Министерство Образования и науки Республики Казахстан Университет «Сырдария» Факультет «Филологии и психологии» Кафедра «Шет тілдері» Силлабус Кредиты №1 №2 По дисциплине « Деловой английский язык» для студентов специальностей 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» Форма обучения: дневная Курс: 4 семестр 8 Практические занятия: 30 часов СРС: 30 часов СРСП: 30 часов Всего : 90 часов Текущий контроль – экзамен - 40 баллов Промежуточный контроль – 60 баллов Жетысай – 2008 1 Составитель: старший преподаватель Оралбекова Ф.Б. Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык» для студентов специальностей 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» Учебно-методический комплекс составлен на основе типовой программы Типовая учебная программа утверждени и введена в действие приказом МОН РК от 11 мая 2005 года №289 Учебно-методический комплекс обсуждён на заседании кафедры № Протокола _______________ «________»2008 г. Зав.кафедрой _______________________________ Одобрен на Методическом Совете факультета № Протокола_______________ «________»2008г. Председатель Методического Совета____________________________ Одобрен на Ученом Совете университета № Протокола_______________ «________»2008 г. Согласован с заведующими кафедрами, обучающих студентов по специальности 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» подпись__________ 2 Содержание 1. Абстракт ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Общие сведения---------------------------------------------------------------------Цели курса----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Протокол согласования рабочей программы с другими дисциплинами специальности.----------------------------------------------------5. Задачи курса--------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Структура учебных занятий--------------------------------------------------------7. Выписка из рабочей учебной программы --------------------------------------8. Сведения о структуре занятий----------------------------------------------------9. Правила для студентов-------------------------------------------------------------10.Содержание практических занятий----------------------------------------------11. Методические рекомендации для СРС по кредитам ------------------------12.Содержание СРСП ------------------------------------------------------------------13.Виды контроля соответственно содержанию кредита ----------------------а) письменный контроль б) диктант 14.Система рейтингового контроля академических знаний студентов 15.Карта учебного процесса по дисциплине. 3 1. Абстракт Учебно-методический комплекс по «Деловой английский язык» для студентов специальностей 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» содержит необходимый учебно-методический материал для эффективной организации учебного процесса. Целью учебно-методического комплекса является достижение высокого уровня усвоения студентами данной дисциплины при использовании в учебном процессе кредитной технологии. В рабочей учебной программе указаны виды занятий с количеством часов: ЛЗ- лекционные занятие, СРС- самостоятельная работа студентов, СРСП- самостоятельная работа студентов с преподавателем. Каждый кредит включает несколько видов контроля: ВК, ТК, ПК, РК. ВК – входной контроль, предваряющий кредит, включает задания по проверке исходного уровня знаний по изучаемой теме. ТК- текущий контроль, содержащий контрольные задание по пройденной теме. ПКпромежуточный контроль по кредиту. РК- контроль по разделу. Программа обучения содержит формы контроля и оценки знаний и умений студентов. В силлабусе даны лексический минимум, грамматический материал, упражнения и задания, направленные на коррекцию связной речи студентов, самостоятельная работа для студентов. 2.Общие сведения Оралбекова Ф.Б. – аға оқытушы Кафедра «Шет тілдері». Корпус № 1 кабинет № 51 Время пребывания на кафедре: с 900 – до 1700 Место и время проведения читаемого курса Место, время проведения занятий № 1 СРСП Связывающие сведения. Телефон время: ауд: Тел: Каб: Корпус: Ф.И.О. Оралбекова Ф.Б. Аудиторные занятия Практическое занятие время: ауд: 4 3. Цели и задачи обучения предмета. 1.Курс “Деловой английский язык” в сочетании с другими практическими и теоретическими дисциплинами должен обеспечить всесторонную подготовку учителя иностранного языка предусматривающую сформированность у него лингвистической, коммуникативной, лингвострановедческой и профессионально-адаптивной компетенции. 2.Данный курс должен способствовать становлению личности будущего учителя, формированию его мировоззренческой и гражданской позиции, расширению его общекультурного и филологического кругозора. Предметные и умственные действия с иноязычным материалом в процессе практического овладения языком развивают логическое мышление студента. 3.Стержневым компонентом в подготовке учителя иностранного языка определяется профессионально-методическая компетенция. В курсе “ Деловой английский язык”предполагает владение языком: А) на адаптивном уровне (знание закономерности восприятия и усвоения, подготовка учебного материала для усвоения и организации учебного процесса). В) на коммуникативном обучающем уровне управления и организации интеллектуальной, речевой деятельности учащихся, создание и использование речевых ситуации, оценка и анализ приемов работы и обучения. Задачи курса: - Целью обучающего курса английским языком как средством международного общения в различных сферах коммуникации: общественно-политической, учебно-профессиональной, социально-бытовой. - Успех в обучающей английской речи зависит от тщательной подготовки к каждому занятию, предполагающей усвоение лексикограмматического материала по теме. - Умело пользоваться словарями и справочниками. - Творчески осмыслить каждую проблему, предложенную в учебнике. - Развитие всех видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо). - Работа над текстом (деление текста на смысловые части, постановка вопросов, подбор заголовков, вычленение новой информации и т.д.). - Задание, способствующие развитию учебной деятельности студентов на английкого языке –это составление конспекта, библиографии, различных видов плана- простого и сложного, аннотации, рецензии, подготовка сообщений, разные виды описания фактов и явлений, оформление деловых документов. - Обогащение лексического запаса. 5 - Усвоение грамматики и приобщение к орфоэпическим нормам английского литературного языка. 4.Протокол согласования рабочей программы с другими дисциплинами специальности. Пререквизиты(дисциплины, изучаемые в обязательном порядке до ПУПР) История языка Литература стран изучаемого языка. Прак. фонетика Постреквизиты (дисциплины, изучение которых базируется на изучения ПУПР) Теор. грамматика “ Язык для специальных целей (основной, уровень С 2)” Стилистика Кафедра Шет тiлдері № протокола заседаний кафедры Протокол № 5. Выписка из учебного плана № кредита 1 Общее количество часов 90 Объем общей учебной нагрузки Из них Лекц. Занятия 30 СРСП 30 СРС 30 сем Итог контр. 8 Экзамен 6. Структура учебных занятий Практическое (семинарское) занятие –способствует овладению студентом методики, которая требует активного умозаключения в знании разбора, сопоставления и путей определения и решение проблем. СРС (самостоятельная работа студентов) – студент выполняет домашние задания, самостоятельно усваивает материал. СРСП (самостоятельная работа студентов под руководством преподавателей) – овладение учебного материала на занятии с помощью преподавателя. Преподаватель проверяет и контролирует уровень знаний студента согласно темы. 6 7. Правила для студента (Rules) 1. Не опаздывать на занятие. 2. Во время занятия не разговаривать, не читать газеты, не жевать жвачки, отключить сотовый телефон. 3. Приходить на занятия в рабочей форме. 4. Не пропускать занятия, в случае болезни представить справку о болезни в деканат. 5. Пропущенные занятия отработаются согласно календарному расписанию преподавателя. 6. В случае невыполнения заданий аттестационная оценка снижается. 8. Выписка из рабочей учебной программы № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Тема 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 Text At the Office. Dialogue. Mr.Camp and Mr.Roberts. Writing Advertisements. Making a contract. A Business Trip. Discussing a contract. Trade Fairs and Making an Appointment. Discussing a contract. Trade Fairs and Correspondence concerning the Purchase of Cotton. Turn- Key contract. The terms of delivery. Consortium. Business contract. Discussing the Price. New words and expressions. Discussing the Price. Grammar and vocabulary exercises. Types of contract. Speech exercises. New vocabulary. Characteristics (for the person). 22 New words and expressions. 7 Количество часов Прак. СРС СРСП занятие 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 24 25 Agency documents. 1 1 1 A Business Trip. 1 1 1 26 27 28 29 30 Оral work. Exhibitions. Agency documents. Exhibitions. Speech exercises. Всего 1 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 30 1 1 1 1 1 30 Correspondence concerning the Purchase of Cotton. CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THE PURCHASE OF COTTON FABRICS Brown & Co., Ltd"., of London were interested in buying Cotton Fabrics from Tradeexport. They contacted the company they knew well who gave them the address of Tradeexport. The British firm and Tradeexport exchanged the following letters. London, 29th March, 2003. Tradeexport, Moscow G-200, Russia Dear Sirs, Your name and address have been given to us by "Smith and Sons", who have Informed us that you are exporters of Cotton Fabrics from Russia. We are regular buyers of Cotton Fabrics and shall be glad if you will2 send us your samples with prices and all particulars concerning delivery dates and terms of payment. We are looking forward to your reply, Yours faithfully, Brown and Co., Ltd. Brown & Co., Ltd., March 28, 2003 12 Bedford Street, London, E.C. 2, Great Britain Dear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of the 20th March and are pleased to learn3 that you are interested in purchasing Cotton Fabrics. We enclose our current price-list which gives all particulars concerning terms of payment and delivery. Our samples have been sent to you by separate mail. We hope you will find what you require iiinong the samples, and if you need any further information, please let us know. Yours faithfully, Tradeexport End. 8 Brown and Co., Ltd. were satisfied with the quality of the samples which they received from Tradeexport, and asked Tradeexport to make them an offer. ' YcjioBHwe o6o3HaMeHH« HMnopTHbix 06-beAHHeHHii, npHHsrrbie B AaHHOM yne6-" Ltd. — limited ['limitid] — KOMnaHHa c orpaHHieHHoft oTBeTCTBeHHOcruo. They consider the price quite compctitive. She found the book interesting. —. They thought her beautiful. —. VOCABULARY NOTES correspondence [.koris'pondans] n concerning [k3n'sa:nin]/>rep We have received your enquiry concerning the latest models of our cars. syn. as regards, about purchase ['pait/as] n Are you pleased with your purchase? purchase v Tradeimport are going to purchase chemical equipment from Green & Co. syn. buy cotton fabrics ['faebriks] exchange [iks 'tjeind3] v inform v inform smb. o/smth. inform smb. that... The firm informed us of their new address. They informed us that the goods were ready for shipment. regular buyers sample fsarmpl] n We asked the firm to send us samples of their goods. for sample The first lot of Wheat for sample 441 is ready for shipment. • particulars [pa'tikjulaz] n (pi.) You will find all the particulars in our latest catalogue. learn v I'ye just learned that Peter left for 9 London yesterday. en'close v enclose with (the letter) We enclose our price-list with this letter. enclosure [in'kloirp] n encl. enclosure current adj current price-list quotation month year news Our office has signed a lot of contracts in the current year. What are the current prices for wheat? Ay separate mail ['separit] M We are sending you our samples by separate mail. need v need smth. I shall need the book tomorrow. . further adj further information development discussion be satisfied [ 'saetisfaid] v be satisfied with smth. HWM) Our president is satisfied with the results of the talks. vice-president n Who is vice-president of Tradeinvest? The vice-president has not come from abroad yet. greet v The famous writer was greeted by thousands of people. each other pron The young people looked at each other and smiled happily. get down to business After a short talk about the weather, they got down to business. syn. start doing smth. carefully ['kesfulijarfv We have carefully studied the firm's latest catalogues. examine [ig'zsemin] v paccMaTpHBaTb, H3yHaTb; examine goods samples machines 10 The goods were carefully examined by the buyers. tool had excellent working characteristics and was reliable in operation. Traded hoped that the advertised machine-tools were superior to those offered by < firms2 and they immediately sent the following enquiry to Messrs.3 Smith and 1 Moscow, September 21, Messrs. Smith and Co., London Dear Sirs, Wfe are interested in Cutter Model GH-66 advertised by you in the latest i of the "Industry". We shall be obliged if you will send us a tender for the above Machine-To Please quote your lowest price and state the time of delivery and the most favoii terms of payment. The price for the Machine-Tool is to be quoted f.o.b. Eng port. We also request you to send us specifications and all your publications. should also like to inform you that Mr. Sokolov, an engineer of our department visiting the London Industrial exhibition next month and will get in touch your firm to start talks for the purchase of the Machine-Tool required by us. We are looking forward to your early reply4, Yours faithf DISCUSSING A DISCOUNT Sokolov: We've carefully studied all the technical data we got from you Model GH-66 is just what we need. Black: I'm pleased to hear it. Sokolov: But I'm sorry to say that your price seems too high. Black: I'm afraid I can't agree with you here. Our price is quite reasonabi if you consider the superior quality of our machine-tools. Beside prices for this type of equipment are going up. These machine-toote' as you know, are in great demand now. Sokolov: Yes, we know that. We're in close touch with the world market. Bu your competitors quote lower prices. Black: I'm afraid we can't reduce the price. However, we could grant yoi a discount, if you order more than 10 machine-tools. Sokolov: What discount could you give us? Black: About 3 per cent. Sokolov: I see. Now, could I see the machine-tool in operation at youi factory? Black: That can be easily arranged. I'll see to it. Sokolov: Thank you. As to the price I think we'll settle it after we have seen the machine-tool in operation. COMMENTARY 1. The latest model of cutter. 2. Tradeimport hoped that the advertised machine-tools were superior to those , o 11 Prepositions of direction and place. Отрицательная форма Ли Число цо единственное множественное 1-е I am not you are not we are not you are not 2-е ■ they are not 3-е he ) she } is not it J В разговорной речи, как правило, употребляются сокращенные отрицательные формы глагола to be, а именно: isn't ['izntj. aren't I ant]. Am not не имеет соответствующей сокращенной формы, но в предложении am может сливаться с подлежащим: Правила ударения. Глагол-связка стоит под ударением в следующих случаях: а) в начале вопросительных предложений: 'Is 'this a ./pen? Это ручка? б) в кратких утвердительных ответах на общие вопросы: ■\Yes, | it Ms. Да, ручка. "%Yes, | they "%are. Да, ручки. в) в сокращенных отрицательных формах: "\No, | it "visn't. Нет, не ручка. "\No, | they "^aren't. Нет, не ручки.. § 21. Предлоге места и направления. 1. Предлоги места at о ото hО underO on {on] обозначает нахождение предмета на поверхности другого предмета и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом на; My bag's on the table. Моя сумка яа столе. under ['лпсЬ] обозначает нахождение предмета под другим предметом и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом под: My book's under the table. Моя книга лсд столом. 538 In (in] обозначает нахождение предмета внутри другого предмета, нахождение в замкнутом пространстве, и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом в: My book is in my brief-case. Моя книга в портфеле. 12 at [ast, at) обозначает нахождение предмета вблизи другого предмета и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогами у, около: I'm at the table. Я у стола. The teacher is at the blackboard. Преподаватель у (около) доски. 2, Предлоги направления и движения a out of о from. to [tu, taj обозначает направление, движение предмета по направлению к другому предмету и обычно переводится иа русский язык предлогами к, в, на: Go to the blackboard, please. Идите к доске, пожалуйста. into ['intu, intaj—составной предлог (ln + to), обозначает движение предмета по направлению к другому предмету с проникновением внутрь его и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом в: Please go into that room. Пойдите, пожалуйста, в ту комнату. Put your book Into your briefПоложите, пожалуйста, свою case, please. книгу в портфель. from ffnm. fram| обозначает движение предмета от другого предмета, иногда с поверхности другого предмета, и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогами от, с. из, у: Take your book front the table. Возьмите, пожалуйста, свою книplease, and open it. гу со стола и откройте ее. Please take your book from Peter. Возьмите, пожалуйста, свою книгу у Петра. off [afj обозначает движение предмета с поверхности другого предмета и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом с (со): Please take your book off the ' Уберите вашу книгу со стола, table. пожалуйста. out of ['aut av) обозначает движение предмета изнутри другого предмета наружу и обычно переводится на русский язык предлогом из; Go out of the room, please. Выйдите из комнаты, пожалуйста. 539 13 Discussing a discount. Tradeimport hoped that the advertised machine-tools were superior to those offered by othell firms2 and they immediately sent the following enquiry to Messrs.3 Smith and Col Moscow, September 21, 20. J Messrs. Smith and Co., London Dear Sirs, We are interested in Cutter Model GH-66 advertised by you in the latest issue of the "Industry". We shall be obliged if you will send us a tender for the above Machine-Toorj Please quote your lowest price and state the time of delivery and the most favourabM terms of payment. The price for the Machine-Tool is to be quoted f.o.b. EnglisM We also request you to send us specifications and all your publications. We I should also like to inform you that Mr. Sokolov, an engineer of our department, id visiting the London Industrial exhibition next month and will get in touch witM your firm to start talks for the purchase of the Machine-Tool required by us. We are looking forward to your early reply4, Yours faithfullfl DISCUSSING A DISCOUNT Sokolov: We've carefully studied all the technical data we got from youfl Model GH-66 is just what we need. Black: I'm pleased to hear it. Sokolov: But I'm sorry to say that your price seems too high. Black: I'm afraid I can't agree with you here. Our price is quite reasonable I if you consider the superior quality of our machine-tools. Besides 1 prices for this type of equipment are going up. These machine-toolsJB as you know, are in great demand now. Sokolov: Yes, we know that. We're in close touch with the world market. But I your competitors quote lower prices. Black: price. However, we could grant уоиЯ 14 I'm afraid we can't reduce the a discount, if you order more than 10 machine-tools. Sokolov: What discount could you give us? Black: About 3 per cent. Sokolov: I see. Now, could I see the machine-tool in operation at уоия factory? Black: That can be easily arranged. I'll see to it. Sokolov: Thank you. As to the price I think we'll settle it after we have seen I the machine-tool in operation. COMMENTARY 1. The latest model of cutter. В данном сочетании перед названием обо-1 рудования артикль не употребляется. 2. Tradeimport hoped that the advertised machine-tools were superior to those 1 offered by other firms. Чтобы избежать повторения существительного (machine-tools), упомянутого в начале предложения, употребляются местоимения that (those). Your prices are higher than those of your competitors. The quality of our goods is superior to that of the goods offered by other firms. 3. Messrs. ['mesaz] является сокращением от Messieurs (французское "господа"). Messrs. употребляется перед названием фирмы, в кото рое входят имена собственные. В настоящее время, однако, имеется тенденция опускать его. Stockley & Co. Ltd. London, S.W. 4. We are looking forward to your early reply. — Мы надеемся, что скоро получим от вас ответ. VOCABULARY NOTES journal [ ^зэ:пэ1] n журнал (специализированного типа) Could you recommend any journals on agriculture? Заметьте: The "Export Trade", the "Industry", the "Chemical Engineering Industry" are journals. The "Look" is a magazine. machine-tool n станок excellent [ 'eksabnt] adj excellent отличный, превосходный man 15 book journal working characteristics рабочие характеристики [.kaerakta'ristiks] What are the working characteristics of this machine-tool? reliable [ri'laiabl] ad/ надежный, прочный We've been doing business with them for a long time, and we know that the firm is a reliable one. superior [sjui'piaria] adj be «/superior quality This лучший, хороший быть высокого качества equipment is of superior quality. быть выше, лучше (по качеству) be superior to , чем... The quality of Model B-70 is superior to that of Model B-65. ant. inferior [in'fiaria] adj худший, плохой be o/inferior quality быть низкого качества This model is of inferior quality, they say. be inferior Го быть ниже, хуже (по качеству), чем ... The quality of the goods is inferior to that of the sample. issue ['isju:] n номер (газеты, журнала) Have you seen the latest issue of the "Economist"? There is an interesting article there. be obliged [3'blaid3d] быть благодарным, признатель- ным We shall be obliged if you will send us your catalogues. предложение (как правило, на ма- tender n шины и оборудование) syn. offer, quotation the above [Э'ЬЛУ] the above вышеупомянутый letter equipment goods 16 order contract, etc. We are interested in machine-tools G-21, H-23, GH-26 as the above machines have excellent working characteristics. in view of the above [vju:] ввиду вышеизложенного In view of the above we cannot reduce the price. state v указывать, сообщать In their letter of the 2nd March they stated their terms of payment and delivery dates. We have to state that the quality of the goods delivered by you is not in accordance with the sample. as stated above как указано выше As stated above the preliminary tests „> are to be made in two days. request smb. [ri'kwest] v просить кого-либо We request you to quote your c.i.f. prices. syn. ask request n просьба meet one's request удовлетворить чью-л. просьбу We are sorry we cannot meet your request as we do not produce this model any longer. 17 A Business Trip. This matter has been reviewed carefully by the Board of Directors of Co-op Implements and they have authorized the investigation of this concept after we have concluded the transaction with Avtopromimport relating to the CI 279 Field Cultivator. The first step that must be taken is to have representatives of both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements meet to develop a more detailed proposal together, and consider the steps which must be taken to realize the goals that may be set. As our representatives will be returning to the U.S.S.R. in late January — early February, we would appreciate receiving an indication of your interest in advance of that time so that we may further prepare ourselves for future discussions. Yours truly, CO-OP IMPLEMENTS V. E. Hamilton Chief Executive Officer z v B Here is a proposal of a foreign company for cooperation on a buy-back basis: Dear Sir, We. have several clients in Europe, Canada and the Umted States engaged in the business of fruits and vegetables. Some of the clients have been purchasing certain berries2 and fruits from Soyzexport. So far their dealings have been in raw materials for the preserving industry. However, for obvious reasons our studies show that it will be more advantageous for both sides to do business in finished products in frozen Form. For the Soviet Union to be able to deliver frozen fruits and vegetables it must build a freezing plant which will freeze fruits and vegetables to minus 40 degrees C and be able to store at minus 20 degrees C. 18 We have the possibilities of freezing a minimum of 4,000 tons of fruits and vegetables a year. We are prepared to buy as a minimum the above quantity annually. Based on the above facts we propose to supply the necessary equipment, knowhow, and finance to construct such a freezing plant to be paid by products we will buy over a period of five years. If this proposal is of interest to you, we are prepared to immediately start discussing the details and conclude the appropriate contracts. Kind regards, Sincerely yours, Some time later Mr Smith, a representative of the company comes to Moscow. He is received by Ivanov, an executive of the company. Smith: I'm very happy to be here in Moscow for a few days. Ivanov: I'm very glad to see you, Mr Smith. I received the telex about your arrival and we were expecting you one day this week. Smith: You must have studied our letter of November 24 in which we proposed cooperation on a buy-back basis. Ivanov: You are absolutely right. And I should say we like the idea of buying your freezing plant and repaying with frozen fruit. But there are a few problems to discuss, before we okay this deal. Smith: Well, go on. What's your first problem? Ivanov: The preliminary study showed that we'll need special handling equipment in our port for frozen fruit. You can undertake the delivery of equipment of this kind, can't you? Smith: I'm afraid I can't give you an immediate reply. But we'll do our utmost to meet this new request. I'll handle this problem the minute I get back to London on Wednesday. Ivanov: And then there is another problem we are faced with. As we understand from your letter you are prepared to finance the project. And what is the interest rate? 19 Smith: We have had a tentative talk with our bankers. In principle the Bank has agreed to provide credit to finance this project for a period of ten years at the rate of seven per cent. The percentage is standard for transactions of this kind. Ivanov: Good. We'll take that into account. Smith: And when will you be able to give us details of your technical specifications for the project? Ivanov: In a week or so. We can save the other questions until our experts meet in a month's time and they can draw up a draft agreement then. Smith: That's not too long to wait. There are several points which need to be weighed up before proceeding. Ivanov. You are quite right. Notes: 1. implement — npn6op, HHCTpyiueHT implements — HHBeirrapb, npimaAne>KHOCTH 2.berry — nroaa 20 Exhibitions. Some of the old Russian cities along the Volga river and in Siberia such as Nizhni Novgorod, Chelabinsk, Tobolsk and others are restoring their old fame of trading centres. International trade is quickly growing and there is always a demand to expand the exhibition areas to provide all the participants with suitable display facilities. B At the International Exposition An exposition is being held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Here is what Ms.2 Baker, a hostess of the Canadian Pavilion, said about her activities. "I am a hostess of the Canadian Pavilion and basically my job is to greet dignitaries3 and presidents of the companies and important businessmen. I usually tour the pavilion, explain to them all about the displays, show movies and then make sure that they are comfortable and well-served and show them on their way. Your pavilion is very popular with the VIPs* and we often bring them here. When I visited your pavilion I was really impressed. I've never been to your country as yet. Your displays are very well done and it was the first time I met Russian people and spoke with them. Truly, meeting you and visiting your pavilion has helped to cross the barrier, that unfortunate wall, which was built up. You realize that we are all human beings, all with the same feelings and desires. It was an eye opener for me." * * » Students are regular visitors of such events. One of them came up to the guide to share his impressions. Student: We have just visited your space stand featuring some models of your spaceships. Frankly, I was amazed at the technology that is displayed here in your pavilion. Guide: By the way, have you noticed our orbital stations which are controlled from the Earth? Space crews can stay there for a long period of time to carry out their research. 21 Student: Sure, your spaceships are very impressive. I even had a chance to fascinating. get : inside the spaceship. It was really t At the end of the tour the guide takes a group of students to a hall which is devoted to the cultural achivements. Student' The displays showing handicrafts5 seem to be very popular. Guide: Yes, indeed. They always attract large crowds of visitors. Here you can see modern Soviet paintings and other works of art from different parts of our large country 7 The hit of this display are sculptures, so small that you can see them only under a microscope. Student: It's incredible. I can hardly believe it. Guide: Have a good look at the displays if you wish. Then you can go to the cinema hall to see Soviet films or see our fashion shows and listen to our musical groups. You can find the schedule at the entrance. Student- Thank you very much indeed. It was a very interesting tour. We enjoyed every minute of it. Notes: 1. exposition (expo) — (aMep.) — exhibition 2. Ms. [miz] — used before the name of a women who doesn't want to indicate her marital status (the same as Mr. before the name of a man). Compare Mrs., Miss, Ms. Baker 3. dignitary ['digmt(9)n] — BbicoKOiiocraaneHHoe JIHUO 4. VIP — very important person 5. handicrafts — H3,nejiMsi KycrapHoro npoMwcjia SECTION A Ex. 4. Read the text. Ex. 5. Say what information the text gives about: 1. the history of world exhibitions; 2. the international exhibitions that were held in the USSR; 3. the hospitality of Moscow and Muscovites; 4. the revival of old 22 Russian traditions; 5. the exhibition facilities that Moscow offers to participating nations. Ex. 6. Think and answer. 1. Why can most of the international expositions be called festivals of industry and culture now? 2. Why do you think fairs and exhibitions improve international relations? In what way? 3. Why do businessmen from all over the world like to participate in the fairs and exhibitions which are held in our country? 4. Why is it necessary to improve exhibition facilities from time to time? 23 Exhibitions. UNIT III Ex. 14. a) Ask and answer as in the model. Prompts: 1. international exhibits; 2. Olympic Games; 3. advertising campaigns; 4. film festivals; 5. films after lectures; 6. scientific conferences; 7. disarmament conferences, etc. b) Now say what you would do for the sake of your friend (child, health, etc.). b) What would you say if much was written about a play (festival, book, exhibition, football match, chess tournament, Olympic Games, etc.)? c) Answer the following questions. 1. Why are football matches (sports events, performances) often given wide publicity? 2. Are all scientific achievements given wide publicity? Why? 3. Why does a good review in the press attract many cinema-goers? 4. What does an agent do to increase the popularity of a star in the West? 5. How is tourism promoted? 6. What can promote the sale of goods? UNIT III 24 Ex. 14. a) Ask and answer as in the model. Prompts: 1. international exhibits; 2. Olympic Games; 3. advertising campaigns; 4. film festivals; 5. films after lectures; 6. scientific conferences; 7. disarmament conferences, etc. b) Now say what you would do for the sake of your friend (child, health, etc.). d) What would you say if much was written about a play (festival, book, exhibition, football match, chess tournament, Olympic Games, etc.)? e) Answer the following questions. 7. Why are football matches (sports events, performances) often given wide publicity? 8. Are all scientific achievements given wide publicity? Why? 9. Why does a good review in the press attract many cinema-goers? 10.What does an agent do to increase the popularity of a star in the West? 11.How is tourism promoted? 12.What can promote the sale of goods? 25 Appointment. A BUSINESS APPOINTMENT Techmachimport has done a lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last lew years.1 Before Mr. Kozlov went to London, he and his experts had gone through the latest catalogues2 of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers. When Mr. Kozlov arrived in London, he phoned the Russian Trade Delegation and asked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company. MAKING AN APPOINTMENT Zotov: RussianTrade Delegation here. Good morning. Secretary: Good morning. Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available. Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please.3 I'll put you through. *" Lipman: Lipman is speaking. Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov speaking. I'm glad I've tgot you on the phone. I hope you are well.*— Lipman: Yes, thank you. 4 And how are you getting on? *" Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport has come to London5 to-day. He'd like totalktoyou.^ Lipman: I'll be glad to see Mr. Kozlov. We haven't met since my last visit to Moscow. I wonder if he will be able to come and see me this afternoon./I'm afraid this time won't be quite /v. Zotov: convenient to him. Could you give an alternative date, please? Lipman: Yes, certainly. Tomorrow morning then. Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Kozlov. Good-bye. Lipman: Good-bye. A BUSINESS TALK Kozlov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Lipman: Oh, Mr. Kozlov, good morning. Glad to see you in London. I hope you'll enjoy your stay in this country. Kozlov: I hope so too. What fine weather you are having now!6 Lipman: Yes. It's wonderful to-day. But the weather is very changeable in London. It rained heavily only yesterday morning. And what's the weather like in Moscow? Kozlov: It isn't so fine as it is here. It was snowing when I left Moscow. Lipman: Oh, was it!7 Kozlov: Well, Mr. Lipman, I'd like to have a word with you about our order for compressors. We've gone through your latest catalogues. 26 Making an appointment EXERCISES I. Practise the sound combinations given below, then read the dialogues carefully. II. Find English equivalents for the following sentences (See Text). 1. Какие дела у нас намечены на сегодня? 2. Подготовьте документы. 3. Я буду занят со счетами до двенадцати. 4. Договориться с м-ром Петровым на более позднее время? 5. Позвоните ему сейчас же. 6. Займитесь документами. 7. Он разговаривает по другому телефону. 8. Я бы хотела передать ему следующее. 9. Я сообщу ему (об этом). III. Activate the following words and word combinations. to appoint, appointed, to have (make, keep, cancel) an appointment a) Practise aloud. 1. Have you an appointment at ten? 2. I'm so sorry I couldn't keep the appointment. 3. Can I make an appointment with the doctor for Tuesday morning? 4. How do you like your new appointment? 5. He had to cancel the appointment at the last minute. b) Use all possible tense-forms. Comrade Nikitin was appointed head of the delegation. c) Make up sentences of yo,ur own, using the following table. 27 d) Use a synonymous expression. 1. Doctor B. will not be engaged this afternoon. You can ring him up at the surgery and arrange to see him between 3 and 5 p. m. 2. You can rely on him. He is sure to come in time unless something unexpected holds him up. 3. I've made an appointment with Mr Smith, and I am looking forward to seeing him. 4. He's been given the position of manager and it's really impossible to get hold of him on the phone now. to arrange, arrangement, to make arrangements a) Translate and practise aloud. 1. I'll arrange everything myself. 2. I've arranged for you to see him Thursday morning. 3. We've made all the necessary arrangements for the trip. 4. Have you made arrangements about a room? b) Make up sentences, using the same structures as in the models and translate them into Russian. Model 1: Г11 arrange for you to come Tuesday afternoon. Have you made arrangements for them to visit the museum? to book tickets, not to be late, to stay with smb., to consider something straight away, to be shown round the place, to exchange opinions on .... to get in touch with somebody, to visit the factory Model 2: He made arrangements for the party. We made arrangements about rooms at a hotel. the meeting, the excursion, dinner, the bus, the luggage, the journey, the final match, our stay there IV. Answer the following questions. Make up stories based on the information gained from the answers (to be done after each set). a) 1. Were you trained to be an engineer? 2. Where did you get your training? 3. You're interested in your work, aren't you? 4. What kind of machinery do you deal with? 5. Are you in close touch with other offices or factories? 28 6. Your work is connected with the English language, isn't it? In what way? b) 1. What time do you come to your office? 2. You begin working straight away, don't you? 3. What do you attend to first of all? 4. What are your usual daily engagements? c) 1. Do you make business appointments in the morning or in the afternoon? 2. You always keep your appointments, don't you? 3. Does anything ever make you cancel your appointments? What makes you do so? d) 1. What was your last business appointment? 2. Who did you meet? 3. Did you make the appointment on the phone or by letter? How do you usually prefer to do it? 4. What do you do if the person you're phoning to is out? e) 1. When are you going to call on your friend? 2. Will you call at his home or at his office? 3. You'll phone to him before calling at his office, won't you? Why? f) 1. Do you keep a diary? How long have you kept it? 2. Why do you find it useful? 3. Do you write things in it which you have to see to yourself or messages for other people too? g) 1. Your work is connected with business trips, isn't it? 2. Who usually makes all the arrangements for your business trip? 3. Is anyone appointed to do your work while you are away? V. Make a written translation of the dialogues and then retell them in indirect speech. 1. — Когда вы уезжаете на выставку? 29 —В нужно начале следующего договориться месяца, я относительно думаю. некоторых Мне еще экспонатов (exhibits). 2. — Вы давно знаете товарища Рябова? —Да, он (раньше) был моим сослуживцем, но уже около месяца я не поддерживаю с ним связи. — Вы знаете, его назначили директором нашей фирмы. — Правда? , 3. — Вы уже договорились (editor)? о встрече с редактором . — Нет еще, я звоню ему с утра, но (никак) не могу дозвониться. — Позвоните еще раз. Если его не будет на месте, попросите передать ему обо всем (сообщите). 4. — Вы приготовили все документы для конференции? — Да, почти все готово, но мне нужно посмотреть некоторые цифры (figures). — Займитесь этим сейчас же, встреча с представителями делегаций назначена на 11 часов, а сейчас уже десять. — Хорошо. Не беспокойтесь, все^удет готово. 5. — Алло. Попросите товарища Назарова, пожалуйста. — Товарищ Назаров сейчас говорит по (другому) телефону. Вы подождете? __ — Нет, я позвоню еще раз. 6. — Товарищ Дымов, зайдите в контору, ста. Вам попросили кое-что передать. —Спасибо, я все знаю, я уже занимался этим вопросом. VI. Retell the dialogues in indirect speech. VII. Make up dialogues and retell them in indirect speech.. 1. Discussing a Suggestion 30 пожалуй to have a suggestion, to be worth considering, to have trouble with, to ask for permission, to prefer, to attend to convincing, to try to persuade, one's attitude to 2. Looking Up Appointments a diary, to have an appointment, to be engaged, to arrange, nearly all the points, to have a suggestion, to consider, reasonable, to make changes, to attend to 3. Receiving a Visitor what can I do for you?, can I see ..., it's a pity, to call on, at the appointed time, to arrange for somebody 31 What do we mean by warrant? We hope you will let us have your comments on our offer and we look forward to discussing this matter in detail with you at any convenient time. Yours faithfully, for* Carston Ltd, G. Parks Export Sales Manager** B Discussing the Guarantee Period Borisov studied the offer an,d the leaflets very closely. He thought that the technical characteristics of the LS 8 pump would suit their customers. He got in touch with Mr Parks and visited his office. During their talk they discussed some technical matters. Today they are meeting at the Soviet Trade Delegation. Borisov: Good morning, Mr Parks. Very glad to see you again. Parks: Good morning, Mr Borisov. What terrible weather we are having! Borisov: Yes, it has been raining since early morning though the radio didn't say $ would rain today Parks: I hope it will clear up*** by the evening. Borisov: Perhaps it will. Mr Parks, the matter I'd like to bring up today is the guarantee period. I know it is 12 months from the date of putting the pumps into operation, but not more than 18 months from the delivery date. Parks: That's right. Borisov: Well, I find it rather short. We'd like it to be extended by two and three months respectively, as the usual guarantee period for this type of of equipment is longer. Parks: Now, look****. Model LS 8 is of a new design and only a small number of units have been manufactured so far. Although we have good reports about their performance we can't formal- 32 WORKING ON THE TEXT An Offer A Here is an offer which was received by the Soviet Trade Delegation from a large British company. Soviet Trade Delegation, 25th September, 19.. London. For the attention of Mr Borisov Dear Sirs, . We thank you for your enquiry of 27th August 19.!'concern-ing the supply of pumps and now are pleased to submit our offer. With this offer we enclose drawings and specifications together with our leaflet. Price: The total price of a pump is Ј ... which includes packing and delivery OF Soviet port. Delivery: Delivery of the pumps will begin three months after the contract is signed and will be completed within a period of four months. Validity: This offer is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Payment: Payment is to be made in cash within 30 days of receipt of the following shipping documents: an Invoice, a Bill of Lading, an Insurance Policy and a Packing List. We have quoted for the majority of spare parts in accordance with the details in your enquiry. But we cannot guarantee the supply of all items as in some cases our stocks of spares are limited. We recommend you therefore to place an order as soon as possible to obtain the items you require. I would personally very much like to visit'you at' the Trade Delegation and discuss our possible future business relations. Perhaps you will be kind enough to advise me of a suitable date and time for such a meeting. Yours faithfully, on behalf of Blake & Co G.E. Fox 33 Overseas Sales Manager B Discussing Tests and Packing Borisov was favourably impressed by the technical specifications of the pumps which were given by the company. During his first meeting with Mr Fox they discussed the terms of delivery and a possible quantity discount. W.hen the two businessmen met again the following conversation took place. Borisov: Mr.Fox, I want to clarify the question of inspection and tests first. Since this is going to be our trial order, we'd certainly like our inspectors to be present at the tests. Fox: Naturally. We'll send you our Notification of Readiness for the Test well in advance. Borisov: We'd like it to be sent at least 45 days before . the date of the test. Fox: Why so early? Borisov: You know, in the past we had some troubles when Notifications were delayed and as a result our inspectors couldn't arrive at the plant in due time*. Fox: I see. In that case the contract will stipulate your requirement. But I can guarantee that we won't let you down, Mr Borisov. On our part, we expect a Release Note for Shipment to be signed immediately after the tests are carried out and a Test Report** is submitted. Otherwise we won't be able to arrange shipment of the goods on time. 34 Who signs the protocols of meeting. V. Ask and answer questions using the given model, use the verbs given below: Model: Are they travelling in the Caucasus now? How long have they been travelling there? Have they travelled a lot? When did they travel there? Were they travelling in the Caucasus when you met them? How long had they been travelling there before you met them? Had they travelled in the Crimea before they came to the Caucasus? Do they travel much? Are they travelling next summer? (to paint, to consider, to dance, to hold a meeting, to play, to improve) VI. Translate these sentences into English: 1. Все утро идет дождь. Боюсь, что мы не сможем поехать за город. 2. Последние три месяца цены на эти станки растут. 3. Уже несколько дней мы думаем (планируем) о том, как провести отпуск. 4. Зрители аплодировали до тех пор, пока ведущий актер не появился на сцене. 5. Мы изучали предложение фирмы "Смит и К°" на станки несколько дней, прежде чем решили принять его. 6. Я полагаю, он может перевести эти спецификации. Он уже три года изучает французский язык. Text REPLY TO AN ENQUIRY Tradeexport were recommended to El Nazr, Cairo* as makers of Drilling Rigs of high efficiency. Experts of El Nazr studied the publications of Tradeexport concerning the Drilling Rigs. They found that Model B-3, which Russia had been producing for the last few years, was among the best on the world market. El Nazr sent an enquiry to Tradeexport The reply of Tradeexport ran as follows': 15th September, 20... Messrs. El Nazr Cairo Dear Sirs, Re2: Enquiry for Drilling Rigs 35 We thank you for your enquiry of 8th September this year concerning our Drilling Rig Model B-3. We are pleased to offer you 10 machines at the price of... per unit c.i.f. Alexandria** including packing. Payment is to be made against a Bill of Lading3 an Invoice3 and a Works' Test Certificate3 by an irrevocable Letter of Credit.3 The Letter of Credit is to be opened in our favour with the Vnesheconombank, Moscow, for the full value of the goods intended for shipment. The machines can be dispatched within 6 months upon receipt of your formal order. We enclose a list of firms whom we have been supplying with our machines for the last few years. Yours truly,4 Tradeexport DISCUSSING THE GUARANTEE PERIOD AND DELIVERY DATES Mulki: I've seen your Drilling Rig Model B-3 in operation. Sokolov: And how did you find it? 3. Visit Mr. Smith at his London office. Make arrangements about your visit ! to the plant. Discuss the delivery dates with him. XVI. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments: 1.Johnson and Co. got interested in the latest model of Helicopters, advertised by you in one of the British journals. Mr. Smith came to Moscow to negotiate the purchase of the above-mentioned Helicopters. Discuss the price and the terms of payment with him. 2.Visit Mr. Brown at his office. Tell him you have seen their latest model of Compressor at the exhibition which was recently held in Moscow. You were favourably impressed by the design of the model. Ask Mr. Brown to make you an offer for the model. Text: ORDER As a result of the talks held in London between the representatives of Robinson and Co., Ltd. and Tradeimport the following order was signed: Purchase Order 36 No. 46/41787-H22 Dated: March 16, 20... The Buyers: Tradeimport Transport No. 534-668 Narjad No. 441/2603 Address: Tradeimport, Moscow The Sellers: Robinson and Co., Ltd. Address: 432, Oxford St. London, Wl. 1.OBJECT OF ORDER: The Sellers sell and the Buyers buy the goods listed in the Specification attached hereto,* at the prices and in the quantities indicated therein.** The said specification forms an integral part*** of this Order. 2.PRICES AND TOTAL AMOUNT: Prices are understood to be c.i.f. Petersburg. Total amount of this Order is ... 3.DATE OF DELIVERY: The goods are to be delivered in three parcels at the rate of one consignment each month. The first parcel is to be shipped in May. 4.PACKING: Export packing in conformity with the accepted standards. 5. MARKING: Each case is to be marked in weather-proof paint as follows: ""Order No. 46/41787-H 22, Narjad No. 441/2603. Transport No. 534-668. Name of Shipper: Robinson and Co., Ltd. Name of Consignee: Tradeimport 37 New words and expressions. WORKING ON THE TEXT Various Forms of Business A International business is a dynamic activity which changes, adapts and responds according to the conditions. Apart from conventional trade it takes various forms such as buy-back transactions, turnkey projects, transactions in patents, licences, knowhow, services, various joint ventures, joint banks, mixed commissions and many other forms. Here is a letter proposing a joint venture: Dear Mr Churov, Re: Tractoroexport/Co-op Implements * Joint Venture During our recent visit to the U.S.S.R., and specifically when we met with you regarding the possibility of forming a joint venture aimed at developing and manufacturing a new line of tractors for sale in the North American market, it was agreed that we would put forward our preliminary thoughts for your consideration. Conceptually, we see Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements forming a Canadian joint venture company, with ownership of that company to be shared by both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements. The joint venture company would purchase the required engines and power trains for the new tractors from Tractoroexport, and have Co-op Implements complete the manufacture and assembly of the new tractor here in Canada. The joint venture company would then distribute the completed tractors throughout North America through the distribution systems now utilized by both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements. In our opinion, this form of venture would be extremely beneficial to both parties* a As you are aware, Co-op Implements is a leader in the deyes-;y lopment of new products and we are confident that with oufc engineering abilities and plant facilities, 38 we can,in conjunction witi^s your engineering personnel and the supply of the engines and [ >ower trains now produced by Tractoroexport, develop an excel-ent line of tractors which would be readily acceptable in the North American market. This matter has been reviewed carefully by the Board of Directors of Co-op Implements and they have authorized the investigation of this concept after we have concluded the transaction with Avtopromimport relating to the CI 279 Field Cultivator. The first step that must be taken is to have representatives of both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements meet to develop a more detailed proposal together, and consider the steps which must be taken to realize the goals that may be set. As our representatives will be returning to the U.S.S.R. in late January — early February, we would appreciate receiving an indication of your interest in advance of that time so that we may further prepare ourselves for future discussions. Yours truly, CO-OP IMPLEMENTS V. E. Hamilton Chief Executive Officer z v B Here is a proposal of a foreign company for cooperation on a buy-back basis: Dear Sir, We. have several clients in Europe, Canada and the Umted States engaged in the business of fruits and vegetables. Some of the clients have been purchasing certain berries2 and fruits from Soyzexport. So far their dealings have been in raw materials for the preserving industry. However, for obvious reasons our studies show that it will be more advantageous for both sides to do business in finished products in frozen Form. For the Soviet Union to be able to deliver frozen fruits and vegetables it must build a freezing plant which will 39 freeze fruits and vegetables to minus 40 degrees C and be able to store at minus 20 degrees C. We have the possibilities of freezing a minimum of 4,000 tons of fruits and vegetables a year. We are prepared to buy as a minimum the above quantity annually. Based on the above facts we propose to supply the necessary equipment, knowhow, and finance to construct such a freezing plant to be paid by products we will buy over a period of five years. If this proposal is of interest to you, we are prepared to immediately start discussing the details and conclude the appropriate contracts. Kind regards, Sincerely yours, WORKING ON THE TEXT Various Forms of Business A International business is a dynamic activity which changes, adapts and responds according to the conditions. Apart from conventional trade it takes various forms such as buy-back transactions, turnkey projects, transactions in patents, licences, knowhow, services, various joint ventures, joint banks, mixed commissions and many other forms. Here is a letter proposing a joint venture: Dear Mr Churov, Re: Tractoroexport/Co-op Implements * Joint Venture During our recent visit to the U.S.S.R., and specifically when we met with you regarding the possibility of forming a joint venture aimed at developing and manufacturing a new line of tractors for sale in the North American market, it was agreed that we would put forward our preliminary thoughts for your consideration. Conceptually, we see Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements forming a Canadian joint venture company, with ownership of that company to be shared by both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements. The joint venture company would purchase 40 the required engines and power trains for the new tractors from Tractoroexport, and have Co-op Implements complete the manufacture and assembly of the new tractor here in Canada. The joint venture company would then distribute the completed tractors throughout North America through the distribution systems now utilized by both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements. In our opinion, this form of venture would be extremely beneficial to both parties* a As you are aware, Co-op Implements is a leader in the deyes-;y lopment of new products and we are confident that with oufc engineering abilities and plant facilities, we can,in conjunction witi^s your engineering personnel and the supply of the engines and [ >ower trains now produced by Tractoroexport, develop an excel-ent line of tractors which would be readily acceptable in the North American market. This matter has been reviewed carefully by the Board of Directors of Co-op Implements and they have authorized the investigation of this concept after we have concluded the transaction with Avtopromimport relating to the CI 279 Field Cultivator. The first step that must be taken is to have representatives of both Tractoroexport and Co-op Implements meet to develop a more detailed proposal together, and consider the steps which must be taken to realize the goals that may be set. As our representatives will be returning to the U.S.S.R. in late January — early February, we would appreciate receiving an indication of your interest in advance of that time so that we may further prepare ourselves for future discussions. Yours truly, CO-OP IMPLEMENTS V. E. Hamilton Chief Executive Officer z v B Here is a proposal of a foreign company for cooperation on a buy-back basis: Dear Sir, 41 We. have several clients in Europe, Canada and the Umted States engaged in the business of fruits and vegetables. Some of the clients have been purchasing certain berries2 and fruits from Soyzexport. So far their dealings have been in raw materials for the preserving industry. However, for obvious reasons our studies show that it will be more advantageous for both sides to do business in finished products in frozen Form. For the Soviet Union to be able to deliver frozen fruits and vegetables it must build a freezing plant which will freeze fruits and vegetables to minus 40 degrees C and be able to store at minus 20 degrees C. We have the possibilities of freezing a minimum of 4,000 tons of fruits and vegetables a year. We are prepared to buy as a minimum the above quantity annually. Based on the above facts we propose to supply the necessary equipment, knowhow, and finance to construct such a freezing plant to be paid by products we will buy over a period of five years. If this proposal is of interest to you, we are prepared to immediately start discussing the details and conclude the appropriate contracts. Kind regards, Sincerely yours, 42 Grammar and vocabulary exercises. What things are liable to duty? Какие вещи подлежат обложению пошлиной? bus [DAS] п автобус by prep на (видом транспорта) to go by bus ездить на автобусе (автобусом) to go by taxi ездить на такси tocometybus приезжать на автобусе to go by plane лететь самолетом to get to... Ay bus доехать до ... автобусом Can I get there Ay bus? Могу я доехать туда автобусом? II GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES I. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме: I. When I (to call for) Pete his mother told me that he not (to come back) from abroad yet. 2. We were afraid that the goods (not to arrive) yet. 3. When we (to arrive) at the airport the plane (to take off). 4. When I (to see) that man last night I (to think) that I (to meet) him before. 5. He told me that they (to wait for) us outside the Ministry at 5 o'clock. 6. Mr. S. said that they (to be going) to place an order with a French firm. 7. The firm let us know last week that they not (to ship) the equipment yet. 8. The firm did not accept our offer. They already (to buy) the goods from another firm. 9. The stewardess said that the plane (to take off) in 10 minutes. 10. Yesterday our director (to fly) to London on business. He never (to be) there before. II. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо, и перескажите пер вый текст: We all know ... name of Chkalov. He was one of... best (лучший) Russian flyers. In 1937 Chkalov, Baidukov and Beliakov made ... first nonstop (беспосадочный) flight: Moscow — the North Pole (Северный Полюс) — America. It took them 63 hours to get to Portland. They flew by AN-25. That was... very good plane. 43 Though ... flight was difficult (трудный) the flyers felt well. ... people in America were happy to see ... Russian flyers on their land. They went home by ship. It was... large ship. It was going to France. There were ... foreign engineers, doctors, teachers and businessmen on ... ship. One day ... American businessman came up to Chkalov and asked, "Are you rich (богатый), Mr. Chkalov?" "Yes, I am," answered Chkalov. "I've got 170 million." "Have you got 170 million roubles or dollars?" "I've got 170 million people. All... people work for me and I work for trtem." 1. When they made ... announcement about ... Flight 52, all ... passengers went to ... plane. 2.What airport are we going to land at? I believe we'll land at... Domodedovo airport. 3.1 was afraid that they had not received ... fax and would not come to ... airport to meet me. 4. He said that Mr. P. had gone on business to ... Caucasus. 5. Have you booked ...tickets for ...theatre? I'm sorry, I haven't. But I'm going to ... booking-office tonight. 6. What's... time? It's 7.45. 7.... time flies and ... children will soon go to ... school. 44 Speech exercises. III SPEECH EXERCISES 1. What do you do before you make a journey? 2. What must you do to book! ticket on a train in advance? 3. What is a through train? 4. Why is it more convenier 110 have a return ticket when you go to Sochi in summer? 5. What journey will you \ Injoy making? 6. Why is it convenient to leave luggage at the left-luggage office? 7. ' Why don't people like seeing off their friends? 8. What must you do not to miss the Ifiln? Bonpoc He is going to book a single ticket. Isn't he going to book a return ticked No, he isn't. 1. Peter promised to call for us at 5. 2, She has caught only the 9 o'clock train. J, He is going to leave from Kiev Station. 4. We shall travel second class. 5. Our journey to Odessa was the most pleasant. 6. The buyers are interested in Model-10. 7. Our office required April shipment. 8. We can buy power equipment from a French firm. 1. Yon are quite right. Quite so. Yes, certainly. 2.1 don't think so. I'm afraid it's not so. 1. It will take you less time to get to Petersburg by train than by plane. 2. It is always more convenient to book single tickets than return tickets. 3. It is more pleasant to travel by air than by railway. 4. It is convenient to go by a through Irnin. 5. There are always many visitors at Russian exhibitions abroad. 6. There me dining-cars on all through trains. 7. It is more convenient to travel third class than to travel first class. 8. You won't have to change trains to get to London. 9. You can reserve accommodation for any train at the Intourist booking-office. 10. Not all the passengers go through the Customs when they arrive from abroad. BUYING A TICKET A one first to D. to change to arrive What's the fare? a dining-car B single or return a through train to be due... ... shillings TALKING TO A PORTER Porter see to my luggage to Glasgo to travel first class two suit-cases platform B Yes, sir. to travel luggage which class? to leave to hurry 45 1. The train arrived in London at 8 p.m. When I got off the train I saw that no one had come to meet me. So I... 2. Yesterday we came to the station to see off our friend. When we came up to I his carriage the attendant asked my friend to show him his ticket. But my friend lound that he had no ticket. I said ... 3. Last Sunday my friend and I decided to go to the country. He said that i o'clock he would be waiting for me at the railway station. But at 8 o'clock in 1 morning when I was about to leave the house the telephone rang and ... 4. My friend was coming back to Moscow from Sochi. At one of the sta he got off the train to send a cable to his wife. When he came out he saw that I train had already left... SEEING A FRIEND OFF Three men were sitting at a bar near a railway-station. They had asked railway porter to tell them when the train was due. Some time later the por came to say that the train was coming in. "Oh," said the men, "we have time 1 just one more drink." They took another drink and hurried out, but their train 1 already left. They went back to the bar. An hour later the second train arrived, and same thing happened. They missed the train again. Two hours later the por came and told them that the last train was due in five minutes. Again the waited for a few minutes to have one more drink and when they came out the tr had already started. Two of the men caught the train. But the third man miss the train and walked back to the bar. "By the way," the barman asked him, when he came in, "what town are yotl friends going to?" "I don't know, where they are going to," the man answered. "They just car down to the station to see me off." TOO MUCH FOR THEM Some young men were travelling in a smoking compartment of a railwa, carriage. Just as the train was about to start the door suddenly opened, and an old woman came into their compartment. The young men wanted to have th compartment for themselves and they said: "This is a smoking carriage." But th woman did not listen to them. She came into their compartment and sat downif They decided to smoke as much as they could and hoped that she would have to leave the carriage soon. There was a lot of smoke in the compartment and the young men began to feel bad. In a quarter of an hour to their great surprise the woman took out a pipe andj began smoking too. The young men had to change their compartment very soon. to start ; for themselves ann ce6a; a pipe Tpy6xa 1. Meet Mr. Morrison at the airport. Tell him you have booked a room for him} at the Metropol Hotel. , 2. Ask Mr. Camp what goods he is interested in and what terms of shipment j suit his company. 3. Tell Mr. Readly what goods you can offer them and let him know your • price and the terms of delivery. 46 4. Tell Mr. Nelson that as you are going to place a big order with them you ask them to reduce their prices. Say they are higher than the world prices. 5. Tell Mr. Todd you have improved your models lately and you are going to sell them at a higher price. Ask if the firm can take part deliveries. 1. Travelling by railway. 2. At the booking-office. 3. At the railway-station. 47 Characteristics (for the person). UNIT 2 TOPIC: APPEARANCE. CHARACTER Listen, read and practise. "How old are you?" It's a simple question, and there is usually a simple answer: "sixteen years old," "twenty years old," "fifty-five," etc. But if someone is described as young or middle-aged or old, then how old is that person? It's difficult to know because these are words that have different meanings for different people. Except for the word teenager, which describes someone whose age ends in the syllable "teen" (such as fourteen, fifteen or sixteen), words which describe age are not exact. When, for example, does a baby stop being called a baby and become a young child? Wheji does a boy become a young man and a little girl become a young woman? At what age does middle age begin? When do you call someone elderly and not simply old? At what age does someone become an adult? In some countries, it is when the government says a person is old enough to vote. Is that really the difference between a child and an adult? The answers to these questions partly depend on how old you are. There is a saying that old age is always ten years older than yourself. If you are fifteen, then you think someone of twenty-five is old. At thirty, forty seems old. If you are seventy, then you probably think someone of eighty is old. A recent survey showed that there was . some truth in the old saying. People were asked. "What is middle age?" Those in their early twenties usually answered, "Between thirty-five and fifty," and people in their thirties answered, "Between forty-five and sixty." A. Decide whether these statements are true'(T) or false (F) according to the passage. ■' 1. When people are asked their age, they usually answer with a number. 2. If someone tells you that he or she is niiddle-aged, you know the exact age of that person. 140 3. It is possible to call someone who is twelve a teenager. 4. There is an exact age when a baby becomes a young child. 5. "Elderly" is similar in meaning to "old". 6. Some governments say that an adult is a person who can vote. 7. According to the saying, if you are twenty-nine, then you think someone of thirty is old. 8. As you get older, your ideas change about when middle age begins. B. Think about. 1. What are some of the joys and problems of each age? 2. Are you happy with your present age? 3. How do you feel about growing older? 4. How important is age? in marriage? in work? fteauty 48 How important is your appearance? Although everyone wants to be good-looking, are beautiful people always happier people? For example, it must be a problem to be a really beautiful woman, because some men may be more interested in looking at you than talking to you. They mink of you as a picture rather than a person. There are also some people who think that women who are exceptionally pretty and men who are particularly handsome must be stupid. They believe that only unattractive people can be intelligent. On the other hand, no one wants to be really ugly, and have a face that even your mother doesn't want to look at; and rio one wants to be plain either — that is, to be neither attractive nor unattractive, and have a face that is easily forgotten. Being attractive is like being rich ^— it can help you find happiness, but it doesn't always make you happy. So maybe the best thing is not to worry too much about how you look, but §imply try to be an interesting person. For interesting people have interesting faces,.and interesting faces are almost always attractive. A. Decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F), or impossible to know (IK) according to the passage. 1. Everyone wants to be attractive. 2. Most beautiful people are unhappy 3. No one likes to talk to a very pretty woman. 4. Some people think that handsome men are unintelligent. 5. Attractive men and women are usually intelligent. 6. Ugly people are not happy people. 7. A plain face is easily forgotten. 8. Not many interesting people are also attractive. B. Look at these common English expressions and then decide whether you agree with them. a) Your face is your fortune. b) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (i.e., the person who is looking). "Body Size and "Body Pabts Mr and Mrs Smith were a very average couple. His name was John. Her name was Mary. They lived in an average-sized house and had two average children — one boy and one girl. Were they tall? Mr and Mrs Smith were neither tall nor short. They were both average height. He was average height for a man and she was average height for a woman. Were they fat? Mr Smith was certainly not weak or skinny, but he was not strong or well-built either. He was just medium build and his shoulders and chest were neither very broad nor very narrow. His wife, too, could never be described as thin or slim, but men again, she was not overweight or fat either. Her waist was neither too big nor too narrow. It was just... average size. It was v|ry easy for Mr and Mrs Smith to buy clothes because part of their bodies was average size too. Their feet were neither very big nor very small. Their hips were not too wide. And their legs were neither too short nor too long. 49 Yes, the Smiths were a very average couple. Except for one thing. They were the only couple in the country who were average in so many ways at the same time. The Smiths were in fact... unique. A. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 1. Mr and Mrs Smith had two children named John and Mary. 2. Mr Smith was very tall. 3. Mrs Smith was average height. 4. Mr Smith was a skinny man. 5. Mrs Smith probably weighed about 160 pounds. 6. Mrs Smith had a very small waist. 7. Mr Smith had average-sized feet. 8. The Smiths were completely average. B. Think about 1. What is the average height for men and women in your country? Is it changing? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being either very tall or very short? 3. Can you think of some good ways of keeping these parts of the body in good condition: heart, lungs, skin, bone, muscle? • 4. Describe some ways of losing weight. "Physical "Desctiption 1. He saw a tall, handsome woman dressed with careful and expensive informality in a black cashmere sweater with a silk scarf at the throat and fawn trousers... It was a distinguished face with deep-set eyes beneath straight brows, a well-shaped, rather secretive mouth and strong, greying hair swept upwards and curled into a chignon. Note: chignon—a type of hairstyle popular with older women. The hair is twisted into a kind of knot at the back of the head. 2. She wore a pale blue sweater and a gray flannel skirt, schoolgirl's clothes, which made her seem younger than her age. She was about twenty-five. Her face was framed by thick hair, in a colour midway between blonde and brown, and held back by a black velvet band. The skin was fine and she had large, rather beautiful dark blue eyes, with long colourless lashes. 3. Temple was a small stocky man in his early forties. His jaw line had long ago disappeared into one of his chins. His pepper and salt hair was cut short with a parting in the middle and he had Everyone wants to be attractive. a dark bushy drooping moustache that grew well over his top lip. His nose was small, almost snub, and his eyes were pale. Note: pepper and salt hair■— hair which has both black and gray mixed in it. A. Write a paragraph giving a detailed description of a friend, a relative or a film or TV star. PetsonaCity Here is a newspaper article: "Sports personality of the year". I would like to name Gary Lineker as Sports Personality of the Year. I think he is not only a good footballer, he is also a very nice person and very different from 50 other football stars. First of all, in spite of being intelligent, talented and goodlooking, he is actually very modest. He never boasts about what he's done or pretends to be somebody he isn't. Even though he obviously earns a lot of money and lives in a nice house in London, he doesn't throw his money around like others do. Secondly, he is much more open-minded than other football stars. Many footballers work and live abroad but not many try to become part of the culture of the country. When Lineker lived in Barcelona, he made Spanish friends, lived a Spanish way of life and made a point of learning to speak Spanish. Another thing that makes him different from other footballers is his sense of fair play on the field. Since he started his career, he has never been reported in the newspapers for bad behaviour and he has never been sent off for fouling or swearing. Finally, you get the impression that Lineker is a human being with human emotions like anybody else. When his baby developed a life-threatening illness, he and his wife went through a very difficult time. He showed that he is not only capable of strong emotion, he is also prepared to show it in public. For all these reasons, I think he deserves the title of "Sports Personality of the Year". A. Questions 1. What aspects of Gary Lineker's personality are mentioned? 2. What details, if any, do you learn about: — his football career? ' — his family? — his lifestyle? B. Write in 250 words about the person who you think deserves the title of "Personality of the Year ". They can be from the world of politics, entertainment, sport, the arts or business — or they may be somebody completely unknown. 'Who ate these peopde describing? 1. She's absolutely adorable. I think she's very pretty, she makes me laugh a lot, um... she tells terrible jokes but I like the way she tells them. She's a bit naughty sometimes and I curse her when she gets me up at six o'clock in the morning, but when I hear her singing in the morning, well, all is forgiven. She can twist me round her little finger, of course. 2. He was very boring and predictable. The kind of person who remembered birthdays and anniversaries, but who made you angry because there was absolutely nothing spontaneous about him. His ideas of fun were so unadventurous. Well, the first few years were OK, but after that I'd just had enough. Reliable, stable, dependable, and boring. 3. Well, he's quite well-dressed and punctual. Sometimes he's cheerful and tells us jokes, but other times we have to do a lot of work. We don't really know him very well. Oh, I know he's married, but I've never met him socially or anything like that. He seems very professional. A. Write a description of a person that you know. Do you have a "Jype ""Jype 3" personality? 51 ot Some doctors believe there are two main types of personalities: "Type A" and "Type B". Type A people are ambitious, aggressive, hard-working, and competitive; they are sometimes impatient and are often in a hurry. Type B people are more relaxed and don't get bothered easily. Doctors say that because they are so hard driving, Type A personalities often suffer from stress and high blood pressure. (may) 6. Perhaps she will come. ( might) 7. Perhaps it will snow today, (could) II. You are giving advice to a friend. Use should or shouldn't eg Your fiiend is always coughing because he smokes too much. Advise him to stop smoking. You should stop smoking. 1. Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist. You... 2. Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it. 3. Your friend is going to visit Greece. Advise him to learn a few words of Greek before he goes. 4. Your friend, has a bad cold. Advise him to stay at home this evening. 5. Your friend eats too many sweets. Advise her not to do it. 6. Your friend works too hard. Advise him not to do it. 7. Your friend misses too many classes. Advise him not to do it. III. Complete the sentences using so or such. It was such a good film. I really enjoyed it. 1. She's ... shy. She always gets very nervous when she meets people. 2. You shouldn't eat... quickly; you'll give yourself indigestion. 3. It's ... an interesting town; there really is... much to do there. 4.1 was... disappointed when I failed my driving test. 5. He felt... tired that he decided not to go out. 6. It was... a hot day that they had to open all the windows. 7. I've made... many mistakes in this letter. I thinkl'll type it again. 8. He had... much luggage that we couldn't get it all into the car. 9. It was ... a boring film that I fell asleep during the show. 10.1 was... excited that I could hardly speak. Conversation Practice Listen, read and practise. Describing VeopCe a) Woman: What doyou think of the new French teacher? Man: Well, she's kind of strange and she seems to be pretty moody. 152 b) First man: Everyone says Kathy is hardworking and always very careful in her job. Second man: Yes, and she's very enthusiastic about her work, too. c) First man: Hey! Look at what the teacher said about me on my report: I'm "creative, reliable, and intelligent." Second man: Oh, that's great! d) Man: Woman f) Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Hey, what's wrong? I'm fed up with my brother! He's so hot-tempered. He always gets angry with me. 52 Man: Really? Woman: Yeah. He gets upset so easily. I don't know what's the matter with him. e) Man: Look what Mary gave me! Isn't this a nice book? Woman: Yes. It's great! That's Mary, she's so generous — she always likes to treat people and give presents to her friends. How do you like your new boss? Oh, she's too serious. Really? Why? Oh, she never enjoys a joke. She never laughs. It's hard to even get a smile out of her. g) First woman: How's your new secretary? Second woman: Well, he's OK, but he's pretty slow. He can't type very fast. And the mistakes...! I have to send everything back at least twice for retyping. h) First man: What is Paul's wife like? Second man: I can't stand her. She's everything I don't like in a woman. She's bossy, she's superior, and she thinks she can do everything better than v other people. i) First man: What does Mike's sister look like? Second man: Very plain. Long straight hair, high forehead and prominent cheek bones. j) Man: What's George like? ; Woman: A bit like you, actually. Same build; same height, and similar colour eyes. k) First man: What is Mary like? Second man: She's quite good-looking. The kind of girl you go for. But she's a bit too serious for me. You know, politics, literature, human rights, things like that. 1) Paul: Anna, what was your first boyfriend like? Anna: Goodness! Why do you want to know that? Paul: I'm just interested. Anna: Well, he was very good-looking, with dark hair and big, brown eyes. He was very romantic. He was always buying me flowers and presents. Of course, he wasn't as nice as you. m) Old lady: Help me somebody please! Oh policeman, stop that man! Policeman: I... Old lady: He stole my handbag! Policeman: I think it's too late, madam. Old lady: But... Policeman: He's escaped. Now tell me... Oldlady: Yes... Policeman: What did he look like? Old lady: Ah well... He... He was medium height and err... quite well built and he had short dark hair. Oh I know he looked like that actor man, that David Starr, but he was taller than that. Missing Vetson ' . Police officer: Police Department. May I help you ? Woman: I'd like to report a missing person—mygrand53 mother. Police Officer: Your grandmother? OK. Woman: Yes, she went out at three o' clock this afternoon. It's already past midnight and she hasn't come back. Uh-huh. What's her name, please? Mrs Rose Baker. And... how old is she? She's seventy-eight. OK. Now can you describe her? Yes, she's about five feet tall. Five feet, uh-huh. She has curly gray hair and she wears glasses. And what is she wearing? Let me see. A red dress and a white jacket. A red dress and a white jacket. Oh, and a little hat with flowers on it. All right. Now, just a few more questionsPolice officer: Woman: Police officer: Woman; Police officer: Woman: Police officer: Woman: Police officer: Woman: Police officer: Woman: Police officer: A. Questions 1. Who is missing? 2. What does the person look like? 3. What is the person wearing? 4. What do you think has happened to the missing person? B. Now listen to the rest of the conversation. Woman: (Clock strikes three) Oh, Grandma, it's you! I was so worried about you. It's three o'clock in the morning. Grandma: Why were you worried? I was out on a date. Woman: A date? With who? Grandma: Mr Franklin — my new boyfriend. He's only eighty-three! C. Think of someone in the class. Give a clue like this: I'm thinking of a woman. Now your classmates try to guess who it is. How old is she? What is she wearing? How tall is she? Is she wearing a red sweater? What kind of hair does she have? Is it... (name)? D. Cut out pictures of people from magazines. Two people write their own descriptions of the same picture. For example: 54 Қолданылатын әдебиеттер тізімі 1. English in two years. Г.В.Рогова. 2. Пособие для развития навыков устной речи на английском языке. М.С. Красинская. 3. Conversational English. V. L. Scalkin. қосымша әдебиеттер: 1. English spelling. И. В. Сентенбсрг. М. Т.Лазарева. 2. Correct English for every day use. T.I.Arbekova. 3. All about English Grammar. A. C. Саакян. 55 Министерство Образования и науки Республики Казахстан Университет «Сырдария» Факультет «Филологии и психологии» Кафедра «Шет тiлдері» По дисциплине «Деловой английский язык » для специальности 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС) Кредит № 1,2 Жетысай-2008. 56 11. План самостоятельной работы студентов и график его выполнения Темы занятий Correspondence concerning the Purchase of Cotton. How the letter of attorney is 2. written? Prepositions of direction and 3. place. Reply to an enquiry. 4 1. 5. 6. Discussing a discount. Declaration its forms. Forms of the documents in 7. the office. What forms business contract do you know? Marketing, what does it 9. mean? What are the conditions of 10 sale? What do we mean by 11 management? Negotiating a deal. 12 8. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 How to make an enquiry. How to make an offer. What do we mean by business papers? Discussing the Price. Grammar and vocabulary exercises. Types of contract. Speech exercises. 20 New vocabulary. Колич Вилы Используемая часов контроля литература 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 ПО 1 ПО 1 ПО 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 ПР 1 ПО 1 УО 1 ПР 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 57 № 1,2,3,8,9 Срок исполнения 1 неделя № 1,2,3,8,9 1 неделя № 1,2,3,8,9 2 неделя № 1,2,3,8,9 2 неделя № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 №1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 3 неделя № 1,2,3,5,6, 7,8,9 № 1,2,3,5,6, 7,8,9 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,9 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 4 неделя № 3,4,8,9, 18 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 8 неделя № 3,4,8,9, 18 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 9неделя 3 неделя 4 неделя 5 неделя 5 неделя 6 неделя 6 неделя 7 неделя 7 неделя 8 неделя 9неделя 10 неделя 10 неделя 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Characteristics (for the person). New words and expressions. Agency documents. A Business Trip. Оral work. Exhibitions. Agency documents. Exhibitions. Speech exercises. Appointment. Всего 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 1 ПР 1 УР 1 ТО 1 ПР № 3,4,8,9, 18 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 11 неделя № 3,4,8,9, 18 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 12 неделя № 3,4,8,9, 18 № 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,25 № 3,4,8,9 14неделя 14 неделя № 3,4,8,9, 18 15неделя 30 Литература: Основная 1. Timanovskaya V.G ‘Spotlight on English – Speaking Countries 2. А.Б Голицынский (Соединенные штаты Америки) 3. А.Б Голицынский (Великобритания) 4. V.V.Oshepkova “USA” M-1999 5. Newspaper ‘Weekend’ 6. Internet 7. Book of Electronic ‘Stranovedenye’ 8. L. Kolodyazhnaya “This is Great Britain.” M-2001 58 11 неделя 12 неделя 13 неделя 13 неделя 15неделя Министерство Образования и науки Республики Казахстан Университет «Сырдария» Факультет «Филологии и психологии» Кафедра «Шет тiлдері» По дисциплине «Деловой английский язык» для специальности 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» Самостоятельная работа студентов под руководством преподавателя (СРСП) Кредит № 1 Жетысай-2008. 59 12. План СРСП и график выполнения № Кол. часов Темы заданий 1 2 3 4 5. 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Виды контр Making a contract. Types of contract. New vocabulary. Speech exercises. Correspondence concerning the Purchase of Cotton. How the letter of attorney is written? 1 ПО 1 УО 1 ПО Prepositions of direction and place. 1 УО Reply to an enquiry. 1 ПО Discussing a discount. 1 УО Declaration its forms. 1 ПО A Business Trip. 1 УО Оral work. 1 ПО Exhibitions. 1 УО Agency documents. 1 ПО Exhibitions. 1 УО Speech exercises. 1 ПО Appointment. 1 УО Forms of the documents in the office. 1 УО Making an appointment. 1 УО A Business Trip. 1 ПО What do we mean by warrant? 1 УО Forms of writing biography. 1 ПО Who signs the protocols of meeting. 1 УО 60 Сроки выполнени я 1 неделя 1 неделя 2 неделя 2 неделя 3 неделя 3 неделя 4 Неделя 4 Неделя 5 неделя 5 неделя 6 неделя 6 неделя 7 неделя 7 неделя 8 неделя 8 неделя 9 неделя 9 неделя 10 неделя 10 неделя 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Types of business letters. 1 ПО New words and expressions. 1 УО Discussing the Price. 1 ПО Grammar and vocabulary exercises. 1 УО Types of contract. 1 ПО Speech exercises. 1 УО New vocabulary. 1 ПО Characteristics (for the person). 1 УО New words and expressions. 1 ПО 1 УО 30 Всего 30 61 11 неделя 11 неделя 12 неделя 12 неделя 13 неделя 13 неделя 14 неделя 14 неделя 15 неделя 15 неделя Министерство Образования и науки Республики Казахстан Университет «Сырдария» Факультет «Филологии и психологии» Кафедра «Шет тілдері» По дисциплине «Деловой английский язык» для студентов специальностей 050119 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка» Виды контроля а) письменный контроль Жетысай – 2008 62 10. Перечень вопросов : 1.What do we mean by business papers? 2.What is the main task of business letters? 3.What do we mean by claim? 4.time of Payment Making a contract a) time of Delivery, b). 5.The form of application. 6.What do we mean by advertisement ? 7. What is written in advertisement? 8. Characteristics, (for the persons) 9. How characteristics is written? 10. Biography. 11. Contract .Types of contract. 12. Telex. 13. Personal form. 14.Telegram. 15.How the letter of attorney is written? 16. Protocol. 17. Certificate. 18. Prepositions of direction and place. 19. Official letters. 20. Reply to an enquiry. 21. Discussing a discount. 22. Supplementary letter. 23. Negotiating a deal. 24. How to make an enquiry. 25. How to make an offer. 26.Marketing , what does it mean ? 27.What are the conditions of sale? 28.What do we mean by management? 29.Business contract. 63 30.Say about commercial documents. 31.Declaration its forms. 32.Forms of the documents in the office. 33.Protocols of meeting. 34.Reporting , forms of reporting. 35.Official letters. 36. Making an Appointment. 37. A Business Trip. 38. The terms of payment. 39. The terms of delivery. 40.What do we mean by warrant? 41.Types of official letters. 42. Forms of writing biography. 43.Who signs the protocols of meeting. 44.Types of business letters. 45.What forms business contract do you know? 46. The advertisements of the firm. 47. Agency documents. 48. Terms of contract 49. Forms of inquiry. 50. When is written the report. 64 Бально –рейтинговая система. В связи с переходом на кредитную технологию университет «Сырдария» принимает американскую систему градации знаний студентов. Согласно этой системе существуют A,B,C,D,F, уровни (Grades) и каждый уровень имеет свой определенный количественный показатель (points). Буквенная система оценки Баллы Традиционная система оценки 4.0 Качественны й %-ный показатель 100 А А- 3.67 90-94 Отлично В+ 3.33 85-89 В 3.0 80-84 В- 2.67 75-79 С+ С СD+ 2.33 2.0 1.67 1.33 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 D 1.0 50-54 F 0 0-49 Хорошо Удовлетворительно Неудовлетворительно Если студент получил F, то он обязан повторно изучить данную дисциплину и сдать её в сроки, определенные деканатом. 65 66 67 68