02-Pronoun-Exercises. - Вернуться к English lessons

Pronoun Exercises
Ex. 1. Use personal pronouns which refer back to the underlined words & phrases.
a) 1. My father is very fat. … weighs over twenty stone. 2. John took the book and opened … . 3. Have you been to
London? – Yes, … was very crowded. 4. She calmed her child by giving … some milk. 5. He rang Mary and invited …
to dinner. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson said we should meet … at the station. 7. Mary’s feeling much better. I spoke to … in
the hospital this morning. 8. Is Mr. Thomson in? I have a message for … . b) 1. The teacher is helping the students to
translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy. 4. My friend is
going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at
Ex. 2. Choose the correct form of the pronouns from the two given in brackets.
1. These are very good books. Read (they, them) at home, please. 2. His family depend on (he, him). 3. (We, us) are
writing the grammar test at the moment. 4. Tell (we, us) everything about your University. 5. There’s a message for
(he, him) from his brother. 6. They showed this letter to (I, me) and not to (she, her). 7. Teach (they, them) the
alphabet. 8. If you want to be polite, buy (she, her) flowers.
Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into Russian. Mind the translation of the emphatic construction it is (was) … that
1. It was only yesterday that he brought me my book. 2. It was they who told us the news. 3. It was her hard work
that has led the group to a success. 4. It is the heart that pumps blood into the lungs. 5. It is stress that has a direct effect
on the immune system. 6. It is time that you must learn to manage not to let time manage you. 7. It was Ch. Darwin
who created the theory of evolution through natural selection. 8. It was at sunset that they have reached the village.
Ex. 4. Use the appropriate form of possessive pronouns in the following sentences.
1. The man next door has been busy cutting the grass in (he, his) garden. 2. He put (he, him, his) hand in (she, her,
hers). 3. She folded the letter and placed it in (it, its) envelope. 4. We can do (we, our, ours) shopping before lunch. 5.
This book is (I, me, mine, my). There is (me, I, my, mine) name on it. 6. The children had had (they, their, theirs) tea.
Kate was late for (she, her, hers) as usual. Mary and Paul were having (their, them, theirs). 7. (They, Them, Their,
Theirs) demand is quite ridiculous. 8. This friend of (I, me, my, mine) thinks I’m a great artist.
Ex. 5. Put the appropriate possessive pronoun into these sentences.
1. Do you want to put … coat on? – No, I’ll just put it round shoulders. 2. They lay on … backs and closed … eyes.
3. If you don’t want to hear it, put … fingers into … ears. 4. … shoe’s untied, but I don’t care. 5. You’d better wash
and comb … hair. 6. She sat in front of the mirror, running … fingers through … hair. 7. He had … hat pulled well
down over … eyes, and … hands were thrust deep into … pockets. 8. She turned up the collar of … coat to protect …
neck from the cold wind. 9. Before you go to bed make sure you wash … face, brush … teeth and put … clothes away
Ex. 6. Use the appropriate possessive adjective-pronouns or noun-pronouns.
1. Tell him not to forget ... ticket; she mustn’t forget ... either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they ... or ...? 3. I see
that he has lost ... pencil; perhaps you can lend him ...? 4. Lend them ... dictionary; they have left ... at home. 5. My
trunk is heavier than ... . 6. We’ve taken ... dictionaries; has she taken ... ? 7. Those seats are not ..., they are ... . 8. This
does not look like ... book, it must be ... .
Ex. 7. Translate into English.
a) 1. Он сломал мое перо, но дал мне свое. 2. Я не знаю, куда я положил свой словарь. 3. Она рассказала мне
вчера о своей поездке в Москву. 4. Она любит рассказывать нам о своих детях. 5. Я прочту вам свое сочинение
и хочу, чтобы вы прочли мне свое. 6. Я вижу, что у вас нет словаря, я хочу дать вам свой. 7. Я потерял свое
перо. Не можете ли вы дать мне свое? 8. Ее брат и мой работали в прошлом году в Витебске. 9. Этот словарь
мой, а не ваш. 10. Я еще не написал свои упражнения. А ваши готовы? 11. Вот ваш портфель. А где мой? 12.
Они всегда готовят уроки дома. 13. Сегодня холодно. Вы должны надеть пальто. 14. Я попрошу брата достать
мне этот словарь. 15. Он надел пальто и шляпу и вышел. 16. Он поедет туда с женой и дочерью. 17. Он
положил деньги в карман. 18. Где вы провели отпуск? 19. Она порезала палец. 20. Я не могу избавиться от
простуды. b) 1. Вы видели этот фильм? Да, я видел его вчера. 2. У них не будет урока английского языка
сегодня, так как их преподаватель болен. 3. Вы видели гражданина Иванова вчера? Да, я видел его и его жену.
Я их видел в клубе. Я видел там также их сына. 4. Это очень интересный журнал. Дайте мне его, пожалуйста. 5.
Тема лекции — «Радио и его использование в нашей стране». 6. Попросите их придти сюда после урока. Я
хочу объяснить им их ошибки в грамматических упражнениях. 7. Он дал нам эти книги и попросил нас вернуть
их ему на следующий день.
Ex. 8. Use the appropriate reflexive or emphatic pronouns.
1. I will ask him ... . 2. She will answer the letter ... .3. We’ll do it ... . 4. Did you invite him ... ? 5. He wants to do it
... . 6. They told me the news ... . 7. I looked at ... into the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coat to protect ... from the rain. 9.
Be careful! You will hurt ... .
Ex. 9. Translate into English.
a) 1. Я сам отвечу на это письмо. 2. Он не любит говорить о себе. 3. Они хотят это сделать сами. 4. Она
хочет это сделать сама. 5. Как вы себя чувствуете? 6. Не брейтесь в темноте, вы порежетесь. 7. Ваш отец сам
был здесь. 8. Я часто купался в море, когда жил на юге. 9. Он обжегся. 10. Они очень много рассказали нам о
себе. 11. Я оставлю эту книгу для себя. 12. Она сама принесет вам книгу. 13. Я очень удивлен, что он так себя
вел. 14. Не беспокойтесь. Я сам отнесу письмо на почту. 15. Трое друзей знают друг друга уже много лет. b) 1.
Я был в Одессе летом. Мне очень нравится этот город. 2. Много лет тому назад в этом доме была библиотека.
Моя мать работала в этой библиотеке. 3. Посмотрите на молодого человека, который разговаривает с
гражданином Ивановым. У этого молодого человека замечательный голос. 4. Это лето очень холодное. 5.
Посмотрите на маленький дом с зеленой крышей на том берегу реки. Я родился в этом доме. 6. Это мой
словарь, а это ваш. 7. Я не хочу ему звонить по телефону сейчас. Он всегда обедает в это время. 8. Завтра в это
время я уже буду в Киеве. 9. Какой-то человек хочет видеть вас. Я никогда не видел этого человека раньше. 10.
Я пошел в парк рано утром, так как знал, что в это время там очень мало народу. 11. Это мои тетради, а это
ваши. 12. Он собирается много работать над английским языком в этом году. 13. Он долго жил в Болгарии. Он
хорошо знает эту страну.
Ex. 10. Fill in the gaps with one of these pronouns: who, whom, whose, what, which.
1. … will help me? 2. … of you will help me? 3. … of these girls is the youngest? 4. … is your telephone number?
5. … dictionary is this, Peter’s or Helen’s? 6. … is he? He’s an engineer. 7. … of you am I to thank for this? 8. …
English books have you read this term? 9. … do you know about him?
Ex. 11. Put questions to the underlined words.
1. They are talking about the international situation. 2. The children are sitting under the tree. 3. Mathematics is the
most difficult subject that I study. 4. He has bought a gold watch. 5. That book is mine. 6. He usually looks through
foreign magazines in the library. 7. He wants to help his friend to complete the experiment. 8. My brother became a
programmer last year. 9. My father knows three foreign languages. 10. I am looking at him.
Ex. 12. Translate into Russian paying attention to relative pronouns.
1. The house that I live in was built ten years ago. 2. I don’t know which of them speaks French. 3. This is not what
I want. 4. That is the girl whose brother came to see us the other day. 5. The doctor who I visited yesterday is a
specialist in heart diseases. 6. This is the best film that I have ever seen. 7. There are a lot of people who do not smoke.
8. Yesterday I met an old friend whom I did not recognize at once.
Ex. 13. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate relative pronouns. 1. He is the man … car I noticed in the square. 2.
That is the worst news … we’ve ever had from you. 3. They explained … they wanted. 4. It is up to you to decide … is
to speak to the chief. 5. … I saw was a soil-looking brick house. 6. You’re one of the few people … I’d like to know
better. 7. I told him everything … was relevant.
Ex. 14. Complete each sentence with one of the indefinite pronouns in brackets.
1. … arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3.30 (Anybody / Everybody / Nobody). 2. … in the
village went to the party but … enjoyed it very much (Everyone / No one / Someone) (anybody / somebody / nobody).
3. When the show finished there was complete silence, … clapped (everyone / no one / someone). 4. Mohammed Ali is
… I have always admired (everybody / nobody / somebody). 5. … heard anything (Everyone / Nobody / Somebody).
Ex. 15. a) Insert some, any or no. 1. Are there … letters for me? No, there aren’t … letters for you. There are …
letters in the letterbox. 2. I have got … interesting books to read. 3. There aren’t … magazines here. 4. There are …
coat-hangers in the wardrobe. 5. I have got … interesting news to tell you. 6. There isn’t … butter on the table. Take …
fresh butter from the fridge. 7. Will you have a cup of tea? There is … hot water in the kettle. 8. I have got … time to
speak to you now. I am very busy. 9. You may read … book you like. b) Insert much, many, little, few, a lot of,
plenty of, a great deal of. 1. There are … students in the hall. 2. There is … furniture in this room. 3. I don’t have …
time today. I am very busy. 4. She has … Russian but … English books. 5. Please, don’t make so … noise. 6. I have …
mistakes in my dictation. 7. Are there … rooms in your flat? 8. I have … ink in my ink-pot. Give me some. c) Insert a
few, a little. 1. I have got … pictures in the room, but not many. 2. There is … bread in the cupboard. Take it. 3. There
are only … cigarettes in the box. 4. … books are lying on the table, but there are no magazines there. 5. I have …
money in my pocket. 6. Give me … water, please. I’m very thirsty. 7. I have just … prints, but they all are very good.
8. We didn’t have any money but Tom had … . d) Insert somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything,
everything, nothing, anyone, everybody, nobody, somewhere, anywhere, no one, some, any. 1. I see … at the
window. 2. Is there … news? 3. There is … in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. … knows about it. 5. Will
you give me … to eat, I am hungry. 6. I will go … for sure. 7. Can I have … milk in my coffee, please? 8. I haven’t got
any more money about me, so I cannot buy … else. 9. Where can I get … to eat? 10. When can I find … here who can
give me some information on this question? 11. We slept in the park because we didn’t have … to stay. We didn’t
know … we could stay with and we didn’t have … money for a hotel.
Ex. 16. Insert neither, either, each, every, all, both.
1. You can go by … road. 2. … of them recognized me. I’ve changed a lot. 3. There were fine houses on … bank
of the river. 4. … of the three friends received a ticket to the concert. 5. I see him … day. 6. … the children are in bed.
7. … book was packed separately. 8. … he nor she knew the latest news. 9. … plants require water. 10. He
remembered her … word. 11. I can hear you … but I can see … of you. 12. These are … very dirty rooms. I’m afraid
… will suit me. 13. … of us had to do his own work for the conference. 14. What would you like The Times or The
Morning Post? – Oh, … will do.