“The Bremen Musicians

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
«The Bremen Musicians»
(Сценарий сказки)
Действующие лица:
- Трубадур
- Кот
- Пес
- Осел
- Петух
- Принцесса
- Король
- Стражники (2)
- Атаманша
-Разбойники (3)
1 Author:Many years ago there lived a donkey. He was. nice, clever and strong and he liked
music very much. One day he decided to go to Bremen town and become a musician there.
Выходит осёл( играет финская полька, осёл пританцовывает)
Well. I love music and music loves me.I-I-I-HA! So I can go to Bremen town and there I will
become a town musician.
(встает и идет по дороге под финскую польку))
2 Author: And he did so. He went to Bremen town. On his way he saw a dog.
(играет Bob marley” Sunshine reggay” , выходит, пританцовывая ,собака))
Ass:Who are you? What are you doing here?
? Dog:Oh, Ass, I am so tired because I was dancing very hard.:You see, Ass, I lived with a
hunter for many years. now I grew old and my master pushed me away! I’ve got nowhere to go!
Ass:Don’t worry, come with me. I am going to Bremen town. I-I-I-HA! We’ll be musicians
Dog:Oh, great, let’s go!
(идут вместе, играет немецкий марш)
1 Author:And so they went together.
Author: On their way they saw a cat.
(выходит кот под песню «Самурай»)
Ass: Who are you?
Dog: What are you doing here?
Cat: I am cat. for many years I lived with my mistress and caught mice and rats. But now I am
tired of this. I like music very much, so I decided to run away! Besides I can dance well! (
танцует небольшой фрагмент джайва)
Ass:Come with us. We are going to Bremen town.
Cat: Oh, great, I will go with you. Thank you, my friends.
(идут все вместе под немецкий марш )
Author: And so they went together. On their way they saw a cock.
Выбегает петух под тирольские напевы
Ass: Who are you?
Cock: I am a cock! And where are you going? ( кудахчет)
Ass:Come with us. We are going to Bremen town and will become town musicians.
Dog:Can you sing anything for us?
Петух смешно кукарекает.
Cat:Your voice is nice.
Cock: OK, friends, I will be happy to go with you.
(идут все вместе под немецкий марш)
1 Author: They were walking throw the forest and suddenly met a trumpeter. He was going
along the road and carrying a large bag.
Играет Элвис Пресли Tutti-Frutti, выбегает трубадур, задорно танцует поёт)
Cat :Hello, guy, what are you doing in the forest?
Trumpeter:Hello, friends. I am going to Bremen town. I want to organise a group. You see, I
have some instruments but no musicians.
Ass, Cat, Dog, Cock: We can help you.
Cock: We are going to Bremen too.
Cat: We want to be musicians too.
Dog:But we have no instruments. (делают печальную гримасу)
Trumpeter: Take them if you like .
Все берут гитары и синтезатор
Trumpeter: Now lets check a sound! Donkey. Are you ready?
(осёл делает вид, что играет на синтезаторе, звучит музыкальный отрывок)
Trumpeter: Cat. Are you ready? ( кот играет на гитаре)
Trumpeter: Cock. Are you ready?( петух издает звуки)
Trumpeter: Dog are you ready?( собака играет на гитаре)
Dog, Donkey, Cock. Cat: Trumpeter, are you ready?
Trumpeter: I’m always ready. (слышен звук расстроенной гитары)
Trumpeter: Oh, sorry. (красивый звук гитары)
Trumpeter: Are we young?
All: We are young!
Trumpeter:Are we strong?
All: We are strong!
Trumpeter: Lets sing a song!
Все поют песню Mika “We are young “
Trumpeter: Now lets go to the palace!
All: And show our talents!( поднимают руки вверх)
2 scene
2 Author: So they did so. Meanwhile at the palace the king was trying to make his daughter , the
princes smile, because she was crying all the time.
2 scene
2 Author: So they did so. Meanwhile at the palace the king was trying to make his daughter , the
princes smile, because she was crying all the time. (Выходят король и принцесса)
King: My sweet daughter, what do you want? Please stop crying. Do you want cakes and
Princess: NO-NO-No
King: Do you want chocolate?
Princess: No-No-No
King: Do you want to see me dancing?
Princess: (загораются глаза) Oh, yes!
Король смешно танцует кукарачу. Через несколько секунд пинцесса снова плачет.
Входит стражник: Your majesty! The boys band «Bremen town musicians has come to the
palace and they want to show their talents!
King: Let them in!
Входит трубадур, встречатеся глазами с прицессой, слышится звук бьющихся
Princess:( не сводя глаз с трубадура) Father, it seems to me i 'm feeling much better now.
Trumpeter: Dear Princess! Will you sing together with me?
Princess: OH. YES!
( поют вместе песню, в конце подходят друг к другу и берутся за руки)
King: No-No-No! To fall in love with a princess? Its impossible! Gurdians! Get them away from
the castle!
Стражники выгоняют музыкантов, принцесса плачет, все уходят)
Scene 3
Author: The Trumpeter felt very sad because he fell in love at first sight and couldn’t forget the
Медленно тянутся друг за другом под немецкий марш
Author: Suddenly they saw a house . The Trumpeter came up to it.
Cock: What’s there?
Cat: What can you see?
Trumpeter: I seee……I see…..I see…. ROBBERS
Все пугаются, собака падает в обморок, а петух сносит яйцо от страха. Все уходят
Выходит атаманша и 3 разбойника, смешно пританцовывая.
1st Robber: Oh, guys, good news.
Robbers: What? What?
1st Robber:Tomorrow the King will go through the forest. And you know that he has much
Robbers: Yes! Great! Wonderful. We like money!
1st Robber: So, look here, tomorrow we will catch the king and take all his money. We will be
rich, very rich!
3 Robber: But don’t you know that the King has many guards.
1st Robber: Don’t be stupid, we are not afraid of them. Our attack will be a surprise.
Пританцовывая уходят обратно в домик
Trumpeter: Have you heard? We must do something. Let’s think of a plan.
(обсуждают план действий, затем вваливаются в дом, звучат звуки карате, разбойники
выскакивают по очереди из домика, последним выскакивает петух по ошибке, потирает
ушибленный по ошибке глаз)
Trumpeter: You see, friends, we frightened them very much. I don’t think they will come back.
Scene 4
1 Author: Very soon the King appeared on the road. His brave guards followed him.
(под музыку выходит король и его стража)
1 Guard: We are the bravest.
2 Guard: We are the strongest.
All Guards: We are the best guards in the world.
(король оглядывается по сторонам)
King: I don’t like this forest. It is dark. And what if there are robbers here?
All Guards: Don’t worry, be happy.
( поют и танцуют под музыку”Don’t worry” ? стражники кривляют короля за спиной,
король постоянно оглядывается, пытаясь их подловить))
King: But look, there is nobody around. If robbers come who will help? Iamafraid.
(появляются переодетые в разбойников музыканты, прогоняют стражу и связывают
короля, а Трубадур его спасает)
King: Oh, you are my savior. I will make any your wish.
Trumpeter: Oh, I love the Princess. If only I could marry her.
King: You saved my life so I will do as I promised. Lets sing a song!
Появляются все . Поют песню Bon Jovi « Love ‘s the only rule”
The end