Интеллектуальная игра «Знатоки английского языка» (Experts of

Интеллектуальная игра «Знатоки английского языка»
(Experts of the English Language)
Форма: внеклассное мероприятие
Цель игры: - обобщение и повторение изученного материала.
Задачи игры:
1. Активизировать лексические, грамматические навыки , а также
социокультурные знания по изученным ранее темам: Healthy Lifestyle, My
Town, Russia, Great Britain, Famous People
2. Развивать навыков аудирования, говорения.
3. Повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.
4. Развивать познавательную активность учащихся.
5. Развивать культуру общения.
6. Воспитывать чувство уважения друг к друг, умение работать в команде.
7. Развивать у учащихся коммуникативно –игровые способности.
8. Развивать языковую догадку ,смекалку
компьютер с мультимедийным проектором, электронная презентация Power Point с
вопросами, таблицы для жюри, ручки, листочки
Правила игры
В игре участвуют 2 команды (2 подгруппы).
Каждой команде предлагается выбрать вопрос по одной из предложенных тем и
количество баллов. Если команда отвечает, то набирает выбранное количество
баллов, если команда не отвечает – право ответить получает другая команда. Если
команда выбирает ячейку с вопросом, а там «кот в мешке», то право ответить
переходит к другой команде. Команда, набравшая наибольшее количество баллов
объявляется победителем.
Good morning, dear friends and our guests. ! I am glad to see you at our game! Today
we’ll have an unusual lesson – an intellectual game “ Experts of the English Language”.
Let me introduce our jury… . Now I want you to greet them with your applause!(clap,
(To the jury) Today you are given a very important task. You are going to watch our game
and help us decide who will win. Please, write down the teams’ scores.
(To the class) So, we begin our game, but first, listen to the rules: (в презентации)
 first, you have to introduce your team and tell in brief about your classmates;
 then, each team has a right to choose a topic and the scores;
 if you give the right answer, you will get these scores, and then you can continue to
answer the questions;
 if you are wrong, the other team can answer;
 if you have “a cat in a bag”, you can’t answer the question, the other tem get a right
to answer;
 in the end of the game our respectable jury tell us who is winner of the game.
Now we start our game. Dear friends, introduce your teams please.
(команды представляются)
Teacher: Now, choose a topic and the box with a number of scores.
(Команды выбирают вопросы и отвечают. Вопросы и правильные ответы
представлены в презентации)
My Town
Great Britain
Famous People
Places of Interests
My Town
100 How old is your town? (272 years old)
200 Who founded the place you live in? (V.Tatitschev)
300 When did Togliatti appeared? (1737)
400 What was the first name of your town? (Stavropol -on –the Volga)
500 A cat in a bag
100 What is the capital of Russia? (Moscow)
200 What is the name of the President? (Dmitry Medvedev)
300 Which Russian leader founded St Petersburg, and moved the Russian capital there?
(Peter the Great)
400 What is the longest river in Russia? (the Volga river)
500 What colour is the Russian flag?
(white, blue and red)
Great Britain
100 What colour are the buses and telephone boxes in Britain? (red)
200 The most popular drink in the UK. (tea)
300 What is the nickname of the British flag? (The Union Jack)
400 What is the name of the British Queen? (Elizabeth II)
500 The man of which country wears a skirt? (Scotland)
Famous People
100 This person was born in a small Siberian town. She is young but she is already bestknown all over the world. (M.Sharapova)
200 This man had a lot of talents. He could write from right to left, one sentence with his
right hand and a different sentence with his left hand. He also invented scissors. (Leonardo
da Vinci)
300 Who discovered the solar system? (Copernicus)
400 This person invented the telephone. (Alexander Bell)
500 Which of the British Kings married six times? ( Henry VIII)
Places of Interests
100 It’s a wonderful building/ In front of it you can see the Queen Victoria Memorial. It
takes you 10 minutes to get from this building to Trafalgar Square, the centre of London.
The Queen lives there. (Buckingham Palace)
200 What did William the Conqueror built in the 11th century? (The Tower of London)
300 In the middle of this place there is a monument to Admiral Nelson. The monument
includes 4 bronze lions. There are 2 fountains in it. (Trafalgar Square)
400 This museum has interactive exhibitions? Which tell about animal and plant life?
(The Natural History Museum)
500 It was built in 151-1561 after the victory over the Kazan Kingdom. The architects
were Barma and Postnik. It has nine beautifully painted cupolas. Its unusual architecture
attracts a lot of tourists. (St. Basil’s Cathedral)
So, our game comes to an end and now our respectable jury will report the winner. (жюри
объявляет результаты и награждает дипломом «Знатоков английского языка»)
I hope you liked the game, and I want to say thank you for your job today.
Thanks. Good bye.