УМК Зарубежная литература и литература страны

Пензенский государственный педагогический университет
имени В. Г. Белинского
«Зарубежная литература и литература страны изучаемого языка»
Специальность 050303. Иностранный язык
Факультет иностранных языков
Кафедра английского языка
Пенза, 2008
Требования ГОС
ДПП. Ф. 11 Зарубежная литература и литература страны изучаемого
Периодизация литературного процесса. Литература Средних веков.
Предвозрождение. Литература Возрождения. Литература ХУ11 в.: барокко,
классицизм. Литература ХУ111 в: просвещнгте, предромантизм. Литература
Х1Х в.: романтизм, реализм. Литература рубежа Х1Х – ХХ вв. литература ХХ
в.: реализм, модернизм, постмодеонизм. Русско-зарубежные связи.
Квалификационные требования
Выпускник, получивший квалификацию учителя иностранного языка (в
соответствии с дополнительной специальностью) должен быть готовым
осуществлять обучение и воспитание обучающихся с учётом специфики
преподаваемого предмета, способствовать социализации, формированию общей
культуры личности, использовать разнообразные приёмы, методы и средства
обучения; обеспечивать уровень подготовки обучающихся, соответствующий
требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта, осознавать
необходимость соблюдения прав и свобод учащихся, предусмотренных
Законом Российской Федерации «Об образовании», Конвенцией о правах
ребёнка, систематически повышая свою профессиональную квалификацию,
участвовать в деятельности методических объединений и в других формах
методической работы.
Специальность утверждена приказом Министерства образования российской
Федерации № 686 от 02. 03. 2000 г.
Квалификация выпускника – учитель иностранного языка и ____ (в
соответствии с дополнительной специальностью).
Нормативный срок освоения основной образовательной программы
подготовки учителя иностранного языка и ______ (в соответствии с
дополнительной специальностью) по специальности 050303. 00 Иностранный
язык с дополнительной специальностью 5 лет при очной форме.
Область профессиональной деятельности.
Среднее общее (полное) образование.
Объект профессиональной деятельности.
Виды профессиональной деятельности.
Выпускник, получивший квалификацию учителя иностранного языка и ____
(в соответствии с дополнительной специальностью), подготовлен к
выполнению основных видов профессиональной деятельности учителя
иностранногог языка и ___ (в соответствии с дополнительной специальностью),
решению типовых задач профессиональной деятельности в учреждениях
среднего общего (полного) образования.
Возможности продолжения образования выпускника.
Выпускник подготовлен для продолжения образования в аспирантуре.
Цели и задачи курса
Цель курса:
- ознакомить студентов с лучшими образцами зарубежной, включая
английскую и американскую, литературы прошлого и настоящего, а также с
теоретическим аспектом изучаемых ими явлений.
Задачи курса:
- краткое освещение периодизации зарубежной (английской и американской)
литературы и рассмотрение основных направлений в развитии литературы и
мастерство выдающихся писателей;
- ознакомить студентов с новейшими исследованиями литературоведов в
области зарубежной литературы, с научными дискуссиями.
Место дисциплины в профессиональной подготовке студентов
Данный курс входит в цикл дисциплин предметной подготовки (ДПП. Ф.
11), является дисциплиной федерального компонента.
Распределение времени на изучение дисциплины
Форма обучения
Форма учебной работы
Общая трудоёмкость, всего часов
6 лет
3,5 года
по семестрам
Аудиторные занятия (АЗ)
17 26 12 18
Лекции (Л)
17 13 12
Практические занятия (ПЗ)
Семинары (С)
Лабораторные занятия (ЛЗ)
13 -
Другие виды аудиторных занятий -
Самостоятельная работа
17 26 84 58
28 64
Контрольная работа
Компьютерное тестирование
Форма итогового
Тематический план
№ Наименгвание
Форма обучения
разделов и тем
\ Л
1. 1. Введение.
2. Периодизация литературного
2. 1. Истоки античной литературы.
2. Античная литература.
3. 1 .Литература Средних
4. 1. Литература
5.1. Литература Возрождения
6. 1. Литература 17 в.: Барокко.
7. 1. Литература 17 в.:
8. 1. Литература 18 в.:
9. 1. Литература 19 в.:
Романтизм. Реализм.
10. Литература США 20 века
Всего часов:
Тематический план
Форма обучения: заочная
3, 5 лет
6 лет
Л ПЗ СР Семестр
Л ПЗ СР Семестр
1. Введение. Периодизация литературного 1
процесса. Античная литература.
2. Литература средних веков
1 9
3. Литература Предвозрождения.
1 9
4. Литература Возрождения.
1 9
5. Литература 17 в.: Барокко.
6. Литература 18 в.: Просвещение, 1
Предромантизм. Литература 19 в.:
7. Литература 19 в.: Реализм
8. Литература США 20 века.
9. Основные направления в
литературе Англии 20 в.
1 10 VI
10. Русско-зарубежные связи.
1 14
Всего часов:
8 92 = 110
10 142 = 172
Содержание дисциплины
Истоки античной литературы
Введение. Фольклор и мифология. Басни. Сказки. Народные песни.
Античная литература
Введение. Периодизация античной литературы. Историческое значение
античной литературы. Греческая драма. Трагедии Эсхила («Просительницы»,
«Прометей»), Софокла («Антигона», «Король Эдип»), Еврипида («Электра»,
«Медея», «Троянки»). Особенности римской литературы.
Литература Италии
Введение. периодизация итальянской литературы. Эпоха ренессанса в
итальянской литературе. Творчество Данте и Петрарки, Боккачио. Особенности
развития итальянской литературы в 17, 18, 19 и 20 веках. Творчество Марино и
Маринизм, Т. Кампалини, Дж. Мазини, А. Манзони, Дж. Кардучи, Дж. Папини,
К. Касола, Л. Скиския.
Литература Германии
Введение. Периодизация германской литературы. Средние века. Эпические
произведения («Песнь о Небелунгах»). Эпохи ренессанса: бюргерская
литература. Особенности развития немецкой литературы в 17, 18, 19 и 20 веках.
Творчество Г. Лессинга, Гётте, Шиллера, Клайста, Гейне, Г. Манна, Т. Манна,
Шопенгауэра, А. Цвейга, Э. М. Ремарка, Б. Брехта, А. Зеггерс, Э.
Литература Франции
Введение. Периодизация. Средние века: эпические поэмы («Песнь о
Роланде»). Рыцарская литература. Эпоха ренессанса (М. Наварская, Рабле).
Классицизм (Ла Фонтен, Мольер). Эпоха просвещения (Вольтер, Дидро, Руссо,
Бомарше). Особенности развития французской литературы 19 и 20 веков.
Краткое изложение творчества де Сталь, В. Гюго, Дж. Санд, Дюма, Бальзака,
Стендаля, Ш. Бодлера,Э. Золя, Ги де Мопассана, П. Валерии, Р. Роллана, А. де
Сент-Экзюпери, Л Арагона, Сартр, А. Какмю, К. Дрюон.
Литература Англии
Введение. Периодизация английской литературы. Англо-саксонская
литература средних веков: кельтские саги, «Беовульф». Общая характеристика
англо - норманнской литературы: рыцарский роман, легенды о короле Артуре,
творчество Т. Малори. Творчество Дж. Чосера. Литература эпохи возрождения;
творчество Т. Мора, Спенсера, К. Марло, У. Шекспира, Б. Джонсона.
Литература 17 века: особенности литературы периода реставрации и
революции 1688 – 1689 гг.; творчество Дж. Мильтона. Литература эпохи
Просвещения (18 в.), Романтизма и Критического реализма (19 в.): творчество
Д. Дефо, Дж. Свифта, С. Ричардсона, Г. Филдинга, Р Шеридана, Р. Бернса, Д.
Остин, поэтов «Озёрной школы», Дж. Г. Байрона, П. Б. Шелли, Дж. Китса, Т.
Мура, В. Скотта, Ч. Диккенса, У. М. Таккерея, сестер Бронтё, Э. Гаскел. Дж.
Элиот, А. Теннисона.
Литература США
Периодизация американской литературы. Взаимосвязь английской и
американской литературы на ранних этапах развития. Пуританская и
колониальная литература. Особенности развития американской литературы 18,
19 и 20 вв. Творчество Франклина, Джеферсона, Пейна, В. Ирвинга, Дж. Ф.
Купера, Э.По, Н. Готорна, Г. Мелвилла, Г. Бичер-Стоу, Г. Лонгфеллоу, У.
Уитмена, Ф. Б. Гарта, Дж. Лондона, О. Генри, писателей «Потерянного
поколения», Т. Драйзера, У. Фолкнера, К. Воннегута, А. Миллера, Т. Уильямса,
Дж. Сэлинджера, Харпера Ли, У. Сарояна, творчество писателей конца 20 в.
Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины
Для обеспечения освоения данной дисциплины рекомендуется
следующая литература: художественная
и научно- исследовательская:
Рекомендуемая литература
Английская литература
(Обязательные художественные произведения)
Байрон, Дж. Паломничество Чайльд Гарольда. Дон Жуан. Шильонский Узник. Прометей.
Песня для луддитов.
Бернс, Р. Джон ячменное зерно. Дерево свободы. Моё сердце – в Шотландии. Весёлые
Бронтё, Ш. Джейн Эйр.
Вонич Э. Л. Овод.
Гарди, Т. Тэсс из рода Дербервиллей. .
Голсуорси, Дж. Собственник.
Дефо, Д. Робинзон Крузо.
Диккенс, Ч. Оливер Твист. Дэвид Копперфильд. Николас Никлби.
Китс, Дж. Сонет к Байрону. Робин Гуд. Другу.
Конан Дойл, А. Собака Баскервлей.
Мильтон, Дж. Потерянный рай.
Свифт, Дж. Путешествие Гулливера.
Скотт, В. Айвенго.
Таккерей, У. М. Ярмарка тщеславия.
Уайльд, О. Портрет Дориана Грея.
Шекспир, У. Сонеты. Гамлет. Ромео и Джульетта. Отелло. Король
Лир.Макбет. Двенадцатая ночь.
Шелли, П. Б. Стихотворения: К Ирландии. Ода к западному ветру.
Шеридан, Р. Б. Школа злословия.
Шоу, Б. Пигмалион. Дом, где разбиваются сердца.
Учебные пособия по истории английской литературы
Алексеев М. П. Литература средневековой Англии и Шотландии. –
М.: 1984.
Аникин Г. В. , Михальская Н. П. История английской литературы
– М.: 1985.
Аникст А. А. история английской литературы. – М.: 1956.
История английской литературы. В 3-х т. – М.: 1943 – 1956.
Позднякова Л. Р. История английской и американской литературы.
– Ростов н\Д: 2002.
Работы по вопросам английской литературы
Алексеев М. П. Из истории английской литературы.- М.–Л.: 1960.
Гражданская З. Т. Бернард Шоу. – М.: 1979.
Головня И. В. Великий просветитель и гуманист Г. Филдинг. – М.:
Долинин А. История одетая в роман: Вальтер Скотт и его
читатели. – М.: 1988.
Дубашевский И. А. Джорж Гордон Байрон. – М.: 1985.
Дубашевский И. А. «Сага о Форсайтах» Джона Голсуорси. – М.:
Дьяконова Н. Я. Китс и его современники. – М.: 1973.
Дьяконова Н. Я. Лирическая поэзия Байрона. – М.: 1975.
Дьяконова Н. Я. Английский романтизм. Проблемы эстетики. –
М.: 1978.
Елистратова А. А. Английский роман эпохи Просвещения. – М.:
Зверев А. Звезды падучей пламень: Жизнь и поэзия Байрона. – М.:
Ивашева В. В. Английский реалистический роман 19 века в его
современном звучании. – М.: 1974.
Катарский И. М. Диккенс. – М.: 1960.
Пирсон Х. Вальтер Скотт. – М.:1983.
Самарин Р. М. Реализм Шекспира. – М.: 1964.
Тугушева М. П. Джон Голсуорси. – М.: 1973.
Урнов Д. М. Дефо. – М.: 1977.
Шведов Ю. Ф. Эволюция шекспировских трагедий. – М.: 1975.
Американская литература
(Обязательные художественные произведения)
Апдайк Дж. Кентавр.
Бичер-Стоу Г. Хижина дяди Тома.
Брэдбери Р. Д. 450 по Фаренгейту.
Воннегут К. Бойня номер пять. Скотный двор.
Гарт Б. Счастье ревущего стана. Млисс.
Готорн. Н. Алая буква.
Джефферсон Т. Декларация независимости.
Драйзер Т. Сестра Керри. Американская трагедия.
Ирвинг В. Рип Ван Винкль. Легенда о сонной долине.
Купер Дж. Ф. Шпион. Последний из Могикан.
Капоте Т. Завтрак у Теффани.
Кизи К. Полет над гнездом кукушки.
Ли. Х. Убить пересмешника.
Лонгфеллоу Г. У. Песнь о Гайавате.
Лондон Дж. Белый клык. Зов предков. Мартин Идеен.
Льюис С. Бэббит.
Мелвилл Г. Моби Дик.
Миллиер А. Смерть коммивояжера.
Миллер Г. Тропики Рака.
Митчелл М. Унесённые ветром.
Митра Р. Очень банальная страсть.
Набоков В. Лолита.
О. Генри. Рассказы.
Олкот Л. М. Маленькие женщины.
Пейн. Т. Права человека.
По Э. Ворон. Убийство на улице Морг.
Сароян У. Рассказы.
Стейнбек Дж. Гроздья гнева.
Сэлинджер Дж. Д. Над пропастью во ржи.
Твен М. Приключения Тома Сойера. Приключения Гекльберри
Финна. Принц и нищий.
Уильямс Т. стеклянный зверинец.
Уитмен У. Листья травы.
Фитцжеральд. С. Великиц Гэтсби. Ночь нежна.
Фолкнер У. Авессалом, Авессалом!
Франклин Б. Автобиография.
Фрост Р. Воля мальчика.
Хемингуэй Э. прощай, оружие! Старик и море.
Чивер Дж. Рассказы.
Учебные пособия по истории американской литературы
Гиленсон Б. А. История литературы США. – М.: 2003.
Засурский Я. Н. Американская литература 20 века: Монография.
М.: 1984.
Позднякова Л. П. История английской и американской
литературы. – Ростов н\Д.: 2002
Теория американской литературы. Под. Ред. Н. И. Самохвалова: В
2 ч. – М.: 1971.
Работы по вопросам американской литературы
Анастасьев Н. Фолкнер. – М.: 1976.
Балтроп Р. Джек Лондон, человек, писатель, бунтарь. – М.: 1981.
Венедиктова Т. Д. Поэзия Уолта Уитмена.- М.: 1964.
Гайсмар М. Американские современники. Сборник. – М.: 1976.
Гиленсон Б. А. Американская литература 30-х г. 20 в. – М.:1974.
Гиленсон Б. А. Эрнест Хемингуэй. – М.: 1971.
Гладков Т. А. Джон Рид. – М.: 1966.
Горбунов А. Н. Романы Френсиса С. Фицджеральда. – М.: 1974.
Засурский Я. Н. Теодор Драйзер. – М.; 1977.
Зверев А. М. Американский роман 1920х – 30х гг. – М.: 1982.
Злобин Г. П. Современная драматургия США. – М.: 1968.
Истоки формирования американской национальной литературы 17
– 18 вв. – М.: 1985.
Ковалев Ю. В. Эдгар Алан По: новеллист и поэт. – Л.: 1984.
Кузнецова В. С. Американская литература: первая часть 20
столетия. – Киев: 1987.
Литературная история Соединённых Штатов Америки: В 3 т. – М.:
Мендельсон М. Жизнь и творчество Уитмена. – М.: 1976.
Морозова Т. Л. Образ молодого американца в литературе США:
Битники, Сэлинджер, Беллшн, Апдайк. – М.:1969.
Мулярчик А. С. Спор идёт о человеке: О литературе США второй
половины 20 века. – М.: 1985.
Мулярчик А. С. Современный реалистический роман США. – М.:
Ронгонен Л. И. Генри Лонгфелло и его поэма «Песнь о Гайавате».
– М.: 1982.
Савурёнок А. К. Романы У. Фолкнера 1920 – 30х годов. – Л.: 1979.
Старцев А. И. От Уитмена до Хемингуэя. – М.: 1972.
Шпак В. К. американская поэзия 20 в.: Основные направления развития. – Киев: 1991.
Художественная литература для дополнительного чтения
Античная литература
Гомер. Илиада. Одессея.
Еврипид. Медея. Вакханки. Электра.
Софокл. Антигона. Эдип-царь.
Цицерон. О природе богов.
Эзоп. Басни.
Эсхил. Орестея. Прикованный Прометей.
Итальянская литература
Боккаччо Дж. Декамерон.
Верга Дж. Грешник.
Гольдони. Слуга двух господ. Трактирщица.
Гоцци. Любовь к трём апельсинам. Принцесса Турандот. КорольОлень.
Данте Алигьери. Божественная комедия.
Кампанелла. Город солнца.
Кассола К. невеста Бубе.
Мазини Дж. Молодая Италия.
Моравиа А. Римские рассказы. (или «Чочара»)
Петрарка Ф. Сонеты.
Пратолини Васко. Повесть о бедных влюблённых.
Родари Дж. Сказки.
Немецкая литература
Брехт Б. Матушка Кураж и её дети. Трёхгрошовый роман. Легенда
о мёртвом солдате.
Гейне Г. Стихи.
Гётте И. В. Страдания юного Вертера. Фауст. Лирика.
Гофманн Э.Т. Сказки. Дон Жуан.
Зегерс А. Седьмой крест.
Лессинг Г. Эмилиа Галотти.
Манн Г. Генрих 1У.
Манн Т. Буденброки.
Песнь о Небелунгах.
Ремарк Э. М. На западном фронте без перемен. Три товарища.
Фейхтвангер Л. Изгнание.
Шиллер И. К. Ф. разбойники. Вильгельм Телль. Коварство и
Штриттматтер Э.Оле Бинкоп.
Французская литература
Бальзак О. гобсек. Шагреневая кожа. Отец Горио.
Бомарше П. О. Сивильский цирюльник. Женитьба Фигаро.
Вольтер. Кандид.
Гюго В. Собор Парижской Богоматери. Отверженные.
Дидро Д. Монахини. Побочный сын.
Дрюон К. Сильные мира сего.
Золя Э. Жерминаль. Деньги. Разгром. (на выбор)
Камю А. Театр абсурда. Посторонний. (на выбор)
Лафонтен. Басни.
Мериме П. Новеллы.
Мольер Ж-Б. Тартюф.
Мопассан Ги де. Пышка. Жизнь. Милый друг. (на выбор)
Песнь о Роланде.
Рабле Ф. Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль.
Роллан Р. Жан-Кристоф. Кола Брюньон.Очарованная душа.
Санд Ж. Индиана. Мельник из Анжибо.
Сартр Ж. П. Дороги свободы.
Сендаль Ф. Красное и чёрное. Пармская обитель.
Сеннт-Экзюпери А. Земля людей. Маленький принц.
Флобер. Госпожа Бовари. Простая душа. (на выбор)
Франс А. Современная история. Остров пингвинов. Боги жаждут
(на выбор)
Шатобриан Ф. Р. О. Атала. Рене.
Учебные пособия по античной, итальянской, немецкой
и французской литературе
Артамонов С. Д. История зарубежной лтьературы 17 – 18 вв. –
История итальянской литературы 19-20 веков: Учеб. пособ для
филол. спец. вузов. – М.: 1990.
История немецкой литературы. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1975.
Нарцызова О. А. История зарубежной литературы. Конспект
лекций. – Ростов н\Д.: 2004.
Соловьева Н. А. История зарубежной литературы.
Предромантизм.- М.: 2005.
Тронский И. М. История античной литературы. – М.: 1988.
Черневич М. Н., Штейн А. Л., Яхонтова М. А. История
французской литературы. – М.: 1965.
Работы по вопросам античной, итальянской, немецкой
и французской литературе
Балашова Т. В. Французская поэзия 20 века. – М.: 1982.
Бахтин М. М. Творчество Француаза Рабле. – М.: 1965.
Богословский В. Н., Дмитриев А. С. История зарубежной литературы 19 в. – М.: 1983.
Боннар А. Греческая цивилизация: В 2 т. Т. 1 – 2. – Ростов н\Д.:
Великовскиц С. Поэты французских революций 1789 – 1848. – М.:
Днепров В. черты романа 20 века. – М. – Л.: 1965.
Жирмунский В. М. Очерки по истории классической немецкой литературы. – Л.: 1972.
Зарубежная литература 18 в. Хрестоматия: В 2 т. Т. 1. – М.: 1988.
Зарубежная литература 18. в. Хрестоматия: В 2 т. Т. 2. – М.: 1988.
Кучборская Е. Творчество Бальзака. – М.: 1970.
Кучборская Е. Реализм Золя. – М.: 1973.
Лейтес. Н. С. От «Фауста» до наших дней: Из истории немецкой
литературы. – М.: 1987.
Михайлов А. Д. Французскиц рыцарский роман. М.;1976.
Мультатули В. М. Мольер.- М.: 1988.
Наркирьер Ф. С. французский роман наших дней. – М.: 1980.
Обломиевский Д. Французский классицизм.- М.: 1968.
Обломиевский Д. Французский символизм.- М.: 1973.
Потапова З. М. Неореализм в итальянской литературе. – М.:1961.
Пуришев Б. И. Очерки немецкой литературы. 15 – 17 вв. – М.:
Разумовская М. В. Становление нового романа во Франции. – Л.:
Реизов Б. Французский роман 19 века. – М.: 1977.
Реизов Б. Итальянская литература 18 века. – М.: 1966.
Сафронова Н. Н. Виктор Гюго. – М.: 1989.
Стадников Г. В. Генрих Гейне. – М.: 1984.
Требования к уровню освоения программы
В результате изучения данной дисциплины студенты должны
- основные понятия, связанные с литературоведением;
- периодизацию курса;
- своеобразие литературы в различные периоды и специфику
национальной литературы;
- место литературы среди других видов искусств;
- внутреннюю структуру художественного произведения;
- методы анализа литературных произведений различных жанров.
Примерный перечень вопросов к экзамену
Периодизация становления литературы Англии. Характеристика периодов.
Англо-саксонская литература раннего средневековья. Поэма «Беовульф» как
образец средневекового героического эпоса.
Кельтские легенды как источник рыцарских романов о Короле Артуре.
Англо - норманнская литература (11 – 13 вв.). Рыцарский роман.
Английская литература 14 века. Аллегоричность как средство
средневекового образа мышления.
Место творчества Т. Мора и К. Марло в развитии национальной литературы
и театра.
Периодизация творчества У. Шекспира.
Аллегорические поэмы Спенсера.
Проблематика трагедий У. Шекспира.
Буржуазна революция в Англии. Пуританство. Творчество Дж. Мильтона.
Английская литература периода Реставрации.
Особенности периодизации английского Просвещения.
Английская драма 18 века (Лило, Филдинг, Шеридан).
Сентиментализм, развитие элегии прославления красоты сельской жизни.
Особенности английского романтизма. Творчество Годвина и Р. Бернса.
Тема бессмертия в творчестве Бернса.
Поэты «Озёрной школы».
Байрон и Шелли – основные этапы творчества.
Рождение исторического романа, жизнь и творчество В. Скотта.
Творчество Дефо и Свифта.
Особенности критического реализма в английской литературе.
Жизнь и творчество Ч. Диккенса.
Английская литература второй половины 19 в. (У. Таккерей, сёстры Бронтё,
Дж. Элиот и др.)
Лекции по дисциплине «Зарубежная литература и литература
страны изучаемого языка»
Lecture I
Periods of literature
Literature is closely connected with the life and history of the people. In order to
understand English literature it is necessary to know not only the history of the
country and to have, at least, glimpses of world literature.
In this course of lectures, we have decided to attract attention to the most
important stages in the development of Antique, Italian, German, French, American,
and, of course, English literatures and to problematic points touched upon in the
works of some well-known writers.
We shall discuss the creative work of the major Antique writers, literature of the
Middle Ages, Renaissance, of the 17th century, including classicism and baroque.
Naturally, certain attention will paid to literature of the Age of Enlightenment, of the
Romantic period, to Critical realism of the 19th century.
The life and creative work of the leading writers of the Transition Period (from the
19th to the 20th c.) will also be discussed.
The final stage under discussion will be literature of the 20th century together with
its multitude of trends like realism, naturalism, modernism, and so on.
A special attention will be paid to the impact of social and political factors
existing, or which had existed in the world and in a definite country within the time
limits of certain literary stages on the choice of genres and creativity of the men of
letters. This, we believe, can reveal the major specific features of development of
literature in the above mentioned countries and periods.
During the whole course there will be constant allusions to the impact of Russian
writers on the creative work of some foreign authors and vice versa.
Lecture II
Sources of literature
Antique literature
Sources of literature. Without having imagination about the sources of literature,
it is difficult to understand many problems discussed by authors of different ages.
Even a brief analysis of this topic will show that to the typical and universal
sources belong: A) folklore and mythology, which are important sources of any
literature beginning with ancient Greek one. With the help of myths, the primitive
man wished to understand the strange phenomena of nature. The term “myth” has a
wide meaning, including the names of different gods, and all the magic wonders. The
study of folklore and myths needs deep knowledge of customs, traditions, theology,
and so on. B) To the sources of literature belong fairy-tales and fables, too. The fairy
tale is one of the most popular genres in literature of all nations. The fable is also one
of the oldest narrations having a laconic and moralizing character. Greece played a
special role in the establishment and development of this genre. It is believed that the
founder the fable is Aesop (the 6th c. B. C.). if we take Russia, the climax of the genre
of the fable was reached in I. A. Krilov’s writings, who took the plots from Aesop or
LaFonten but he brought them to perfection.
Antique literature. By Antique literature they usually mean ancient Greek and
Roman literature. It has passed through centuries. Homer’s poems, the Greek drama,
the works of great Roman poets up to now are considered as important pieces of art
and historical documents of the vanished civilizations.
Antique literature had practically all the genres of modern literature: the epic
poem, tragedy, comedy, ode, satire, etc. it has always served as a source of themes
and topics for later writers.
As a rule, Antique literature is divides into the following periods: 1) early Greek
literature until the beginning of the 5th c. B. C.; 2) literature of Classical Greece: the
5th – 4th c. B. C.); 3) the Hellenistic Period (the end of the 4th c. B. C. - until the end of
the 1st c. A. D.; 4) the Roman period of Greek literature (beginning with the end of
the 1st c. A. D. to the earliest Greek literary works belong the poems “The Iliad” and
“The Odicy” (ascribed to Homer), which tell about the Trojan War.
Until our times Attic drama (the tragedy, comedy and satirical drama) has
attracted attention by their topics, ideas and ideals, like the works of Eskhil
(“Petitioners”, “Oresteya”, “The Persians”, “Prometheus”, etc.); Sophocles (“Oedipus
in Colon”, “Antigona”, etc.); Euripides (“Media”, “Wise Melanipia”, “Electra”,
“Trojan Women”, etc.).
The Roman literature used and developed further all that had been invented by the
Greeks, but it became a kind of link between the Greek and the Western European
one. Antique writings as a rule were translated from Latin – the Roman version of
Antiquity. To the earliest Roman poets belong L. Andronicus, G. Nevi, Plavt, Ennis,
Trensi, etc.
Lecture III
Medieval literature
When talking about Italian literature, one can’t but start it with the life and
creative work of Dante Alligery (1265 – 1321) – the last greatest poet of the Middle
Ages, the author of “The Devine Comedy”, by which he influenced the work of
artists of the coming generations: Michael Angelo’s sculptures, Tchaikovsky’s music,
the poetry of Byron, Goethe, Block, and others.
In Germany, many of the early songs, ballads and other kinds of folklore were
written down by learned monks during the Middle Ages. Among the greatest works is
“The Song about the Nebelungs” (“Der Nibelungen Lied”, circa 1200). By the 12th c.,
with the development of feudalism the knights played a big role in the german
literature: there appeared a lyrical poetry about love. In the late quarter of the 12th c.,
in Germany developed the chivalrous or courteous novel. the founder of this genre is
supposed to be Her Heinrich von Vildeke, the author of the novel “Roman d’Eneas”,
circa 1160.
The literature of France in the Middle Ages reflected social interests. Among the
popular genres were epic poems, short lyrical compositions, novels, religious dramas,
etc. have reached our times. One of the most famous epic poems is “La Chanson de
Roland”. The earliest copy of it is dated by the year 1170. It tells about the defeat of
Karl the Great in Spain, which happened in 778. Rolland is presented as a noble
devoted to his motherland warrior. In the 12th c. the main theme of literature was
love.the courteous writers used antique themes for their compositions. A special place
was occupied by the Celtic legends about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round
Table. In the following years, nothing great happened in the field of literature. There
was a group of poets known as the School of Rhetoricians headed by Guillaume
Machaunt, 1300 – 1377. Besides love topics, they used topics connected with
morality and didactics.
Lecture IV
Anglo-Saxon, Middle English
and Pre-Renaissance Literature
English literature is one of the richest literatures in the world. It includes
masterpieces in many literary forms. English authors wrote important works as early
as the 700’s A. D. The history of English literature is usually divided into periods
such as: Early English Literature (V-XIV), Middle English Literature (1350-1495),
Renaissance (1495 – 1603), Early 17th Century and Restoration Literature (1603 –
1700), Enlightenment (1700-1785), Romanticism (1785 – 1830), the 19th c. literature,
or Victorian Period (1830 – 1903), Modern Period (1903-1950), literature of the 2nd
half of the 20th century.
We should admit the fact that these periods are not perfect. They are used to give a
guide to historical relations between authors and “movements”. Most scholars think
that English literature started with the very first verse sung on the English soil. Poetry
was the first literary genre. “The Lay of Beowulf” – one of the earliest Anglo-Saxon
poems was composed either before 500 A. D. or about 700 A. D. the epic shows the
ideals of the ancestors of the English, what they held most dear, and the way they
lived and died.
The literary ideals changed with the Norman Conquest of 1066. During the
following 200 years, the ideals of chivalry and the Crusades left their imprint on the
Anglo-Saxon literature. Nevertheless, to the English reader the most interesting of the
romances were those, which dealt with the exploits of King Arthur and the Nights of
the Round Table.
If in the 13th c. the religious, social and intellectual life of the time was profoundly
affected by the great philosopher and scientist Roger Bacon (1214-1294), in the 14th
- the minds were attracted by the allegoric writings of William Langland and John
Wycliffe. However, G. Chaucer (1340/1347 – 1400), the author of “The Canterbury
Tales”, expressed his century best of all. Chaucer contributed not only to the
establishment of national literature but also to the formation of the national language.
In the 15th c. folk poetry flourished in England and Scotland. There were harvestsongs, mowing-songs, spinning-songs, etc. the best of folk poetry were ballads:
historical, legendary, lyrical and humorous. The most popular ballads were about
Robin Hood – England’s favourite hero, a partly legendary, historical character. He
lived in the times of King Henry II and his son Richard the Lion-Heart. Robin Hood
- the brave outlaw – together with his friends lived in Sherwood Forest. The ballads
tell us about his adventures and his struggle against the Norman oppressors.
The ballads of Robin Hood gained great popularity in the second half of the 14th
century when the peasants struggled against their masters. Critics say, the ballads
played an important role in the development of English poetry up to the 20th century.
Many ballads and stories about this national hero have been turned into films, which
enjoy great popularity among spectators in many different countries.
Lecture V
The Renaissance
The word “renaissance” means “rebirth” in French and was used to denote a phase
in the cultural development of Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. Its
birthplace was Italy. The Middle Ages were followed by a more progressive period
due to numerous events. The bourgeoisie appeared as a new class. Great men
appeared in art, science and literature. The Period of Renaissance was the rebirth of
ancient Greek and Roman art and literature. Ancient culture attracted writers because
it was full of joy life and glorified the beauty of man. The writers turned against
feudalism and roused in men a wish to know more about the true nature of things in
the world. These new ideas first appeared in Italy, then in France (by the end of the
15th c.: Marguerite de Navarre – a poet, story-writer; F. Rabelais – the author of the 5volume work about Gargantuan) and Germany (in the second half of the 15th c.: A.
Durer, H. Holbein, Erasmus from Rotterdam, S. Brant – a representative of the
Burger Literature, etc.), and shortly afterwards in Spain and England. The Italian
poets Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, the French writer Rabelais, the Spanish writer
Cervantes, and the English writer Thomas More and the poet Shakespeare helped
people to fight for freedom and better future.
The Italian painters and sculptors Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo
glorified the beauty of man.
The wave of progress reached England in the 16th c. the Renaissance showed in
England almost all the characteristics, which it had demonstrated throughout Europe:
thought was liberated, destiny and morals became problematical, superior beauty was
perceived in the literature of classical antiquity. One of the greatest humanists of this
period was Thomas More., and the greatest playwrights was W. Shakespeare (the
author of dramas, comedies and tragedies: “Richard III”, “The Comedy of Errors”,
“Romeo and Juliet”, “King Lear, “Hamlet”, “Othello”, etc.), who continued the way
traced by Marlowe and the “University Wits”.
One of the latest of the Renaissance writers was Ben Jonson, the author of brilliant
plays: “The case is Altered”, “Every Man in His Humour”, “Cateline”, etc. The end
of the Renaissance is the time when development of literature was restricted, thought
was concentrated on a single book – the Bible; it was the triumph of Puritanism.
Lectures VI - VII
Literature of the 17th century
Renaissance Realism
Baroque (from Latin: irregular, strange)
Restoration literature
The portrait of the 17th century is rather complex: it witnessed the crisis of the
humanistic ideas of the Renaissance and the strengthening of anti-feudal struggle.
Some scholars are inclined to point out three stages in the literature of this century:
the so-called Renaissance Realism (Lope de Vega, late Ben Jonson; the Baroque that
combined the ideas of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance disguised by
pessimism and Classicism. These three stages can be easily traced in Italian literature.
For the Italian baroque writers the world was full of controversies, damaged feelings.
It was like an echo of the hedonistic antiquity. An important figure of this period is
Gambatist Marino – the inventor of the trend “Marinism” and the author of his
famous poem “Adonis” (1623). Other representatives are Gabrielo Cabrere, Fulvous
Testy, Tommazo Campanilli – the author of the novel “A Sunny Town” (1623).
The 17th-century German literature was experiencing two trends; the Baroque and
Classicism. Very often, the baroque writers expressed pessimism, mysticism,
defenselessness. Nevertheless, there were writes who wished to help people to
overcome the chaos that had been cause by the war (Andreas Griphins, Logau,
Morscherosch, Opiz).
The French classical writers had taken themes from the antique literature: heroic
ballads, fables, comedies, tragedies and so on. Among the leading French writers of
this period come first Francois de Malherbe, Jean de La Fontaine, Jean Baptiste
Poquelin know to the world as Jean Baptiste Moliere (“School of Husbands”, “School
of Wives”, “Tartuffe”). The latter is rightfully called the father of the French theatre.
And to understand the English literature of the 17th century, one should have to
look back at the history of England. When the throne passed from Elizabeth I to
James I, the Crown and the Parliament had frequent run-ins. The situation worsened
when in 1625, Charles I came to power and decided to rule without a Parliament
trying to strengthen his position. The consequences of his policy caused the Civil
War (1642 – 1649). In 1648, Charles was imprisoned and in 1649 – beheaded. The
power went to the leader of the Revolution – Oliver Cromwell who ruled until his
death in 1660. Those events are known as the English Bourgeois Revolution.
Among the writers of this period were Th. Browne, R. Baxter, J. Owen, and John
Milton – one of the greatest publicists and leading ideologists during the Revolution
whose pamphlets supported the struggle of the bourgeoisie against the Crown. As a
poet, he dominated the 17th century. After the Glorious Revolution - the Restoration
1688) of the Crown, when Charles II came to power, Milton was not destroyed but he
was forced to live in oblivion. The result of this state were Milton’s three highly
allegoric capital works: “Paradise Lost”, “Paradise Regained”
and “Samson
Agonistes”. The blind poet rejected the themes of the Renaissance, found inspiration
only in the Bible.
If in Europe literature was changing from century to century being influenced by
different events, the literature of America in the 17th century was only establishing its
foundation. Religion was the main subject of Colonial American literature. Among
the earliest colonial writers were A. Bradstreet, E. Taylor, Captain John Smith, John
Winthrop, William Bradford, Roger Williams, etc.
Attention should be paid to Restoration literature too. And here comes a question:
‘Why is it called like this?’ The answer can be found in the history of Britain. When
Cromwell died, Charles II, who had spent the dark years in France, was asked to
return home and occupy the throne. He did it but his power was more symbolic
because the Parliament had more authority. People were becoming more literate. The
genre of the essay attracted more attention and poetry was changing its quality –
acquiring more mathematical features, due to the changes in science and mathematic.
Proofs for it can be found in A. Pope’s works. Though verses were easily understood
but they looked like instructions. Restoration readers were no longer interested in the
complicated syntax and lofty themes of the earlier Elizabethan fiction.
Lecture VIII
Literature of the 18th Century
Pre- Romanticism
Literature of this period was much influence by the social, political, economic, etc.
changes nearly in all the European countries. Western Europe witnessed many
serious social changes. If we turn our minds to Italy, we shall see that the country as
well as Germany was split into many tiny states influenced by the Catholic Church,
and the north of it was occupied by Austria. Italian literature were lagging behind that
of other European countries, but it doesn’t mean that there were no men of letters.
Italians are proud of Cessari Becaria (a lawyer and a writer, the author of “About
crime and Punishment”); Jam-Batista Vicco – a writer and scholar; Petra Metastasio
– the author of more than 60 plays, opera scripts and other works; Goldoni – the
author of many comedies.
And in Germany the Age of Enlightenment was glorified by J. Ch. Gottsched (the
author of “Experience of critical Poetry for Germans”. To him belong such tragedies
as “Der sterbende Cato”, “Die pariser Bluthochzeit”, etc.); G. E. Lessing, J. W.
Goethe, J. Ch. F. Shiller and others. Literature of this period is known under the name
of “Sturm and Drang” – a German version of Sentimentalism.
Adhering to Aesop’s traditions, Lessing wrote fables in prose, and in 1772, he
completed his “Emilia Galotti” – the first German social tragedy, which had paved
the way for Schiller – the German playwright (“Dir Rºubers”, “Kabale und Liebe”,
“Don Carlos”, “Maria Stuart”, “Wilhelm Tell). Schiller’s creative work with that of J.
W. Goethe made the peak and at the same time the closing stage of the German
Young Goethe wrote many lyrical verses, a drama and the famous novel “Young
Verter’s Sufferings”. He expressed his rebellious feelings and thoughts in the ode
“Prometheus”, 1774. in 1782, Goethe wrote his famous “Erlk¿nig”, based on
Norwegian folklore. V. A. Zhukovsky translated it wonderfully into Russian.
Together with Schiller, Goethe wrote several hundreds of epigrams.
In comparison with the German and English enlighteners, the French ones were
more revolutionary minded. Their aim was to build an ideal society based on equality
and justice. The beginning of the Age of Enlightenment literature was dominated by
Montesquieu and Voltaire. The next generation of the enlighteners were more
democratically minded. Their leader was Denis Diderot whose influence and
connections were great. He corresponded even with Katherine the Great (II) and once
spent several years in Russia. Being an aesthete, he wrote such works as “La Beau”,
“Salons”, etc. But he is known as a playwright too (“Le Fils naturel”, “Le Pere de
familie”). He wrote philosophical novels as well. A special place was occupied by
Rousseau, whose name has always been associated with Sentimentalism. His literary
heritage is huge: he is the author of novels, articles, researches on different topics,
etc. moreover, the whole educated world knows the name of Pierre Augustin Caron
(Bomarche), whose plays make the peak of the French Enlightenment (“Le Barbier se
Seville”, “Le marriage de Figaro”.
The prevailing trend in literature was the revolutionary Classicism constructed on
plots borrowed from Antique literature, the tragedy being the leading genre. Among
the poets a special fame was enjoyed by Ponce Denis-Ecouchard ebrun, Andre
The central problem to the writers was the study of man and the origin of his good
and evil qualities. In addition, a deep hatred for feudalism was expressed in the works
of English writers. In England there was a transition from poetry to and the heroic
age of Shakespeare to the prosaic age of the essayists demonstrating grate skills in the
genre (Defoe, Swift, Steele, Addison). The leading form of literature became the
novel, choosing for a hero a representative of the middle class. Towards the middle of
the century Sentimentalism began to show its signs (S. Richardson – “Pamela”).
In 1719, D. Defoe published his “Robinson Crusoe”, which glorifies practicalness
and energy. It is called the first European realistic novel showing a typical bourgeois
who thinks, the future belongs to the toiling class. Another writer that has pushed the
English literature forward was J Swift – the author of the masterpiece “Gulliver’s
Henry Fielding wishing to reform stage tragedy, the novel, has also made a deep
imprint on the development of the English literature. It is universally acclaimed, that
his masterpiece is the highly plotted “History of Tom Jones, a Foundling”. In the
opinion of the critics, Fielding was the first to formulate the theory of the realistic
In the USA, the ideas of the Age of Reason were expressed in the Revolution (B.
Franklin, Th, Jefferson, Th. Paine, Ph. Freneau). The leading genres were pamphlets,
articles, satirical and humorous works. Prose in America began to grow and develop
on the foundation of the English traditions.
Lecture IX
Literature of the 19th Century
Critical Realism
Literature of the 19th century in Western Europe has a complex structure, but the
dominating place in it is occupied by two important trends: Romanticism and Critical
Realism, both of which have their own difficult for solution problems. Moreover, the
impact of the French Revolution is felt on the development of the 19th – century
European literature.
In France itself, the leading literary trend was revolutionary romanticism
expressing disappointment of masses. To the greatest representatives of it belonged
Francois-Rene de Chateabriand, Germaine de Stael, Victor Mawie Hugo- the author
of poems, dramas and novels (“Notre-Dame de Paris”, “L’ Homme qui rit” – “The
man Who Laughs”, etc.); George Sand, who wrote about proud lonely people, against
despotism in families (“Indiana”, “Valentine”,”Lelia”). She also wrote social novels,
in which she described common people and criticized the aristocratic society.
And such writers as Stendhal, Balzac, Merimee presented realism in French
literature in the first half of the 19th century. The second half of it was glorified by the
realistic works of Guy de Maupassant, and the symbolists: Paul Varlaine, Arthur
In Italy, the first 30 years of the 19th century were connected with the carbonarism.
The second stage (1830 – 1840) – the establishment of two wings within the
Resorgimento: a revolutionary-democratic and a moderate-liberal. The third stage
(1849 – 1870) witnessed the weakening of Romanticism. Its place was occupied by
realistic tendencies. In the second half of the 19th century in the vanguard were
poetry, playwriting, publicistic works (Alessandro Manzoni –a poet, playwright,
novelist, historian, linguist, philosopher; Tomaso Grossi – the author of historical
As in many countries, the 19th – century German literature also
passed through
two stages: Romanticism (F. Schlegel, Henrich von Kleist, Ernst Hoffmann, Henrich
Heine) and Realism (Th. Storm, G. Hauptman) that expressed a critical attitude to
reality and capitalist forms of oppression
Studying English literature of the Romantic period, one can distinguish two
successive generations possessing certain features.
1) The Lake poets claimed as their authority the examples of the Elizabethan
Renaissance. Though resisting the orthodox principles, this generation was in moral
harmony with the large majority of the public. Their romanticism rested upon the
emotions that were common to all (W. Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, R. Southey).
2) In an atmosphere of poverty and internal problems caused by wars, the second
generation of romanticists demonstrated a spirit of moral revolt (G. G. Byron, P. B.
Shelley, J. Keats).
From 1830’s onwards, it was evident that Romanticism was becoming weaker and
many writers began looking for other sources of inspiration among the working
people who fought for their rights and whose political and social demands were
expressed in the People’s Charter in 1833. The Chartist movement lasted until 1848.
this movement attracted the minds of the celebrated writers of the time, who began to
reflect class clashes in their works, thus, paving the way to a new trend called
‘Critical Realism’ – the prominent representatives of which were Ch. Dickena, W. M.
Thackeray, G. Eliot, the Bronte sisters, E. Gaskell). Critical Realists introduced new
personages into literature; ordinary working people.
The romantic spirit crossed the Atlantic Ocean and began to spread in the New
World in the years of disillusionment that followed the Revolution of 1775 – 1783.
There are different approaches to the development of Romanticism in America, but
normally they distinguish three stages: 1) 1820’s – 1830’s: the short stories of W.
Irwing, Cooper’s “Thje Spy”, “The Pioneers”, E. A. Poe’s poems; 2) 1840’s and the
first half of the 1850’s: Cooper’s later novels, Poe’s later romances and poems,
Longfellow’s works; 3) the second half of the 1850’s and the 1860’s: Walt
Whitman’s early poems.
In the early ears of the 19th century, in America there began to spread abolition
ideas. Among the writers affected by this problem was H. Beecher-Stowe (“Uncle
Tom’s Cabin”). And Critical Realism as a trend developed after the Civil War. The
realists understood that people should be shown as a whole – against the background
of social conflicts of the day (H. Melville, M. Twain, O. Henry, B. Harte, J. London).
Lecture X
American literature of the 20th century
Realists and naturalists
Social critics
The Harlem Renaissance
The “lost generation”
The rise of American drama
Three developments influenced American literature from 1900 to 1941: 1) the
writers began to look realistically at the social problems, which had been brought by
the Industrial Revolution during the late 1980’s; 2) World War I and the economic
depression of the 1930’s; 3) the psychoanalytic studies of S. Freud.
Realists and naturalists. Mark Twain, Henry James, W. D. Howells and some
other ones had written realistic stories. Howells defined the aims of realism as
“nothing more and nothing less than the trouble truthful of material” as in his novel
“The Rise of Silas Lapham” (1885). Later S. Crane, F. Norris, Th. Dreiser led the
way toward powerful realistic and naturalistic writing. Brutal violence characterizes
many of the novels of J. London (“The Call of the Wild”, “White Fang”, etc.). in the
1930’s Henry Miller wrote his best-known novels (“Tropic of Cancer”, “Tropic of
Capricorn”) – both were banned from publication in the US until 1960’s.
Social critics. Some writers used realism and naturalism to expose social evels.
This group included L. Steffens, I. M. Tarbell, U. Sinclait, social criticism grew
more intense during the Great Depression of the 1930’s (Th. Wolfe, N. West, J.
The Harlem Renaissance. During the 1920’s, black literature began to flourish in
Harlem, New York (P. L. Dunbar, J. W. Johnson). Harlem writers began to explore
black American culture.
The “Lost generation”. To this “generation” belong the young American writers
who gathered in Paris after World War I (E. Hemingway, F. S. Fitzgerald, W.
The rise of American drama. Drama lagged behind other literary forms in the US.
early American plays were either melodramatic tragedies or sentimental comedies.
The situation began to change in the 20th century. E. O’Neill revolutionized the
theatre with his realistic themes. He won national and international fame in the
1920’s (“Beyond the Horizon). The 1930’s and 1940’s were dominated by the plays
of H. Lindsay and R. Crouse(”Life with Father”, etc.).
After World War II some writers began to write about the war itself: I. Shaw
(“The Young Lions”); N. Mailer (“The Naked and the Dead”); H. Wouk (“The Kain
Mutiny”); J. Jones (“From hero to Eternity). The second half of the 20th century
witnessed the creative work of many talented authors: W. Morris, J. Cheever, J.
Updike, J. D. Salinger. A number of poets wrote extremely personal works: “77
Dream Songs” by J. Berryman; “Litany” by J. Ashbery; Ken Kesey (“The Flight over
the Cuckoo’s Nest”). Various aspects of American life have been examined by them.
American contemporary writers managed to present a many-sided picture of the
changing American reality with all its ups and downs.
Материал для проведения практических занятий
Seminar I
(2 часа)
Literature of the 17th century:
1. – Renaissance Realism.
2. – Baroque.
3. – Classicism .
4. – Restoration literature.
1. Define the terms “renaissance realism”, “baroque” and outline these trends in
the Italian, French, German, English literatures.
2. Define the terms “Classicism”, “Restoration literature” and
a) characterize Classicism in Italian, German, French and English literatures;
b) speak on the literature of the period of the Bourgeoisie Revolution and
Restoration literature in England paying more attention to J. Milton’s life,
creative work and his major works.
Sources for reading
Аникин Г. В., Михальская Н. П. История английской литературы. Уч. пособ.
для студ. пед. ин-тов. – М.: 1975.
Артамонов С. Д. История зарубежной литературы 17 – 18 вв. Уч. пособ., 2-е
изд. – М.: 1988.
История немецкой литературы. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1975.
Черневич М. Н., Штейн А. Л., Яхонтова М. А. История французской
литературы. – М.: 1965.
Milton J. Paradise Lost”. - Any edition in the original.
Seminar 2
(3 часа)
Literature of the 18th century:
1. Enlightenment.
2. Pre-Romanticism.
1. Define the terms “enlightenment”, “pre - romanticism” and
a) characterize Enlightenment in Italian, French, German, English and
American literatures;
b) characterize “Pre-Romanticism in Italian, French, German, English and
American literatures.
2. Outline (briefly) the life and creative work of D. Defoe, J, Swift, H. Fielding
and give a critical analysis of one of their works and the problems they touched
3. Outline (briefly) the life and creative work of Franklin, Jefferson, Paine and
their major writings and the problems they discussed.
4. Brief the life and creative work of S. Richardson, W. Blake, R. Burns, H.
Walpole, A. Radcliffe and the problems they discussed in them.
Sources for reading
Аникин Г. В., Михальская Н. П. История английской литературы. Учеб.
пособ. для студ. – М.: 1975.
Артамонов С. Д. История зарубежной литературы 17 – 18 вв. – М.: 1988
Гиленсон Б. И. История литературы США. – М.: 2003.
История американской литературы. Под ред. Н. И. Самохвалова. Уч. пособ.
для студ. Ч. 1. – М.: 1971.
История немецкой литературы. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1975.
Позднякова Л. Р. История английской и американской литературы. – Ростов
н\Д.: 2002.
Соловьва Н. А. История зарубежной литературы. Предромантизм. - М.: 2005.
Франклин. Проза американского просвещения.- М.: 1977.
Черневич М. Н. и др. История французской литературы. – М.: 1965.
Blake W. Verses. – Any edition in the original.
Burns R. – Verses. – Any edition in the original
Defoe D. Robinson Crusoe. – Any edition in the original.
Fielding H. The History of Tom’ Jones the Foundling. – Any edition in the
Swift J. Gulliver’s Travels. – Any edition in the original.
Seminar 3
Literature of the 19th century
(4 часа)
(2 часа)
1. Define the birth, nature, central objects, and the main tendencies of
Romanticism in Italian, German, French, English and American literatures.
2. Speak on the first generation of English Romanticists (the representatives of the
“Lake School”) – their major works and problems touched on in them. Brief W.
Scott’s poetry and W. Godwin’s creative work.
3. Speak on the second generation of the English Romanticists: G. G. Byron, P. B.
Shelley, J. Keats – their major works, language, style and problems.
Walter Scott’s novels: outline their romantic and historical features.
4. Sum up a number of criticisms on W. Irwing’s life, literary activity, and his
major compositions.
5. J. F. Cooper’s life and literary activity (in brief). Outline his major works and
the “Leather – Stocking Cycle”, paying attention to structure, plot, theme(s),
problems, personages, style and language. Dwell on the character of Natty Bampoo.
6. Brief N. Hawthorne’s literary activity, giving more attention to his “Scarlet
Letter”. Point out the problems and the peculiarities of the personages of the novel.
Sources for reading
Аникин Г. В. , Михальская Н. П. История английской литературы. Учеб.
пособ. – М.: 1975.
Гиленсон Б. А. История литературы США. – М.: 2003.
История американской литературы. Под ред. Н. И. Самохвалова. Уч. пособ.
для студ. Ч.1. – М.: 1971.
История итальянской литературы. 19 – 20 веков. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1988.
История немецкой литературы. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1975.
Черневич М. И. и др. История французской литературы. - М.: 1965.
Seminar 4
Literature of the 19th century:
(2 часа)
1. Characterize (briefly) the realistic tendencies in the Italian, French, German,
English and American literatures.
2. Speak on the Chartist Movement in English literature, the Chartist mass poetry
and poets, and the birth of new trends like Naturalism and Neo-Romanticism.
3. Speak on the celebrated Critical realists: 1) Ch. Dickens: the stages of his
creative work, major novels. Analyze one of his major novels. 2) W. M. Thackeray:
creative work, major novels. analyze one of his books. 3) Brief the creative work and
the major novels of G. Eliot, the Bronte sisters, E. Gaskell.
4. Give a survey of the Transition Period, point out all the trends, underline their
peculiarities and brief the creative work of O. Wilde, R. L. Stevenson, Th. Hardy.
Sources for reading
Аникин Г. В., Михальская Н. П. История английской литературы. Учеб.
пособ. – М.: 1975.
История итальянской литературы 19 – 20 веков. – М.: 1988.
История немецкой литературы. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 1975.
Позднякова Л. Р. История английской и американской литературы. – Ростов
н\Д.: 2002.
Черневич М. Н. и др. История французской литературы. – М.: 1965.
Dickens Ch. Any novel in the original.
Stevenson R. L. Any novel in the original.
Thackeray W. M. Any novel in the original.
Seminar 5
American literature of the 20th century
(4 часа)
Literature of the first half of the 20th century
(2 часа)
1. Critical Realism and Realists of the late 19th and early 20th century: M. Twain,
O. Henry, J. London. Outline their creative work and the problems they presented in
M. Twain’s and J. London’s novels.
2. Speak on M. Twain’s, O. Henry’s, J. London’s individual qualities in the genre
of the short-story.
3. Brief Th. Dreiser’s life and creative work. What themes and problems did he
touch upon in the novels “Sister Carrie” and “An American Tragedy?”
4. Outline the creative work of the writers of “The Lost Generation”: F. S.
Fitzgerald, E. Hemingway, W. Faulkner, giving a more detailed analysis of one of
their works.
Sources for reading
Гиленсон Б. А. История литературы США. Учеб. пособ. – М.: 2003.
История американской литературы. Под ред. Н. И. Самохвалова. Ч.1б Ч. 2. –
М.: 1971.
Позднякова Л. Р. История английской и американской литературы. – Ростов
н\Д.: 2002.
Dresser Th. Sister Carrie. – Any edition in the original.
Dreiser Th. An American Tragedy. – Any edition the original.
London J. Martin Eden. – Any edition in the original.
London J. Any three or four stories in the original.
O. Henry. Any three or four stories in the original.
Twain M. Any novel and three or four stories in the original.
Seminar VI
American literature of the 20th century
Literature of the second half of the 20th century
(2 часа)
1. Characterize the problems, which have been touched upon by the post-war
writers about World War II (I. Shaw, H. Wouk, etc.) and in the works of writers of
the “Silent Generation”.
2. Speak on the writers of the “Beat generation” and the social, moral problems
presented in their works (J. Kerouak, J. D. Salinger, and others).
3. Outline the American drama of the second half of the 20th century. Tennessee
Williams’s life and creative work (in brief). Point out the main problems the author
deals with in his plays. Analyze briefly one of his plays.
4. The main problems reflected in the works of modern American authors (H.
Miller, R. Bach, J. Updike, Ken Kesey, Tim O’Brien, Richard Yates and others.
5. American poetry and the leading poets of the of the 20th century (E. Pound. R.
Frost, C. Sandburg, and others).
Sources for reading
Позднякова Л. П. История английской и американской литературы. – Ростов
н\Д.: - 2002.
Гиленсон Б. А. История литературы США. – М.: 2002.
История американской литературы. Под. Ред Н. И. Самохвалова. Ч. 2. – М.:
Мендельсон М. Роман США сегодня – на заре 80-х годов. Изд. второе,
дополненное. – М.:1983.
Salenger J. The catcher in the Rye. – Any edition in the original.
Updike J. – Any work in the original.
Williams T. The Glass Menagerie. – Any edition in the original.
Frost R. Verses (4 or 5 in the original).
Задания для самостоятельной работы
Характерные черты басен Эзопа и особенности их модификаций в баснях
Федра, Лафонтена и Крылова.
Морально-нравственные и философские проблемы, затронутые в трагедиях
Эсхила, Софокла и Еврепида.
Социально-политические и нравственные проблемы драмы Б. Брехта
«Матушка Кураж и её дети».
Томас Манн – летописец своей эпохи и защитник человеческих ценностей.
Философские мысли Антуана Сент-Экзюпери в произведениях «Планета
людей» и «Маленький принц»
Экзистенциалистская философия в романе А. Камю «Посторонний» и
причины трагизма главного героя.
Особенности Ренессанса в итальянской литенратуре.
Маринизм в итальянской, испанской и английской литературах.
Идеалы Миланской школы писателей.
Влияние идей Ницше на развитие итальянской литературы.
Итальянский роман второй половины 20 века.
Тема любви в лирике Данте и Петрарка.
рассказов» Чосера.
Черты натурализма в творчестве Э. Золя.
Проблематика произведений Анны Зегерс.
Ремарк – представитель антивоенного романа в немецкой литературе.
Отличительные черты лирики Гётте и Гейне.
Место рыцарского романа в истории французской литературы.
Структура, стиль, проблемы и историческая значимость «Песни о Роланде»
и «Песни о Небелунгах».
Основоположники готического романа в европейской литературе.
Взаимовлияние английской и французской литератур.