The ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Semey State Pedagogical Institute The department of practical course of state and foreign languages « Professional focused foreign language » Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology Specialty: Handicraft For students of the1st course Educational-methodical complex Semey - 2012 1.Full name of lecturer- Aktanova Sh.S. - Master foreign philology Department of practical course of State and Foreign Languages 2. Approved on meeting of department Protocol № _____ from «_____ » ________ 2012 . Head of Department of practical course of State and Foreign Languages _______________ Tussupbekova G.A 3 Discussed on meeting scholastic-methodical advice of the faculty of Kazakh Philology Protocol № ____ from «______» _________ 2012. Dean of the faculty of Kazakh Philology __________ Zhaksibaeva Ph. Z. Content : 1. Glossary 2. The content of practical lessons 3. Methodical recommendation of SIWT 4. Methodical recommendation of SIW 5. Checking measuring facilities Glossary cover – қаптама - переплёт; обложка; jacket – қаптама - обложка; суперобложка; commute – жұмысқа барып қайту - поездка на работу и обратно; billboard – жарнамалық тақта - рекламный щит; media –жаппай мәліметтендіру құралдары, жарнамалау құралдары -средства массовой информации; средства рекламы; vs. versus – салыстыру - в сравнении с; против; HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language –құжаттардың сипаттамалары, гипермәтін тілі - гипертекстовый язык описания документов; язык гипертекстовой маркировки; CSS Cascading Style Sheets –стильдердің каскадты кестелері - каскадные таблицы стилей; banner advertising – банерлік жарнама ; баннерная реклама; evolve – дамыту, даму, өсу, өну, төзіп өзгеру - развивать; развёртывать; развиваться; эволюционировать; превращаться; развиться; развёртываться (о теории и т. п.); развернуться; развернуть; развить; претерпевать изменения; piece – үлгі, мысал, сюжет, газеттегі мақала - отдельный предмет; образец; пример; сюжет; газетная статья; face – Қажеттілікке кез болу сталкиваться (с необходимостью); столкнуться (to face a task – стоять перед необходимостью решать задачу (выполнить требование)); marketing message – маркетингтік айналым маркетинговое обращение; dive – жетілу, толықтырылу - углубляться, уходить вглубь чего-либо; texture – текстура, құрылым, құрылыс текстура; структура; shape – үлгі , қалып - модель; образец; шаблон; tease – ызаландыру - дразнить; поддразнивать; snippet –үзінді - место; фрагмент; отрывок; entice – қызықтыру, алдау, өз уысына түсіру - увлекать; заманивать; переманивать; соблазнить; сманивать; bleed and safety areas – заттың кесілген шеті, қауіпсіз аймақтар -обрезные в край и безопасные зоны; challenge – n. шақыру, күрделі мәселе - вызов; сложная задача; проблема; сложная проблема; перспектива; задача, требующая большого напряжения сил; tricky –қу, епті, ауыр мінезді - ловкий; искусный; сложный; трудный; CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK – көгілдір, ақ, қызыл, сары және қара түс қиыстырылған жолымен сәйкестенетін шағылған сәуленің субтрактивті түс үлгісі - субтрактивная цветовая a модель отражённого света, в которой цвета образуются путём комбинирования бирюзового, пурпурного, жёлтого и черного цветов; – түс гаммасы - палитра; цветовая гамма; visual – жарнама ролигі, үгіттеу ролигі - человек с преимущественным развитием зрительной памяти; рекламный ролик; агитационный ролик (перед выборами); кинофильм; видеозапись; зрительный ряд (фильма); as-is – қалай бар солай - как есть; copywriting –мәтінді жазу, мәтінмен жұмыс жасау, мәтінді құрастыру - написание текста; работа текстовика; составление текстов; копирайтинг; a household name – көпке танымал бренд, көп таралған марка - широко известная марка; известный бренд; узнаваемый всеми бренд; letterhead – печатный заголовок (на листе почтовой бумаги); вытисненное название (на переплётной крышке); шапка (на фирменном бланке); typeface – гарнитура шрифта; характер начертания шрифта; palette on –назар аудару - уделить большое внимание; сосредоточить внимание на; hand off – жеткізу - передавать; mockup – үлгі, жоба,макет; модель; margin – газет журналдардың шеткі сызықтары, поле, поля (книжной, газетной страницы и т. п.); feasible –мүнкін; шамамен ;Шындыққа жуық; ақталған;негізделген; возможный; вероятный; правдоподобный; оправданный; обоснованный; реалистичный; compelling – женілмейтін; мықты;неодолимый, непреодолимый; freelancer – штаттық қызметкер емес; нештатный сотрудник; scrap – түйіншек; үзінді; клочок; обрывок; jot down – қысқа қылып істеу;жазу;сделать краткую, беглую запись; записать; stick in – тығып алу; втыкать; всовывать; convince – сендірі; көзін жеткізу; убеждать; уверять; убедить; legitimate – заңды ; оң; тік нұсқа;законный; правильный; подлинный; overwhelm – кешіп өту;преодолеть; focus Literature: Basic literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Additional literature: 1. Р.И. Резник. грамматика английского языка :.М.Иностранный язык: Оникс 21Век 2003 2. Сасенова У.К. English Grammar Ағылшын тілінен грамматикалық жаттығулар мен тест жинағы (тілдік емес мамандықтарға арналған) Семей 2008 3. Колодяжная Л. Познакомьтесь: Великобритания : Книга для чтения на английском языке / Л. Колодяжная; Под ред. Заниной Е.Л.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: Рольф, 2001. 4.Модальные глаголы в английской речи : Учебное пособие / Составители: Л.К. Голубева, Н. М. Пригоровская, Г.И.Туголукова.- М.: Менеджер, 2004. 5. Корнеева Е.А. Практика английского языка. Сборник упражнений по устной речи. / Е.А. Корнеева, Н.Е. Баграмова.СПб.: Союз, 2003 6. Практика английского языка.Сборник упражнений по грамматике. / Блинова С.И.,Чарекова Е.П.,Чернышева Г.С.,Синицкая Е.И.- СПб.: Союз, 2004. 7. Мюллер В.К. Русско-английский словарь:50 000 слов=Russian-English dictionary. / В.К. Мюллер, С.К. Боянус.- М.: АСТ, 2005.10.Барановская Т.В. Грамматика английского языка. Сборник упражнений: Учебное пособие / Т.В. Барановская.Москва: Логос, 2004. II. The content of practical lessons GLOSSARY approximate – шамамен, шамасы - приближенный, приблизительный, примерный; painting – сурет өнері, бейнелу өнері, сурет салумен айналысу - живопись: а) вид изобразительного искусства; б) (произведение) роспись; изображение, картина; в) занятие живописью; рисование; construct – салу, жасақтау, қалау - строить, сооружать; воздвигать; конструировать; planning – жоспарлау, жоспар құру - планирование; разработка плана; handicraft – қол өнері - 1) ремесло; ручная работа; 2) искусство ремесленника; 3) вещь ручной работы; production – өнім производство; продукция; изделия; manufacturing – өңдеу, өндіру производство; изготовление; обработка; representative – өкіл представитель; делегат; уполномоченный; electric staff – зд.электрленген бөлшектер және құрал жабдықтар - электродетали и оборудование; to widespread – көп таралған - широко распространяться; promotion – өсу, өркендеу - развитие; продвижение; содействие; ceramics – керамика, саздан жасалатын заттар түрі, керамика өндірісі - 1) керамика, гончарное искусство; 2) керамическое производство, гончарное производство; furniture –жиһаз, құралдар, аксессуарлар, фурнитура 1) мебель, обстановка; 2) принадлежности, аксессуары, фурнитура; textile – мата өндірісі, мата - 1) текстильный, ткацкий; 2) текстиль, текстильное изделие; ткань; Werklehre – (нем.) өндірістік оқыту производственное обучение; Kunstlehre – (нем.) өнерге баулу - обучение искусству; tool –құрал, орындалу тәртібі, амал - (рабочий) инструмент; механизм; способ; metal-work technologies and treating – темір өңдеу технологиясы -технологии металлообработки; molding – бұйымды қалыптау - формование изделия; colour mixing perception –түрлі түстерді қабылдау цветовосприятие при смешивании красок; – ортақ бағыт - общее направление, тенденция; vital – өмірлік маңыздылық - 1) жизненный; 2) жизненно важный, насущный, существенный; необходимый; Lesson № 1 Theme: Lexicology Text: The history of design development Purpose of the lesson: trend 1. Introduction of new lexical material. 2. To development student’s speech connected with professional interest. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. Lexicology Lexicology is a part of linguistics, the science of the word. “ Lexics” in Greek means having to do with words and “logos” –studying, learning. Lexicology of Modern English investigates the problems of a word structure and word-formation, the scientific structure of words, the relations between varies lexical layers of the vocabulary, the source and the growth of the English vocabulary, the changes it has undergone in its history. Words can be studied from different viewpoints. The general study of words and vocabulary of language universals is known as General Lexicology. There is Special lexicology which deals with the description of the characteristic peculiarities of a given language. The evolution of any vocabulary is studied by historical lexicology. It investigates the origin of words, their change, development, structure, meaning and usage. Descriptive lexicology studies the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development. Lexicology is closely connected with phonetics, stylistics, grammar, the history of the language. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own names and methods of scientific research; its basic task is a study and systematic description of a vocabulary, the origin of words, the development and current use. Lexicology is concerned with words, variable word-group, phraseological units and morphemes which make up words and their meanings. I. Read Text, write down the sentences with Gerund construction and translate them. TEXT THE HISTORY OF DESIGN DEVELOPMENT The term “DESIGN” appeared in our country not long ago. The direct translation of this term from English firstly gave us an approximate meaning of “painting”; but now we can use it also in the meaning of constructing or planning. In 1907 there was founded an industrial union in Germany, which united industrialists, architects, artists and merchants. Its creation was demanded by economic and esthetic causes in order to win the international market. The founder, an architect German Mutezius, was there as a president of the union “Werkbund” till 1914. As a goal the union wanted to reorganize the handicraft production into the industrial one and to create some common or ideal samples for manufacturing; they “led a struggle” with extra decoration of goods. Their program was devoted to using and selecting the best ideas and opportunities in art, trade, manufacturing in order to unite the largest industrial representatives. The most important event of that period was the invitation of Peter Berence as an art director to a great Electric Company that produced different electric staff: lamps, motors, tools. As the owner wanted the production to widespread all over the world market, so he was interested in creating a new image of his firm (that was an innovation in promotion of goods of that period). In 1919 in a little German town Weiniar, there was founded a “Bauhous”– the first institution to train artists for the work in industry. The head of the establishment was Germanic architect Walter Gropius, a former Peter Berence's student. During a very short period “Bauhaus” managed to become a large designtraining center. The first year student had a specialized course to study ceramics, furniture, textile. The study included technical subjects – Werklehre and artistic course -Kunstlehre, also some knowledge in handicraft was necessary for a future designer. The Bauhaus goods differed in design and graphics. Technical training consisted of studying of tools, metal-work technologies and treating, etc. The students were taught all the peculiarities of molding and colour mixing perception. It was known as modern laboratory of industrial goods constructing. Having moved in Dessau the college was given a building containing study-rooms, workshops and a hostel. During the last years of studying the theoretical basis was increased in the study program. But after its Head had left for Russia in 1930 the college was closed. II. Reread Text , answer the following questions: a. How do we understand the meaning of the word “design”? b. What were the reasons of the industrial union foundation? c. What was the goal of the industrial union? d. When and where was the first institution training artists founded? e. What did the students study in “Bauhaus”? III. Match these words and expressions with their meanings and try to memorize them: 1) the meaning of constructing or planning a) лучшие идеи и возможности 2) economic and esthetic causes b) особенности отделки декорирования 3) the international market c) смысл построения или планирования 4) the handicraft production d) восприятие смешения цветов 5) common or ideal samples e) экономические и эстетические причины 6) extra decoration of goods f) продвижение товаров 7) the best ideas and opportunities g) ремесленное производство 8) electric staff h) зд. электроприборы 9) a new image i) новый облик 10) promotion of goods j) международный рынок 11) the peculiarities of molding k) общие или идеальные образцы 12) colour mixing perception l) дополнительное украшение товаров IV. Look at the way the following words are used in Text and then circle the relevant part of speech: meaning gerund causes adjective ideal adjective using gerund establishment adjective study adjective containing gerund (par.1) articiple noun (par. 2) verb noun (par.3) verb noun (par. 3) participle noun (par. 4) verb noun (par. 5) verb noun (par. 5) participle noun Methodical recomendation: 1. read and try to understand the text without dictionary 2. lead and support the conversation with the patner 3. write a short composition about your future profession Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Lesson № 2 Theme: Language Units. Terminology. Text: Development of design Purpose of the lesson: 1. Introduction of new lexical material and fixing of the passed material 2. to ensuring fundamental education in the natural-science subjects 3. to broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms Language units The main unit of the lexical system of a language resulting from the association of a group of sounds with a meaning is a word. This unit is used in grammatical functions characteristic of it. It is the smallest language unit which can stand alone as a complete utterance. A word, however, can be divided into smaller sense units - morphemes. The morpheme is the smallest meaningful language unit. The morpheme consists of a class of variants, allomorphs, which are either phonologically or morphologically conditioned, e.g. please, pleasant, pleasure. Morphemes are divided into two large groups: lexical morphemes and grammatical (functional) morphemes. Both lexical and grammatical morphemes can be free and bound. Free lexical morphemes are roots of words which express the lexical meaning of the word, they coincide with the stem of simple words. Free grammatical morphemes are function words: articles, conjunctions and prepositions ( the, with, and). Terminology Terminology is the study of terms and their use. Terms are words and compound words that in specific contexts are given specific meanings, meanings that may deviate from the meaning the same words have in other contexts and in everyday language. The discipline Terminology studies among other things how such terms of art come to be and their interrelationships within a culture. Terminology differs from lexicography in studying concepts, conceptual systems, and their labels (terms), whereas lexicography study words and their meanings. Terminology thus denotes a discipline which systematically studies the labelling or designating of concepts particular to one or more subject fields or domains of human activity, through research and analysis of terms in context, for the purpose of documenting and promoting consistent usage. This study can be limited to one language or can cover more than one language at the same time (multilingual terminology, bilingual terminology, and so forth) or may focus on studies of terms across fields. I. Read text A, be ready with the annotation. TEXT A DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN The first information about design appeared in 1918, when Russian government put a task of industrial innovation according to new trends in art. So a special commission containing the heads and chief engineers from plants vital for the economy of the country was organized. The main goal of the commission was working out modern artistic ideas in building and industry and their immediate application in the production process. They wanted any everyday life thing people buy looked pleasant and attractive by appearance. They tried to brighten up even the rest to make it more comfortable and convenient. By a special order of Sovnarcom in 25.12.1920 there were founded several Higher Artistic Technical workshops (VHUTEMAS). Each of them had to be an institution training arts connected with industry. Many architects believed they should destroy the previous understanding of culture and only on its ruins they could build a new culture of society. At the end of the 30s design started penetrating the field of ordinary goods: some qualified artists were invited to participate in designing the first Soviet telephone, a radio-set and furniture; later the spreading of design touched shipbuilding and automobile-production. Now in our multinational country with a great number of religions and traditions there are lots of masters and schools dealing with design; specialists say that sometimes it is easy to recognize not only the nationality or even a master himself by certain peculiarities of a master's product. Also important role in popularization of Russian design play specialized fairs and exhibitions. Design has different aims according to the sphere of industry it is applied in (for example, plates, cups, soup-sets are projected by specialists in ceramics). II. Reread Text , answer the following questions: b. What was the main goal of the special commission? c. What was the principle of design development after 1920? d. What events play important role in popularization of Russian design? III. Choose the Russian equivalent: approximate приблизительный подходящий существенный painting планирование рисование формование handicraft мастерская рукоделие ремесло ceramics керамика ремесло фурнитура furniture рисование фурнитура ремесло textile текстильное изделие керамическое изделие фурнитура tool оборудование ремесло керамика IV. Read Text B, be ready with the annotation. TEXT B PLANNING Planning is a systematic, organized method of approaching a problem. In the context of this text, planning means following the design process. Design has three major components: creative, technical and aesthetic. The creative component is the expression of a person’s ideas and is unique to the individual. The technical part is the application of technology to the resolution of the design idea. The aesthetic quality of a design relates to how pleasing it is to look at. Good design expresses a person’s creativity with a balance of technical quality, as represented by the functionality of the product, and of aesthetic quality. Functionality is a measure of how well the product meets the needs as expressed in the design problem. Aesthetic quality is determined by the mix of form, space, color, line, texture, and light and shadow. Aesthetic design follows basic principles: Unity, or a feeling of wholeness; variety, or contrast in texture, line, shade; emphasis, used to point out particular details; balance, or the appearance of equal weight for various components; repetition, or the use of a detail or element throughout; and rhythm, or the repetition of lines and curves to give a feeling of movement. These are used in various combinations to give a particular feeling to a design. Two additional devices used to promote a particular design concept are the materials used for the product and the type and style of surface decoration. VI. Match the verb with its definition: I. to paint I. to create II. to appear III. to design IV. to unite V. to demand VI. to study VII. to manage VIII. to increase a. to cover a surface with paint b. to make something new, especially to invent something c. to become noticeable or to be present d. to join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group; to combine e. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that a refusal is not expected f. to learn about a subject, especially in an educational course or by reading books g. to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult h. to (make something) to become larger in amount or size Methodical recomendation: 1. make up the dialogue according to the text 2. learn new words and word combinations 3. do enumeration of exercises in order to fix the passed materials Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Lesson № 3.Theme: Text: Art in the experience of young children. Purpose of the lesson: 1.Introduction of new lexical material and fixing of the passed material 2. to ensuring fundamental education in the natural-science subjects 3. to broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms Art in the experience of young children Art is a part of everyday life. Children use artistic means to express what they see, do, feel. think and talk about every day. In the primary grades, art plays an important part in helping children understand themselves and their world. When the child comes to school, his interest in art materials is sensory, muscular, and exploratory. He loves to feel clay as he squeezes it through his fingers. He likes to swish a brush over a sheet of paper and watch the colours leave their marks upon it. He likes to cut, tear, shape and construct with paper and cardboard. The activity of using art materials helps the child to develop muscular coordination. At first his efforts are clumsy, but as he develops and gains confidence this growth is shown in his expressions. The child begins to draw, model and construct symbols and objects that have meaning to him although they may be incomprehensible to the adult. During this early stage of art expression a child lives in a world of his childish symbols represent things that are very real to his. As the child grows, he becomes more and more aware of his environment. His drawings which were once very imaginative in nature, begin to be more realistic. The room in which they work must be a pleasant, attractive place. The teacher must be sympathetic and creative in her guidance. Teachers must allow children to work with the materials they choose and with a variety of colours. It is rarely necessary for the teacher to suggest something for children to draw and paint. Certain children begin to paint as soon as they are given materials. Others require a period of observation, and planning before they begin paintihg. The role of the teacher is to offer help where it is needed. On the whole, if the children’s work interests them they are full of ideas and feelings that they are eager to express and the choice of subject offers no difficulty. Children are satisfied when they see their work properly displayed. Display should be changed often enough so that every child is given an opportunity to display his productions. The aim of school art programme is not the production of masterpieces of art, but that art should become an integral prat of the child’s life. The child should achieve satisfaction from his art experience. Through art experiences a child develops some knowledge of form, colour, composition and love of beauty. Exercises on the text 13.Find the right statements and confirm them by the sentences from the text: 1)In the primary grades art does not play an important part in the development of children.2)A child likes to cut, tear and construct with paper and cardboard.3)The activity of using art materials helps a child to develop muscular co-ordiantion.4)The room in which they work must be a pleasant, attractive place. 5) The aim of school art program is to produce masterpiece of art. 14. Combine the pairs of sentences into one using the link words given in brackets: 1) I shall go to the lecture. I am sure it will be interesting (for). 2) The display is changed often enough. Every child should be given an opportunity to display his productions (on). 3) Children are satisfied. They see their work properly displayed (because). 4) Art plays an important part in the development of children. Art should become an integral part of the child’s life (that’s why). 5) We could carry out the program. We had all necessary information (because). 15. Write these sentences as special questions according to the interrogative words given in brackets. Pattern: Certain children begin to paint as soon as they are given materials. (When) – When do certain children begin to paint? 1) A child likes to construct things with paper. (Who) 2) The aim of school art program is to develop love of beauty. (What) 3) The teacher must be sympathetic and creative in her guidance. (Who) 4) Through art experiences a child develops some knowledge of form and colour. (In what way) Lesson № 4.Theme: Art in our life. Text: Art in the experience of young children. Purpose of the lesson: 1.Introduction of new lexical material and fixing of the passed material 2. to ensuring fundamental education in the natural-science subjects 3. to broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms Art in our life Art plays an important role in my life. It aids the people`s understanding of their culture. No doubt tastes should be developed through images of high artistic culture, whereas works of popular culture as a rule meet consumer`s tastes. In my opinion the habit of looking at good pictures is in itself a means by which taste can be formed. Art allows people to talk about emotionally meaningful experiences. Every artist tries to develop his own style of painting to differ from other ones. There are many styles of painting in art: a portrait, a still life, a landscape, a seascape and etc. An artist has the skill to combine form and colour into harmonious entity and to represent a brilliant colour scheme. The artist`s pictures may be dull, crude, chaotic and colourless daub of paint. But in spite of it they are an exquisite piece of painting. I`d like to add that an artist can become famous overnight and die forgotten and penniless. One can distinguish two branches of human work: the arts and the sciences. The sciences require knowledge, observation, identification, description, experimentation and theoretical explanation. The arts on the contrary require skill. That means the ability to work well with a part of his or her body. It is the combination of talent and technique. An artist is a man who can do something well with his own hands and tools. Some time ago everything that was made with tools was "artificial", not natural. The word "manufacture", for example, once meant "to make by hand" Everything is a bit different nowadays. The word "art" has a special meaning. It means something beautiful. The paintings of skilled painters are appreciated and admired by millions of people today, by those who can see the beauty. Art comprises weaving rugs, tapestries, ceramic work. So there are a lot of types of art. Nevertheless one can trace basic principles in art. All kinds of it require the same characteristics. The separate parts of a work of art should be arranged in pattern. The form itself, a pleasing shape and balance are extremely important. Art inspires the human spirit. Painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, weavers - they all contribute to a better life for us. 2. Read the description of the picture. “Arrived for the holidays”. In this picture we see a pupil og a Suvorov school who has come home for the winter holidays. In the foreground we see the boy and his grandfather.The boy has just come.He is standing at attention. He is glad to have come home. Perhaps he is reporting to his grandfather about his marks. He is smiling. The grandfather is standing at attention, too. Evidently he served in the army when he was young. He is listening the boy's report. He must be pleased to hear about grandson's good marks. We cannot see boy's parents. Perhars they are at work. In the corner we can see a fir - tree decorated for the New Year. The family is ready to see the New Year. 3. Describe the picture close to the text, or learn the text by heart. 4. Practice reading the names of some world – famous artists. Gainsborough – ['geinzbәrә] - Гейнсборо Reinolds – ['renәldz] - Рейнолдс Morland – ['mo:lәnd] - Морлэнд Van Dyck [vaеn'daik ] - Ван Дейк Michelangelo ['maikәl'aеndЗәlou] - Микельанджело Rembrandt ['rembraеnt] -Рембрандт 5. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. Outstanding – выдающийся brilliant - блестящий prominent - выдающийся a painter - художник a portraitist - портретист a century - столетие pastoral – пасторальные сцены nature - природа landscape - пейзаж sea – scape – морской пейзаж genre scenes – жанровые сцены still – life - натюрморт battle scenes – батальные сцены 6. Say as many sentences as you can, using the following substitution pattern: Gainsborough – Reinolds – Morland – Gainsborough – Reinolds 7. Van Dyck Michelangelo Rembrandt Theme №1. The graphic design process The purpose of SIWT: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. I. Read the Text , be ready with the annotation. THE GRAPHIC DESIGN PROCESS When starting a new design project, there are steps of the graphic design process to follow that will help you to achieve the best results. Rather than jump right into a graphics software program to try to create a final version, you can save yourself time and energy by first researching the topic, finalizing your content, starting with simple sketches and getting several rounds of approval on designs. Gather Information Before you can start a project you of course need to know what your client needs. Gathering information is the first step of the graphic design process. When approached for a new job, set up a meeting to discuss the scope of the work. Be sure to gather as much information as possible: Aside from the product your client needs (such as a logo or a website), ask questions such as: Who is the audience? What is the message? How many pages is the piece? What are the dimensions? Is there a specific budget? Is there a deadline for completion? Can the client provide examples of design they like? Is there an existing corporate brand that needs to be matched? Take detailed notes, which you can use later for the next step of the design process. Create an Outline Using the information collected in your meeting you'll be able to develop an outline of the content and goal of the project, which you can present to your client for approval before proceeding. For a website, include all of the major sections and the content for each. Include the dimensions and technical specifications for print or web work as well. Present this outline to your client, and ask for any changes. Once this is finalized, you know you are in agreement on what the piece will include and can proceed to the next step of the graphic design process. NOTE: It is at this time that you would provide a proposal to your client as well, including the cost and timeframe for the work, but here we are focusing on the design process. Harness Your Creativity! Design should be creative! Before moving on to the design itself (don't worry, that's next) take some time to think about creative solutions for the project. You can use the client's examples of favorite work as guidelines for what they like and don't like, but your goal should be to come up with something new and different that will separate them from the rest (unless of course they specifically asked to fit in). Ways to get the creative juices flowing include: Brainstorming: Get together with a group and throw out any and all ideas. Visit a museum: Get inspired by the originals. Read a book: Something as small as a color or shape in a graphic design book could spark a completely original idea. Take a walk: Sometimes its best to get outside and watch the never know what will spark your imagination. Draw: Even if you're not an “artist”, doodle some ideas on a page. Once you have some ideas for the project it's time to start creating a structured layout. Sketches and Wireframes Before moving into a software program such as Illustrator or InDesign, it is helpful to create some simple sketches of the layout of a piece. This way, you can show your client some ideas without spending too much time on design. Find out if you are headed in the right direction by providing quick sketches of logo concepts, line drawings of layouts showing where elements will be placed on the page or even a quick handmade version of a package design. For web design, wireframes are a great way to start with your page layouts. Design Multiple Versions Now that you've done your research, finalized your content and gotten approval on some sketches you can move on to the actual design phases of the graphic design process. While you may knock out the final design in one shot, it's usually a good idea to present your client with at least two versions of a design. You can agree on how many unique versions are included in a job in your proposal. This gives the client some options and allows you to combine their favorite elements from each. TIP: Be sure to keep even the versions or ideas that you choose NOT to present and that you might not even like at the time, as you never know when they'll come in handy. Revisions Be sure to let your client know that you encourage “mixing and matching” the designs you provide. They may like the background color on one design and the font choices on another. From their suggestions you can present a second round of design. Don't be afraid to give your opinion on what looks best after all, you're the designer! After this second round, it isn't uncommon to have a couple more rounds of changes before reaching a final design. Stick to the Steps When following these steps, be sure to finish each one before moving on to the next. If you conduct solid research, you know you can create an accurate outline. With an accurate outline, you have the information necessary to sketch out some ideas. With the approval of these ideas, you can move on to create the actual design, which once revised, will be your final piece. That's much better than having a client say “Where's the Logo?” after the work is already done! I. Read the following international words and guess their meanings: element pictographs basis principle basic text balance zigzag emotion theory style section photographs critique museum selection version original unique budget phase II. Choose the correct translation of the following English words: imply предположение предполагать предполагаемый apply применение применять применяемый dramatically значение означать значительно alignment выравнивание выравнивать ровный layered многослойность слоиться многослойный inspiration вдохновение вдохновляющий вдохновлять collaborate совместный dimension соразмерный harness полезный сотрудничество сотрудничать размер использование измерять использовать III. Look at some basic design terms and try to guess their meanings by matching them with their definition: a) a drawing or manner of drawing 1. root consisting only of external lines b) the edge or contour of a shape, as 2. will in sculpture or architecture, or a mark on a painting, drawing, etc., defining or suggesting this c) arrangement in a straight line 3. content d) a measurement of the size of 4. brainstor something in a particular direction, such m as the length, width, height, or diameter e) a book of plain paper containing 5. sketchpad sketches or for making sketches in f) a sudden clever plan or idea 6. dimension g) the meaning or significance of a 7. outline poem, painting, or other work of art, as distinguished from its style or form h) deliberate intention or wish 8. alignment i) a primary source; an origin 9. line IV. Discuss the following question: What elements of graphic design do you know? Give your reasons. Form of reporting: translation of the text and carring-out all tasks according to the text Methodical recomendation: 1. read and try understand the text without dictionary 2. write a list of unnown words and give their transcriptions 3. be ready to retell the text in short Distributing materials: cards and questions Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Theme № 2. Auguste Rodin The purpose of SIWT: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. I. Read the Text , be ready with the annotation. AUGUSTE RODIN Auguste Rodin is famous for having played a great role in art and" for having influenced many sculptors of the younger generation. He was born in 1840. His biographers tell us of his having been sent to Brussels when he was 31 to do the decorative figures on the Stock Exchange building. They are a proof of his having studied the works by Michelangelo and the late Greeks very profoundly and creatively. On completing his work in Brussels he went to Italy and soon after returning from there Rodin began his first independent figure “Bronze Age” (1877). In spite of its having been praised for its lifelike quality, accuracy of proportion and anatomy and for its rendering movement so well, it received no real recognition for a long time. The fate of a great number of his works is quite specific. In documents about Rodin one learns of his having been very unlucky with the commissions given to him. So some of them (the base of the Claude Lorraine Monument, Balzac) were accepted only after having been altered several times to please the commissioning committee. Others (Burghers, Thinker and Hugo) were not erected as Rodin wished. His Gate of Hell, commissioned in 1880, was still unfinished at his death in 1917. And though Rodin was exhausted by being made to alter many of his works he went on working very hard.1 He developed his principles in sculpture by using them over and over again in large independent statues and groups in bronze and marble. His almost 50 years in art reflect very hard work, great creative power and mighty spirit. He created his own plastic language able of conveying the energetic movement and tense emotion. This language allowed him to render them with all spontaneity, freshness and expressiveness. His new devices consisted in2 presenting the fragment as a finished work (usually a head or a trunk, but sometimes a pair of hands only) and in presenting figures with only some parts finished whereas other parts were buried in the hardly1 touched block. This is especially seen in his male portraits which combine vivid characterisation with a deliberately free handling. (After “Art arid Artists” by Peter and Linda Murray. 1966) I. Translate the following words into Russian and use them in sentences of your own. exotic, synthetic, symmetric, symbolic(al), symptomatic, artistic, energetic, specific, terrific, symphonic, historic(al), anatomic II. Say what parts of speech the following words are and translate them: generation; profoundly; profoundness; hardly; creative; finished; freshness; commissioning; expressiveness; expressively; movement; lifelike; exhausted; praised; hardness; decorativeness; prosaic; melancholic; basic III. Give Russian equivalents of the following international words: 'decorative; bi'ographer; bronze; 'marble; ex'pressive; block; co'mmittee; 'plastic; e'rnotion; a'natomy; pro- 'portion; base; 'principle; 'hero; group; 'statue; 'burgher; ,qualifi'cation; ,ener'getic; im'pressionist; can'tata; 'concentrate; 'reason; 'favourite; tra'ditional; 'folklore; genre; o'fficial; 'laureate; 'cultivate; co'mmand, ,ana 'tomic IV. Translate the sentences, say what parts of speech the italicized words are: 1. Many Russian artists of the second half of the 19th century gave much attention to genre painting. 2. Konchalovsky took a great interest in different genres of painting. 3. There are several Rodin’s portraits in bronze and marble in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, among them there is a wonderful marble portrait of Gabrichevsky. 4. There are two groups of people in this picture. 5. The artist grouped the people in the picture in a very unusual way. Form of reporting: translation of the text and carring-out all tasks according to the text Methodical recomendation: 1. read and try understand the text without dictionary 2. write a list of unnown words and give their transcriptions 3. be ready to retell the text in short Distributing materials: cards and questions Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Theme № 3. Logo and website design The purpose of SIWT: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. LOGO AND WEBSITE DESIGN Logos: to create a “brand” for a company is to create their image, and to promote that image with campaigns and visuals. Working in branding allows a graphic designer or design firm to get involved with many aspects of the industry, from logo design to advertising to copywriting and slogans. The goal of a brand is to make a company unique and recognizable, and to project a desired image. Over time, a brand can make a company a household name, and identifiable by a simple shape or color. To create a brand for a company, a designer needs to fully understand the goals of the organization, the industry as a whole, and working with design to create the appropriate materials to represent that company. When working in branding, a designer can expect to work in: Logo design. Business card design. Letterhead design. Packaging. Copywriting. Writing slogans. Advertising design. Typeface design. Research. Marketing. Examples of branding are all around us. The NBC peacock, the UPS brown truck and Nike’s “just do it” are some of the most famous examples. They are so recognizable that we don’t need to hear a company name to know what they are. Online brands such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube are more recently developed but now just as recognizable. Logos on your favorite products, the packaging they come in, and the slogans that represent them are all examples of branding. Website design, while a relatively new industry, is now an essential part of a company’s image, brand, and advertising, marketing and public relations campaigns. The side of web design that would be considered graphic design is the creation of the actual look and feel of a website. Many web designers are also involved in web development, creating the functionality behind a working website. Even if someone wants to just focus on the design side, an understanding of the technology behind websites is essential to create designs that are both attractive and functional. Work for web designers can include: Designing websites to hand off to developers. Designing web banner ads. Creating animated flash websites. Creating mockups and site wireframes. Understanding web technologies. Understanding browser and operating system differences. Working closely with web programmers. For someone working on the design side of website, Photoshop is the most popular software. Often a designer will create one or several layouts in Photoshop and hand them off to a developer, who will create a working site based on them. For those continuing into the development side, products such as Dreamweaver, GoLive, and countless HTML and CSS editing programs can be used. There are often differences between web designers and programmers, each with their own goals in mind. Web designers are looking to create the most beautiful site possible, while programmers want something fast and functional. Being a great web designer means understanding both sides, and creating websites that look good and that are designed with function in mind (therefore avoiding these differences). While the ability to code by hand may not be necessary, it is important to know what types of layouts are feasible, how they will appear in different browsers, and what typefaces and color combinations work well on screen rather than on paper. These types of questions make web design an interesting and challenging profession. 4. Give your opinion about creating logos and websites in our country. Discuss your ideas with your partners using the active vocabulary and the phrases of expressing opinion in the Appendix. 5. Read Text and give a brief summary of it. Read Text and give a brief summary of it. Form of reporting: translation of the text and carring-out all tasks according to the text Methodical recomendation: 1. read and try understand the text without dictionary 2. write a list of unnown words and give their transcriptions 3. be ready to retell the text in short Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Theme № 4. Advertisement and book design The purpose of SIWT: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. ADVERTISEMENT AND BOOK DESIGN Advertisements: like many graphic design fields, working in advertising takes you far beyond creating designs and page layouts. While a specific job may be to create a print ad for a campaign, this field requires an understanding of marketing, public relations and consumers. Along with the business side, a design in the advertising field will need to know a great deal about print production and preparing works for print in various publications and formats. When working in advertising one can expect to: Design magazine advertisements. Design newspaper advertisements. Perform market research. Perform consumer research. Need a thorough understanding of the brand. Handle projects from design to production. Work directly or for an ad agency. Understand both print and online advertising. Work directly with illustrators, photographers and other team members. Working in book design can mean several things. For some, it may be creating elaborate book covers and jacket designs from scratch. For others, it may mean hours of detailed-oriented layout work. Designing a book cover means first understanding the nature of the book, and then the audience, and in today’s market, creating something that sells. This work may be done as a freelancer or in-house for a book publisher. When working in book design one can expect to: Design covers. Design book jackets. Work in page layout. Learn the rules of typography. Work with deadlines. Depending on the project, book design and layout can call for all types of graphic design software. Covers that incorporate photography will most likely be brought into Photoshop at some point. Others that need original artwork and clever typography will likely be done in a program like Illustrator. For layout of full books, InDesign and Quark are used throughout the industry. Book designers must pay close attention to the legal issues to protect their work. A fair contract will enable the designer to make additional money for a second printing or paperback printing that goes beyond the original run of a book. This allows the designer to share in the success of the product and not give unlimited use of the design. Designers should also look to get their credit on books they design, which will help to promote their business. 2. Discuss with your classmates the opportunities of modern graphic design using the active vocabulary. 3. Write a short essay about the graphic design process. Form of reporting: translation of the text and carring-out all tasks according to the text Methodical recomendation: 1. to read and to try understand the text without dictionary write a list of unnown words and give their transcriptions ready to retell the text in short Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Theme № 1. The myth of Pimalion The purpose of SIW: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. THE MYTH OF PYGMALION We know the Greek philosophers to call art an ‘imitation of nature’, but their own mythology tells a different story. The story of Pygmalion is the most famous of the myths that believe art to have the power of creation rather than the power of portraying. Here is the myth of Pygmalion. In ancient Greece there lived a sculptor, Pygmalion by name. People knew him to be a great sculptor. Once he made a statue of a young woman. The statue was so beautiful that Pygmalion fell in love with it. He wanted the statue to become alive and asked the gods to help him. For a long time he waited, expecting the statue to talk but it was silent. Then Pygmalion decided to go to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. He expected her to help him. “Oh, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, only you can help me. I know you to be very kind Give me a wife as beautiful as my statue or make my statue talk”. On returning home Pygmalion ran up to his statue, looked at it, and suddenly he noticed it move and then heard it speak. Soon the statue turned into a beautiful young woman, and Pygmalion married her. This myth has inspired a number of artists (including such different ones as Boucher and Daumier) and writers as well. I. Give full answers to the questions: 1. Where did the sculptor, Pygmalion by name, live? 2. What statue did he make? 3. Why did he fall in love with the statue alive? Whom did he want to help him? 5. Why did he expect Aphrodite to help him? 6. What did he see on returning home after visiting Aphrodite? 7. When did he see the statue move and hear it speak? II. Complete the sentences using the complex object: 1. People of Greece knew Pygmalion to … . 2. He wanted the statue to … . 3. He wanted the gods to … . 4. He wanted Aphrodite to … . 5. He expected Aphrodite to … . 6. When he came home he saw the statue … . 7. Then he heard the statue … . III. Retell theText IV. Respond to the following statements; see the model: John has come to see you. Yes, I know. He wants me to give him the music. 1. John wanted to talk to you. 2. They were looking for Jane. 3. Fred asked about you. 4. Ann wanted to talk to Mary. 5. Our dean wanted to see Alex. 6. Somebody rang you up. 7. The librarian asked you to come to the library. 8. Our teacher asker you to ring her up. 9. She spoke to Nick yesterday, didn’t she? 10. You are being waited for. V. Give full answers to the questions: 1. Did your parents want you to enter this institute? 2. Did Ermolova’s parents want her to become an actress? 3. Have you ever seen people shoot a film? 4. Have you ever seen Plisetskaya dance? When did you see her dance? 5. Do you like watching your friend draw? 6. What great violinists have you heard play? 7. Do you expect your friend to become an outstanding artist? Why? 8. Do you suppose your master to be pleased with your technique? Do you expect him to praise you? 9. Do you suppose your friend to do without your help in shooting? Does he want you to help him? 10. Why does the conductor make the orchestra repeat this movement many times? Methodical recomendation: 2. to read and to try understand the text without dictionary write a list of unnown words and give their transcriptions ready to retell the text in short Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил. Theme № . The myth of Pimalion The purpose of SIW: 1.To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. 2. To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. 3. To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. Text: Handicraft. Teacher profession. A teacher refers to a person responsiblein imparting lessons, guiding,instruction and training a person or group of students in a particular academic knowledge or skill. Being a teacher is a professional occupation usually employed in formal schools and institutions. Some colleges and universities require teachers who have professional qualification. For informal learning such as for purpose of home tutor or for special skills, the teacher is called a tutor. Teachers have specific specialisation.They could be more inclined towards academic subjects like math, science and language. Or they could be more into arts and crafts, vocational training or other specific subjects. School teachers use lesson plans that they follow for a certain time frame, say a month or a whole year.These lesson plans must be in accordance with the schools standart curriculum. There are different methodologies in teaching. As a procedure, teacers will decide their methods of teaching based on the level of understanding of their student, the shool environment and the available recources in the school. Educational institutions provide continuous training and development programms for teachers. They undegro series of trainings in order to update their knowledge and become efficient in teaching their students. They are also updated on on the latest methods of teaching. In addition the goverment established several institutions to provide certification and enforce specific standarts for professional teachers. This aims – to protect the interest of students and parents. Teaching - is a difficult job. It requires utter dedication and selflessness to be able to impart your learning to the students. Being very knowledgeable will not immediately qualify as a good teacher. What is more important is the attitude and the skill of being able to transfer the lessons effectively to the students. It is a gift. A teacher will be dealing with many students of different personalities. Some will be like a sponge who graps the main ideas very easily. Other students will require more patience as they would find it more difficult to understand the subject matter. As a teacher, it is his role to take care of all of the students, making sure no one is left behind. 1. Vocabulary: responsible impart guide particular employ qualification purpose incline frame - curriculum methodologies available provide update efficient enforce utter attitude - V. Checking measuring facilities: Choose the right equivalent! 1.The meeting (началось) at 5 o’ clock. A) were beginning; B) was beginning; C) began; D) begin; E) to begin; 2. At 5 o’clock yesterday I (ехал) to the station to catch the 5.15 train. A) was going; B) was gone; C) went; D) were going; E) gone; 3. When the academic year (закончится) we shall go to the country. A) is over; B) will be over; C) will been over; D) be over; E) to be over; 4. Our family … next summer at the seaside. will spend; B) will spent; C) will to spend; D) shall spent; E) shall spend; 5. When I came home my parents … . were watching TV; B) will watch TV; C) are watching TV; D) watch TV; E) watched TV; 6. Look out! You … to hit the child! A) are go; B) were going; C) are going; D) will; E) going; Add the sentences: 7. I … going to visit Trafalgar Square. I like sightseeing. A) was; B) are; C) is; D) am; E) been; 8. Be careful! That horse … kick you. A) is going to; B) was going to; C) going; D) would; E) going to; 9. Look at the sky! It ... to snow. A) is not going; B) were going; C) was going; D) are going; E) am going; 10.The weather … to change. Look at the clouds! A) were going; B) to going; C) is going; D) was going; E) will; 11. We … to invite our neighbours to our wedding anniversary. A) going; B) am going; C) is going; D) was going; E) are going; 12. You'd better take your umbrella. It …to rain. A) is going; B) was going; C) be going; D) are going; E) am going; 13. Choose the right sentence: A) I will always remember my school. B) I will remember always my school. C) Always I will remember my school. D) I will remember my school always. E) I always will remember my school. Choose the right variant: 14. People in Kazakhstan celebrate … on March 22. Republic Day; B) Nauryz; C) Longest day of the year; D) Independence Day; E) Constitution Day; 15. What is Big Ben? Clock; B) Museum; C) Theatre; D) University; E) Monument; 16.The capital of the USA is … . A) London; B) Washington; C) New York; D) Philadelphia; E) Boston; Find the right equivalent: 17. She'll soon get used to you. A) Она скоро привыкнет к тебе. B) Она обычно приходила к тебе. C) Бесполезно ее просить об этом. D) Я часто её встречал. E) Она не встречала её. Add the sentences: 18. I'm hungry. I … to have something to eat. A) is going; B) not going; C) was going; D) are not going; E) am going; 19. There's a good film in the cinema. ... to watch it with me? A) Are you going; B) Were you; C) Are going; D) Will you; E) Did you want; 20. I ... to wash up the dishes. A) is going; B) will; C) am going; D) went; E) going; Find the sentence in the Future Indefinite Tense: 21. A) Look! She is going to school! B) What do you think about Lisa's going shopping? C) He is reading a newspaper. D) Look at the clouds! The weather is going to change. E) They aren't going home now. 22. What … your daughter …do after she finishes school? A) is ... going to; B) was ... going to; C) were ... going to; D) am ... going to; E) do ... going to; Choose the right article: 23. Eric has got …new hat. A) an; B) a; C) on; D) -; E) the; 24. His… names are Murat and Aydos. A) cousins; B) of cousins; C) cousins'es; D) cousins’; E) cousins's; Complete the sentence: 25. Countable noun is … . A) cotton; B) wind; C) snow; D) wheat; E) a door; 26.Choose the compound word: A) newspaper; B) physics; C) industrial; D) experiment; E) paper; 27. Choose the right article: We are going to … cinema on … Saturday. A) the / the; B) - / -; C) the / a; D) the / -; E) the / an; 28. The TV is in … corner of … dining-room. A) the / the; B) - / the; a / a; D) a / the; E) the / a; 29. Choose the uncountable noun: A book; B) actress; C) doll; D) concert; E) juice; 30. Build the compound word: “bath“ A) voice; B) room; C) yard; D) actor; E) pen; 31. Build the compound word: “apple” A) tree; B) cook; C) man; D) garden; E) port; 32. Choose the compound word: A) million; B) chocolate; C) rainbow; D) resume; E) mathematics; 33. Find the right answer: Who is Prime Minister of Great Britain? A) Tony Blair; B) Elizabeth III; C) Prince Charles; D) Prince Edward; E) Elizabeth II; 34. The Head of the USA is … . A) the King; B) Speaker; C) the Queen; D) the President; E) the Prime Minister; 35. Our group … a dictation tomorrow. A) won’t wrote; B) shan’t written; C) won’t write; D) doesn’t write; E) shan’t wrote; 36. Choose the right variant: He left his land in 1950. A) Nineteen fifty; B) Ninety fifty; C) Nine five; D) The fifty; E) Ninetieth fifty; 37. Choose the right variant: How do you say the following big number “624,112”? A) Six hundred and twenty - four thousand, one hundred and twelve; B) Six-two-four and eleven – two; C) Six hundred and twenty - four thousand, eleven hundreds and two; D) Six hundred and twenty - four thousand, one hundreds and twelve; E) Six hundreds, twenty - four, one hundred and twelve thousand; 38. Complete the sentences: The pupils … playing when you came: was; B) do; C) are; D) did; E) were; 39. What … you doing yesterday at 8 o’ clock? A) were; B) is; C) was; D) am; E) are; 40. Find the right variant: When mother came home, I … doing my homework. are; B) am; C) was; D) is; E) were; 41. They will . . . . tidy up the house before their parents get back. go; B) have to; C) be; D) shall; E) can; 42. Match the verb ‘to speak’ with an appropriate word. A) Russia; B) French; C) Scotch; D) Finland; E) Englishmen; 43. Put the correct article: … Petrovs moved into a new flat. A) - ; B) an; C) a; D) some; E) the; The ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Semey State Pedagogical Institute The department of practical course of state and foreign languages Syllabus On discipline: Professional focused foreign language Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology Specialty: Professional education For students of the I course Education form: full-time Quantity of credits: 1 Practical studies: 4 SIWT: 4 SIW: 8 Total: 8 Checking form: examination Semey 2012 1.Full name of lecturer- Aktanova Sh.S. - Master foreign philology Department of practical course of State and Foreign Languages 2. Approved on meeting of department Protocol № _____ from «_____ » ________ 2012 . Head of Department of practical course of State and Foreign Languages _______________ Tussupbekova G.A 3 Discussed on meeting scholastic-methodical advice of the faculty of Kazakh Philology Protocol № ____ from «______» _________ 2012. Dean of the faculty of Kazakh Philology __________ Zhaksibaeva Ph.Z. Name of subject: «Professional focused foreign language» Information about lecturer: Aktanova Sh.S. - Master foreign philology of Department of practical course of State and Foreign Languages Contact information: office of dean 77-34-47 Date: 2012-2013, semester 2, Quantity of credits: 1 Course I-II Semester Number of credits 1 Practical 4 SIWT 4 SIW 8 Checking form exam Pre-requisites: a student needs to know base knowledge of English : read and letter skills, abilities of the use of lexical and grammatical structures in the spoken and writing language, abilities to understand basic ideas of the given reports. The base knowledge of fine arts. Theoretical bases of the own specialty. Post- requisites: to provide proficiency of the high level of the professional English language, corresponding to understand of basic ideas of the given reports which is done in scientific language, and also to make coherent expression on professionally interesting themes. To provide the knowledge of professional terms in English language. Short content of the course / discipline: This course is expected for students 3rd course (5th semester) for a 2 o'clock of practical lessons in a week. The course is prepared taking into account the program of educating to professional focused English in institutions of higher learning of unlanguage specialities. This course is considered in the program as the discipline which is confessed to satisfy the requirement of future specialist in acquisition of knowledge and abilities that allow to him a practical mastering professional English language. Purposes of the course: - to ensuring fundamental education in the fine arts subjects, promoting basic knowledge; - formation of basic knowledge on fine arts and design; - acquaintance and development of methods of knowledge of the fine arts and design; - to development student’s speech connected with professional terms and interests; - to broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms; - to inculcate skills ability to work with the text; - to perceive English speech by hearing; -to encourage the interests of learning foreign language; - to development of classical and modern pedagogical technologies; specializations; name, qualifications, summary. Target of educating of discipline of " Professional focused foreign language ": - be able to conduct conversation on the professional oriented themes; - to understand expressions in foreign language in a volume studied language; - to support conversation; - to expound the ideas and expressions in foreign language; - to translate text with the use of dictionary Listening: -to understand professional and social texts. -to perceive the listening and to be able to support the conversation. -to understand and speak on the concrete theme -to try to pronounce correctly words and word combinations connected with professional terms Speaking: -to make up the dialogue and take part in a conversation -to discuss the problem and to prove own opinion. -to develop monologue and dialogic. Reading: to understand the content of the text. -to define the problems according the text. -to translate the necessary parts of the text. -to take necessary and useful information from the text Writing: -to write reports, articles, annotation -to make independent reports -to write individual and official letters Theme plan of the course : 1st course 2 semester (1 credits) № № Week Theme Quantity of hours Practical 2 semester 2 weeks 1 2 4 2 1 week Theme: Lexicology Text: The history development 2 week S I W T of design 2 Theme: Language Units. Terminology Text: Development of design 3 3 week 4 4 week 2 Theme: Art in the e[periences of young children. Text: 2 Theme: English Vocabulary as a System Text: Art in our life. SIWT 1st course 2 semester (1 credits) № Theme Purposes and targets Lite rature Points Periods Checking of the form execution 1 2 3 4 Elements of graphic design To ensuring fundamental education in the naturalscience subjects. EMC Essential graphic design tool To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. EMC The graphic design process To encourage the interests of learning foreign language. EMC Augusto Rodin To development student’s speech connected with professional terms and interests. EMC 1-4 written 1-4 written 1-4 written 1-4 written P: 56 P: 59 P: 61 P: 65 SIWT 1st course 2 semester (1 credits) № Theme Purposes and targets Lite Point rature 1 Logo and website design 2 Advertisement and book design 3 The myth of Pigmalion To ensuring fundamental education in the natural-science subjects To development student’s speech connected with professional interest. EMC To broaden student's outlook and acquaint with professional terms. EMC Checking form 1-4 written 1-4 written 1-4 written P: EMC P: P: Information about evaluation of knowledge Letter equivalent Mark Point % Excellent 4,00 95-100 3,67 90-94 3,33 85-89 В 3,00 80-84 В- 2,67 75-79 2,33 2,00 70-74 65-69 1,67 60-64 А+ АВ+ Good С+ С Satisfactory С- 1,33 55-59 D+ D 1,00 50-54 F 0,00 0-49 Unsatisfactory Academic factors rating scale Current checking (l, pract,siwt) Home checking (siw) intermediate checking (attestation) Rating of admit (session) Total checking (exam) Total 10-20 5-10 15-30 30-60 20-40 50-100 Attestation Scale of the total mark Total: 100 points; А1+А2+Э=100 points; T=R 60% + E 40% = 100%; 1 point - 1 % Rating Point Letter equivalent Mark 0-49 0 Ғ unsat 50-54 1,0 D 55-59 1,33 D+ 60-64 1,67 C- 65-69 2,0 C Satisfactory Attestation1 – 30 points = 60 points (60%) Attestation 2 – 30 points Scale of the attestation mark (0-30 points) 70-74 2,33 C+ 75-79 2,67 B- 80-84 3,0 B good 85-89 3,33 B+ 90-94 3,67 A- 95-100 4,0 A excellent Attestation 0-14 15-22 23-26 27-30 marks unsat satisfactory good exellent 30-36 good 37-40 exellent Scale of the examination mark (0-40points) Exam - 40 points (40%) 0-19 unsat points marks 1. 2. 20-29 satisfactory Examination from 0 to 19 points – «unsatisfactory» (academical debt) Examination from 20 tо 40 points – passed examination. Forms of checking: Total checking: - test - control work - examination Politics and procedure of discipline - to attend classes regularly - to attend consultation - to pass SIWT and SIW in time - not to be late - not to miss classes -to observe the rules of behaviour in classes Literature: 1. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Дизайн» / Г.В. Шевцова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 2007. – 343 с.: ил. 2. Практический курс английского языка: 3 курс: учеб. для педвузов по спец. «Иностр. язык» / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002. – 432 с.: ил. 3. Практический курс английского языка: 4 курс: учеб. для студ. вузов / В.Д. Аракин [и др.]; под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. – 351 с.: ил.