials, the walls, ceilings and floors, the lighting, and the drainage. Protection against fire by such means as fire hose and lightning rods is good insurance. Wordlist abudance germ manure sanitation hose lightning rod изобилие, избыток, большое количество микроб навоз улучшение санитарных условий, санация; санитария брандспойт молниеотвод 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 11. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: GROOMING & SUITABLE YARDS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. 11 Keeping the hair and skin in good condition by grooming and occasional washing improves both the health and appearance of the animals. Such attention tends to promote cleanliness, especially of the milk. Wiping the udder and teats just before milking with a paper towel moistened with a solution of sodium hypochlorite is good practice. Barnyards, paddocks, and open pens provide places for animals to exercise and secure fresh air. They must be well drained and fenced, and sheltered from the wind. When animals are forced to wade through mud and ashes they are much more subject to diseases and injuries of the udder and feet. By concreting low places in the barnyard the nuisance of the mud-hole and wallow may be overcome. If animals are fed in the yard, suitable racks should be provided to prevent wasting the feed and to keep it clean. Wordlist grooming udder teat sodium hypochlorite paddock pen to subject nuisance mud-hole wallow уход за животным вымя сосок хлорновато-кислый натрий загон, выгон загон для скота подвергать(ся) помеха, неудобство яма, наполненная грязью лужа; место, куда приходят валяться животные 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 12. THE BEAVER 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. General facts. The name "beaver" comes from an old English word "bever", and it is believed that it is intended to designate the colour for which this animal is noted. The average adult weighs from 30 to 50 pounds, although occasionally heavier specimens are found. 12 The home of the Beaver is anywhere where inland bodies of water are found, whether stream, river, pond, or lake. It builds large huts in which it lives and dams across the water. This is done by felling trees, some of which are quite large. The wide flat tail is not used as a trowel, but rather as a means of steering in the water, and as an alarm signal. Besides building the huts, the Beaver makes long canals and underground dug-outs, which also serve as a home for the female and the young. Food. The Beaver is herbivorous. It feeds on the bark of the trees as well as small bushes such as the hazel. Its principal food is the inner bark, usually of willow, birch and aspen. Conifers are rarely touched by the Beaver. Breeding. The mating season is usually from the first of February to the middle of March, and the young are born in late May and early June. There is one litter annually. There are usually 3 or 4 young, but there may be 5 or 6. It takes from 2 to 2.5 years for a Beaver to mature. Enemies. The natural enemies of the Beaver are the larger predatory animals, of which the Lynx, the Wolf, and the Wolverine are examples; but, as its home is usually surrounded by, or under, the water, it is quite well protected against their depredations. Wordlist specimen flat female herbivorous conifer mating litter (to) mature predatory образец; экземпляр; представитель плоский самка травоядный хвойное дерево спаривание, случка выводок зрелый, спелый; созревать хищный 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a description of any mammal. Use the scheme given below for the description: general background, food, breeding and enemies. 13 PART 2. MICROBIOLOGY TEXT 13. CELL STRUCTURE 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. A cell is a mass of protoplasm enclosed within a limiting membrane, and in plants within an additional cell wall, whose activities are controlled and directed by a nucleus. The two basic and essential components of the cell are the nucleus and the cytoplasm, including its organelles. The nucleus is suspended in the cytoplasm and is usually located near the center of the cell. The plasma membrane is located at the surface of the cytoplasmic portion of the cell. The plasma membrane is composed of both proteins and lipids. It is elastic and can spontaneously repair itself from minor tearing, but more severe injury usually results in disintegration of the cell. The plasma membrane holds the contents of the cell together and separates the cell as a distinct functional unit of protoplasm. Perhaps the most important function of the plasma membrane is to allow, through its selective ability or semipermeability, the passage of materials into and out of the cell by means of diffusion, osmosis, and active transport. Waste materials of metabolism, as well as any secretory products, must pass to the outside of the cell. The plasma membrane is for these interchanges between the cell and its environment and thus has a very significant role in maintaining the ‘life’ of the cell. Wordlist cell nucleus organelle tearing disintegration semipermeability клетка ядро органоид, органелла рана, порыв разделение на составные части, дезинтеграция, распад полупроницаемость 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 14 TEXT 14. VIROLOGY 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. About 100 years have passed from the moment of the isolation of a filterable virus by the Russian scientist Dmitriy Iosifovich Ivanovsky (1864-1920). Virology as science has made great progress since then. The most important discoveries in this field of science have taken place during last 30-40 years. The problem of studying oncogenic viruses, the causative agents of cancer in animals is of great interest both for physicians and veterinary doctors. Viruses which cause leukemia and sarcoma in poultry have been isolated long ago. H. Ellermann and T. Bang (1908) isolated the virus in avian leucosis and Francis Rous (1911) discovered the causative agent in avian sarcoma. Unfortunately, nobody paid attention to those findings for a long time. In the thirtieth of the XX century the above mentioned agents were used by medical scientists as models for investigations of some problems of carcinogenesis. Wordlist oncogenic viruse causative agent avian virus онкогенный вирус возбудитель птичий вирус 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 15. VIRUSES AND MALIGNANT DISEASES IN ANIMALS AND POULTRY 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Professor Lev Alexandrovich Zil’ber (1894-1966), the Soviet scientist, is the founder of virus-genetic origin of cancer. But Zil’ber's hypothesis had a lot of opponents as the study of oncogenic viruses was not developed to a considerable extent. One of their main 15 arguments was the fact that it was impossible to isolate the virus from a cancerous cell. In connection with the development of oncovirology it was established that the presence of the virus was not obligatory in the cell but its trace might be found there. This fact became evident after the discovery of revertase. This ferment is always present in the viruses causing leucosis in poultry or mice. Its presence showed a destructive action produced by the virus on the cell genome. In other words the virus affecting the genome of the cell converted it into a cancerous one. And, eventually, the virus might be present in the cell genome in a defective state as a provirus but under certain conditions it could involve the cell mechanism and change the cell into a malignant one. These data brought triumph to the virus-genetic theory of cancer origin. More and more evidence are accumulated in favour of this theory. A large amount of oncogenic viruses, such as: DNA-type and RNA-type have been isolated and investigated. Wordlist malignant virus-genetic origin of cancer revertase to involve DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) RNA злокачественный, болезнетворный вирусогенетическая теория рака фермент, ревертаза поражать (болезнью) ДНК (дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота) рибонуклеиновая кислота 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 16. MAMMALS AS VECTORS OF HUMAN DISEASES 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. There are many carriers of infectious zoonotic diseases, both protozoan and helminthic, among mammals. Many of these vectors belong to the order of ungulates; brucellosis and tuberculosis are transmitted through the milk of cows, goats, and sheep; goat's milk is also a vehicle of the virus of spring-summer encephalitis; horned cattle are a source of human infestation with anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease; horses transmit glanders. Beef 16 that has not been sufficiently cooked presents a threat of infestation with the beef tapeworm, and pork can be the source of infestation with the pork tapeworm and of trichinosis. Representatives of the order of carnivores, particularly stray dogs, are potential vectors of visceral leishmaniasis (kalaazar). Domestic dogs and cats are a source of rabies and toxoplasmosis in man. Dogs and wild carnivores as well as cats, are responsible for the spread of some helminthic diseases. The numerous order of rodents is very important medically. The incisors of these animals are shaped like chisels; having no roots they grow throughout the life of the animal. Since the food of rodents consists of hard bark, grain, etc.; their incisors are constantly worn down, and therefore never become over-long. Many rodents are crops pests, and many are vectors and reservoirs of grave infections. Among the vectors are mice, rats, hamsters, gophers, voles, etc. Plague, tularaemia, and other infections can be transmitted through rodents. Tularaemia, for instance, penetrates the mucous membranes and skin if persons who drink water drawn from source contaminated by infested animals; it is also transmitted by ticks and bloodsucking insects, carrying the infection from rodents to man. Wordlist vector zoonotic protozoan helminthic ungulate brucellosis tuberculosis to transmit vehicle encephalitis infestation anthrax foot-and-mouth disease glanders tapeworm trichinosis stray dog visceral leishmaniasis rabies toxoplasmosis переносчик инфекции относящийся к зоонозу микроорганизмы, простейшие гельминтозный копытное животное бруцеллёз туберкулёз передавать, переносить средство переноса, переносчик энцефалит заражение сибирская язва ящур сап ленточный червь, цестода трихинеллёз бродячая собака относящийся к внутренним органам лейшманиоз висцеральный, кала-азар бешенство токсоплазмоз 17 to be responsible for rodent incisor reservoir of infection plague tularaemia to penetrate mucous contaminated являться причиной грызун передний зуб, резец источник, очаг инфекции, резервуар заразы чума туляремия проникать внутрь, проходить сквозь слизистый загрязненный, заражённый 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. PART 3. ANATOMY. PHYSIOLOGY TEXT 17. ANATOMY 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Anatomy is the branch of biological science which deals with the form and structure of organisms, both animal and vegetal. It is therefore in close correlation with physiology which deals with the function of the body. In the anatomical study two chief methods are employed – the systematic and topographic. In the systematic the body is regarded as consisting of organ systems which are similar in origin and structure and are associated in the performance of certain functions. The term topographic anatomy designates the methods by which the relative position of the various parts of the body is accurately determined. A physiological study is that treating of an organism’s healthy and normal functioning, contrasted with pathological treating of diseases, their essential nature and causes. Wordlist to employ to be regarded to designate использовать, применять считаться обозначать 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 18 TEXT 18. ORGANS AND ORGAN SYSTEMS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The body of any animal consists of several organ systems; each specialized by structure and function to perform some essential physiological process such as digestion, circulation, etc. These systems are integrated to work harmoniously with each other. Each system is composed of several organs, which individually perform some part of the general function; in the digestive system, the mouth is for food taking, the stomach for storage and digestion, and so on. An organ, in turn, is formed of several layers or parts known as tissues; and each tissue is composed of many microscopic cells, usually of like kind. The wall of the stomach contains four principal tissue layers, including digestive and gland cells, muscle cells, connective tissues, and others. The substances comprising the cells are known collectively as protoplasm. Wordlist digestion tissue пищеварение ткань 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 19. BODY COVERING 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. In higher animals the body covering is a skin, or integument, consisting of an outer epidermis over an underlying derma that contains blood vessels, nerves and pigment. The land vertebrates have a stratified epidermis of several cell layers. The outermost layer becomes hardened, or cornified, as a more resistant covering and is continually renewed by growth of new layers from the base of epidermis. On reptiles, birds, and mammals the cornified part is dry and tough. So it helps to resist wear in dry environments. Birds are 19 covered by feathers; these are dry, non-living cornified products of the epidermis that insulate the body, provide streamlined exterior contours of bodily form, and make the broad surfaces of wings and tails used for flight. The skin of mammals is covered by hairs, another type of cornified epidermal product, also serving for insulation. Both feathers and hair are replaced periodically by moult of the old and growth of new coverings. Only the birds and mammals with their heat-conserving body covering are ‘warm-blooded’, with regulated body temperature. All other animals are ‘cold-blooded’; their body temperatures are essentially at those of the environments in which they live. The human skin resembles that of other animals but is scantily haired on most parts. Evaporation of the watery perspiration secreted by the sweat glands helps to regulate the body temperature in hot environments. Other cornified epidermal products include the horns of cattle and sheep, the claws, nails, hoofs, and horny pads on the feet of various vertebrates, the beak and shank coverings on birds. Cornified materials are all highly insoluble proteins (keratins) that are quite resistant to wear and chemical disintegration. Wordlist integument vessel stratified outermost cornified wear moult scantily streamlined evaporation perspiration sweat gland horny pad shank кожа, наружный покров сосуд слоистый самый наружный, поверхностный ороговевший изнашивание, износ линька скудно, слабо обтекаемый испарение пот, потение потовая железа роговой мякиш пятка; подколенок; плюсна 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 20 TEXT 20. THE DIGESTIVE, CIRCULATORY & RESPIROTARY SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The association of organs with each other to carry out particular functions results in organ systems. Ten organ systems are commonly recognized in animals. The digestive system is composed of such organs as the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, and liver. All of these organs function together, primarily through the action of digestive enzymes, to break down food particles into molecules that are small enough to be absorbed into the blood stream. The circulatory system is composed of the heart, the blood vessels, blood, the lymphatic vessels, and lymph. This system transports materials from one part of the body to another. The circulatory system also transports hormones and helps to regulate the body temperature and protect the body against disease. The respiratory system is composed of the lungs and the related air passages such as the nasal cavity, the pharynx, the trachea, and the bronchial tubes. The function of this system is twofold: 1) it supplies all of the cells within the body with the oxygen they need to carry on respiration, and 2) it removes the carbon dioxide and some of the water that is a waste product of respiration. In some animals, other organs of respiration have evolved. For example, fish possess gills, insects have a series of tubules through which air flows, and a number of organisms, particularly the more primitive ones, carry on an oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange through the body surface. Wordlist digestive system pancreas respiratory nasal cavity carbon dioxide evolve tubules пищеварительная система поджелудочная железа дыхательный носовая полость двуокись кислорода развиваться трубочка, каналец 2. Choose and underline 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 21 TEXT 21. THE EXCRETORY, SKELETAL, MUSCULAR & INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The excretory system provides the body with a means of ridding itself of metabolic waste materials. The primary excretory organs are the kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. The skeletal system is composed of varying amounts of bone and cartilage, depending upon the group of animals. The skeletal system provides a supporting framework for the body, a system of joints, and places of attachment for skeletal muscles. In the vertebrates, this system also serves to protect such organs as the brain, the spinal cord, and the organs contained within the rib cage. The marrow tissue within the cavities of long bones and ribs is the source of red blood cells and certain kinds of white blood cells. The muscular system involves all of the muscle tissues within the body. The contraction of these tissues, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a response to a nerve impulse. The integumentary system is composed of the skin and the specialized structures, such as hair, scales, feathers and nails, which develop from it. Although the primary purpose of this system is protection, such functions as respiration, excretion, the reception of stimuli, and the production of secretions are also sometimes carried out by the integument. Wordlist excretion cartilage cord marrow muscle voluntary scales выделение хрящ анат. канатик, тяж; связка, пуповина, хорда костный мозг мышца, мускул произвольный чешуя 2. Choose and underline 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 22 TEXT 22. THE NERVOUS, REPRODUCTIVE & ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The nervous system is composed of the brain, the spinal cord, all the peripheral nerves, and the sensory parts of those organs concerned with receiving stimuli from the external or internal environment. Not only does the nervous system receive the stimuli and conduct the nerve impulses that cause an organism to respond, but it also integrates and coordinates the various body parts in accordance with the information received in the form of stimuli. In higher animals, this system permits the processes which we term intelligence – thought, reasoning, and memory. The reproductive system has as its sole function the perpetuation of the species through the production of new organisms. The organs involved include the gonads (the testes and ovaries) with their various associated ducts and glands. The asexual methods of reproduction characteristic of primitive forms do not involve reproductive organs. The endocrine system consists of the ductless glands, the glands which produce chemical regulators called hormones. Hormones are highly specific in their effects. The thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands are examples of organs which compose this system. Wordlist stimulus (Pl. stimuli) thought and reasoning to perpetuate gonads testis ovary duct gland asexual thyroid pituitary adrenal возбудитель, стимул мышление и рассудок сохранить навсегда половые железы семенник яичник проток, канал железа бесполый щитовидная железа гипофиз, нижний придаток надпочечная железа, надпочечник 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 23 TEXT 23.THE SKELETON 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The skeleton is composed of a varying number of bones in the different animals, and it can vary even among individuals of the same species and breed. These variations are due to age in some cases, the younger animals have certain bones separate that fuse together later; while in the tails of all animals the number of bones is likely to differ according to the varying length of that structure in animals of the same breed and size. The skeleton is divided into: l) an axial part, consisting of the skull, the vertebral, the ribs with their cartilages, and the sternum or breastbone; and 2) an appendicular portion, consisting of the four limbs. In addition to these divisions, certain parts of the skeleton are embedded in the substance of organs, and are described as the visceral skeleton, e.g. the bones in the tongue, that in the heart of the ox, the snout of the pig, etc. Wordlist to fuse vertebra (p1. vertebrae) rib cartilages of ribs sternum appendicular limb to embed e.g. (= for example) snout срастаться, скреплять позвонок ребро реберные хрящи грудина мед. аппендикулярный; зоол. относящийся к придатку или отростку конечность находиться, заключать, внедрять например рыльце, рыло, морда 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 24.THE SKELETONS OF THE OX AND THE HORSE: THE SKULL, THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND THE RIBS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. 24 The term skull is used to define all of the bones of the head. In the horned breeds the frontal bone carry variously shaped horn cores, and upper incisor teeth are absent from the incisive bone. The vertebral column is the fundamental part of the skeleton. It extends from the skull to the end of the tail and has five regions. The vertebrae are designated as cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal. In the ox the vertebral column differs from that of the horse in that 1) the bones of the neck are shorter and smaller; 2) there are 12 thoracic vertebrae which are larger but fewer; 3) the number of lumber vertebrae is the same, i.e. 6; 4) the sacrum possesses the same number of bones, but they are longer and more completely fused; and 5) the coccygeal vertebrae are longer and better developed and number from 16 to 21. The ribs are curved bones. The ribs are arranged in pairs which correspond in number to the thoracic vertebrae. They are 13 in number; each is broader, longer, less curved, and less regular than in horse. The first 8 are sternal and the last 5 nonsternal. The sternum is longer in the horse. Wordlist breed incisive bone cervical thoracic lumbar sacral caudal i.e. = id est sacrum coccygeal curved порода межчелюстная кость шейный грудной поясничный крестцовый хвостовой т.е. (то есть), а именно крестец копчиковый дугообразный 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 25.THE SKELETONS OF THE OX AND THE HORSE.THE LIMBS AND THE PELVIC GIRDLE 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. 25 The fore-limb presents a number of small differences in the scapular and humeral regions. In this part the shaft of the ulna is much more developed. It is almost completely fused to the shaft of the radius except for two small areas. The carpus consists of 6 bones, 4 in the upper row and 2 in the lower. The metacarpal region differs in that there are two large metacarpals completely fused together except at their lower ends, and a small metacarpal lying on the outside of the limb. The lower extremity of the fused metacarpal is split into two parts, each of which meets the phalanx corresponding to it at the fetlock joint. There are 4 digits present in the ox, but only the two central ones are well developed, the outer ones are very rudimentary. Each of the large digits has 3 phalanges. The pelvis is large and rough. The femur has a small shaft and a small head, and it does not possess so many muscular irregularities. The tibia and fibula have the same bones in the horse. The shaft of the fibula is not developed in bone. The bones of the tarsus or hock number 5, fusion having taken place between two pairs. Below the hock the hind-limb is similar to the fore-limb. Wordlist pelvic girdle fore-limb scapular humeral shaft ulna radius carpus metacarpal metacarpus extremity fetlock joint digit lowermost pelvis femur head of femur tibia fibula tarsus hock hind-limb тазовый пояс передняя конечность лопатка плечевая область тело( длинной) кости, диафиз локтевая кость лучевая кость запястье относящийся к пястью; кость пясти пясть конечность путовый сустав палец самый нижний таз бедро, бедренная кость маклок большеберцовая кость малоберцовая кость заплюсна скакательный сустав задняя конечность 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 26 TEXT 26. THE SKIN 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. The skin covers the surface of the body and consists of two main layers, the surface epithelium or epidermis and the subjacent, connective tissue layer — the corium or derma. Beneath the derma there is a loose connective tissue layer, the superficial fascia or hypodermis, which in many places is transformed into subcutaneousfatty tissue. The hypodermis is connected with underlying deep fasciae, aponeuroses or periosteum. The skin is continuous with several mucous membranes through mucocutaneous junctions, the most important of which are the vermilion border of the lip, the vulva and the anus. The skin protects the organism from injurious external influences, receives sensory impulses from the outside, excretes various substances and, in warm-blooded animals, helps to regulate the temperature of the body. The skin is provided with hairs, nails, and glands of various kinds. There is a sharp boundary between the epithelial and the connective tissue portions of the skin, but not between the derma and the hypodermis; here the fibers of one layer pass directly over into the other. The surface of contact between the epidermis and the derma is uneven in most places. It appears as a straight line only on the forehead, the external ear and some other parts of the body. In most of the skin of the body the outer portion of the derma is provided with a series of irregular ridges called papillae; into the spaces between them the lower layers of the epidermis intrude. Wordlist subjacent derma loose connective tissue superficial fascia subcutaneous aponeurosis расположенный ниже у основания кожа рыхлый биол. соединительная ткань поверхностный; внешний, неглубокий тканная оболочка подкожный сухожильное растяжение, 27 periosteum mucocutaneous junction fiber ridge плоское широкое сухожилие; апоневроз анат. надкостница, периост относящийся к коже и слизистым оболочкам место соединения волокно гребень, вал, бугорок 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. PART 4. BIOCHEMISTRY TEXT 27. HORMONES 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Hormones constitute a chemical control mechanism. They do not belong to any particular group of chemical compounds, although all are organic in nature, some being proteins, other peptides, amino acids, or steroids. In all probability hormones act as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes, or they may influence the synthesis of enzymes or coenzymes. Hormones are effective in very low concentrations and are highly specific in their effects, exerting their control upon particular tissues and organs that are often far removed from their site of synthesis. Transport between the site of synthesis and the site of activity is accomplished in vascular plants by diffusion from cell to cell and through the phloem. In higher animals hormones are transported by the circulatory system. All of the hormones produced by an organism are essential to the normal functioning of its body and a deficiency or an oversecretion of any one will produce characteristic pathological conditions. The responses controlled by hormones are in general much slower than those under nervous control. The time required for muscles and glands to respond to nervous control is measured in milliseconds, whereas hormones often require hours and even weeks to effect a response. Wordlist compound in all probability 28 соединение по всей вероятности site phloem (to) response местонахождение, местоположение, расположение бот. флоэма, лубяная ткань реакция, реагирование 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 28. ANIMAL HORMONES 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Hormones in vertebrates are secreted by endocrine glands. The immediate stimulus for the secretory activity of these glands is provided by motor neurons from the central nervous system. The secretions of these ‘ductless’ glands are absorbed directly into the blood stream for transportation to the regions of the body where they exert their influences. Some glands of the endocrine system such as thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, and adrenals function only to secrete hormones. Others, such as the pancreas, ovaries, and testis, have both endocrine and exocrine functions. Exocrine secretions leave the gland by way of a duct. For example, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone which regulates carbohydrate metabolism, and several digestive enzymes which act in the duodenum. The functions of an endocrine gland are generally investigated by observing the effect of the surgical removal of the gland. If the experimental animal is then provided with another source of the hormone, either through transplants from other animals or by injecting hormonal extracts, additional information becomes available. Hormones may be synthesized artificially or they may be extracted and purified from the gland itself or from the blood or urine of an animal. The availability of some hormones makes possible hormone therapy or the treatment of a hormone deficiency through injections of that hormone into the body. Wordlist motor neuron ductless parathyroid duodenum removal моторный нейрон не имеющий выводного протока паращитовидная (околощитовидная) железа двенадцатиперстная кишка удаление 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 29 TEXT 29. MINERALS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen form approximately 96 per cent of the compounds that make up protoplasm. A number of other elements are required in smaller amounts, however, for the normal functioning of protoplasm. These elements are present in the form of mineral salts or inorganic nutrients known as chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, carbonates, etc. The salts of calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, sodium, and magnesium are present in relatively large amounts. Much smaller amounts of iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, vanadium, and selenium may be present. The latter group is referred to as trace elements or micronutrients, whereas the former group is referred to as macronutrients. Macronutrients are needed in relatively large amounts because they function both in a structural capacity and in some metabolic processes. The elements are thought to be specific components or activators of enzyme systems. Wordlist carbon hydrogen nitrogen potassium sulfur manganese fluorine trace element capacity углерод водород азот калий сера марганец фтор микроэлемент емкость, вместимость, объём; способность 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 30. MINERAL BALANCE 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Mineral balance like vitamin balance is dependent on the amount of each substance present in the food, the efficiency of absorption 30 through the digestive tract, the utilization and storage by the tissues, and the removal through the urine, feces, and sweat. The level of utilization, in turn, is affected by the physiological state of the individual, being highest in the growing child and during pregnancy and lactation. Almost all the foods that make up the well-balanced diet contain small amounts of the essential minerals. Although the actual concentrations vary considerably. Wordlist усвоение, использование фекалии, испражнения utilization feces 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 31. CALCIUM 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Ninety-nine per cent of the calcium in the organism is in the skeleton and the teeth. It is deposited in certain areas of the bone as tricalcium phosphate crystals and gives the skeleton its rigidity; this calcium is not a permanent deposit, for bone is constantly being dissolved and redeposited. Several hundred milligrams of calcium are lost each day in the feces and urine. This amount must then be replaced through the diet. A calcium deficiency due to lack of dietary calcium is very rare. Calcium deficiency usually arises due to lack of adequate vitamin D, or to excessive amounts of other minerals that prevent calcium absorption. During pregnancy and lactation the demands for calcium rise immensely. If the calcium supply of the mother is not adequate for the maintenance of her normal needs and those of the growing fetus, calcium still will be supplied in sufficient amounts to the fetus at the expense of the stored calcium in the skeleton of the mother. The diseases resulting from insufficient calcium for the development and maintenance of bone are rickets and osteomalacia. 31 Wordlist твёрдость, жёсткость плод, эмбрион рахит rigidity fetus rickets 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. TEXT 32. PHOSPHORUS 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist. Inorganic phosphate is the major cation of the intracellular fluids, and this ion is of enormous importance in the formation of the energy-rich phosphate bonds. Also phosphate is able to combine reversibly with a multitude of enzyme systems and so operates in the majority of metabolic reactions within the cell. Inorganic phosphate is present in the extracellular fluids as well both in the plasma and in the interstitial fluid. This inorganic phosphate exists in the form of phosphate ions. These phosphate ions are closely involved in the maintenance of the acid-base stability of the blood. Organic phosphate is present in the blood in the form of phospholipid and the phosphate from this compound can be liberated for bone formation. The absorption of phosphorus from the intestine is dependent on the proper absorption of calcium, which in turn is dependent on the vitamin D concentration. This means that a deficiency of vitamin D will indirectly affect phosphorus and phosphate absorption. Excess phosphorus is excreted mainly through the kidneys. Milk and bone meal are particularly rich in phosphorus, but phosphorus is also widely distributed in both vegetable and animal foods. Wordlist intracellular extracellular interstitial acid-base to liberate внутриклеточный внеклеточный промежуточный кислотно-щелочной освобождать, выделять 2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart. 3. Make a summary of the text. 32 CONTENTS PART 1. ZOOLOGY TEXT 1. MAN AND OTHER LIVING THINGS TEXT 2. HOW DO MAMMALS DIFFER FROM THEIR VERTEBRATE COUSINES? TEXT 3. TYPICAL INTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAMMALS TEXT 4. THREE MAIN SUBCLASSES OF MAMMALS TEXT 5. DIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF A MAMMAL (THE WOLF) TEXT 6. HOW PLANTS AND ANIMALS GET THEIR NOURISHING FUEL TEXT 7. HOW MAMMALS EAT TEXT 8. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: BALANCED RATION TEXT 9. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: PURE WATER TEXT 10. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: DIRECT UNLIGHT & CLEAN STABLES TEXT 11. HOW TO KEEP ANIMALS HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE: GROOMING & SUITABLE YARDS TEXT 12. THE BEAVER 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 PART 2. MICROBIOLOGY TEXT 13. CELL STRUCTURE TEXT 14. VIROLOGY TEXT 15. VIRUSES AND MALIGNANT DISEASES IN ANIMALS AND POULTRY TEXT 16. MAMMALS AS VECTORS OF HUMAN DISEASES 14 15 15 16 PART 3. ANATOMY. PHYSIOLOGY TEXT 17. ANATOMY TEXT 18. ORGANS AND ORGAN SYSTEMS TEXT 19. BODY COVERING TEXT 20. THE DIGESTIVE, CIRCULATORY & RESPIROTARY SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS TEXT 21. THE EXCRETORY, SKELETAL, MUSCULAR & INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS TEXT 22. THE NERVOUS, REPRODUCTIVE & ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS IN ANIMALS TEXT 23.THE SKELETON TEXT 24.THE SKELETONS OF THE OX AND THE HORSE: THE SKULL, THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND THE RIBS TEXT 25.THE SKELETONS OF THE OX AND THE HORSE: THE LIMBS AND THE PELVIC GIRDLE TEXT 26. THE SKIN 18 19 19 21 22 23 24 24 25 27 PART 4. BIOCHEMISTRY TEXT 27. HORMONES TEXT 28. ANIMAL HORMONES TEXT 29. MINERALS TEXT 30. MINERAL BALANCE TEXT 31. CALCIUM TEXT 32. PHOSPHORUS 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 Составители: Сементовская Елена Юрьевна Комлева Наталья Анатольевна ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY Методические указания по английскому языку Редактор Н.К. Крупина Компьютерная верстка Е.Ю. Сементовская, Н.В.Чернобровенко Подписано в печать 22 июня 2010г. Формат 60x84 1/16. Объём 2,4 уч. – изд.л. Тираж 100 экз. Изд № 74. Заказ № __________________________________________________ 630039, Новосибирск, ул. Добролюбова,160 34