From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. CML-T1: A Cell By Kazutaka Most Kuriyama, data chronic stem of B but cell not line CML origin with the CML-T1 have analyses and ized by proliferation their progenitors’2 from the events region chimeric enhanced a tyrosine persons with some or more of these cases have absence of the Ph whether T-cell chromosome,9 rearrangement,’#{176} and heterozygous 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)” cells. Also, almost B but not T cells.’2’5 However, T-cell all other of T-cell-acute reason these derive with inconsistent CML. Another from a progenitor explain Because of this lished a T-cell prove useful typical T cells involved describe This neutrophil-alkaline splenomegaly. Blood, Vol 74. low Chromosome From No 4 (September), 1989: T-cell the blood cells with to respond mar Cyto- a T-cell to treatment pleural the associated invasion by effusion pleural karyotype. blood myeloperoxidase, acetate was acid esterase, obtained dur- phosphatase, and periodic of these Department Rehovot, is Hematology in Los Angeles that should data were cells. female with granulo- phosphatase, of and spontaneously of Hematology. University T notion of CML. pp 138 1-1387 failed peripheral for the Department Nagasaki to convincingly in CML. We estab- analyses consistent + cells karyotype was also normal. extensive ),t(6;7)(q23;q34), marrow a 46,XX of peripheral were from Heparinized Israel; Cell and and the in 13- acid Schiff DHHS RPG and by Disease Nagasaki Weizmann Department Institute of Genetics, Institute. City. Japan; of Science. Medicine. Divisions University of of California Los Angeles. 1 7. 1989; part Atomic Medicine. Biology, ofMedicine. January Supported of Oncology School Submitted USPHS. Leukemia. School of accepted grants May CA23175 3. /989. from the NC!. NIH. and by the Center for Advanced Studies is the Wald Foundation Scholar in Biomedical in Communications. Address reprint requests Medicine. Division Medicine. Los Angeles. indicate to Dr Robert ofHematology The publication CA This article in accordance and Peter Gale, Oncology, Department UCLA of School of 90024-1678. costs ofthis payment. “advertisement” a basophilia, marked del ( I I cultures. Stains METHODS was a 33-year-old obtained a-naphthyl B cell involvement studies The patient cytosis, Cells studies from Morphology. charge Case report. underlying of bone (PHA) patient glucuronidase, of hematopoiesis, with CML Preliminary molecular T phase regarding findings should A diagnosis of Phshe was treated with The WBC was 1 18 x revealed The karyotype The from it is important are line from a person in these investigations. we now reported33; the controversy whether determine and again months CO2 atmosphere. (ALL).32 progenitor. ofT that CML-T1 ing the acute phase with the patients’ informed consent. Mononuclear cells were separated by Ficoll-Conray gradient density sedimentation, washed twice, and suspended in RPMI 1640 with 20% fetal calf serum (FCS) and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The cells were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Cells were thawed at the time of analysis, washed three times, and suspended in Iscoves minimum essential medium (IMEM) supplemented with 20% FCS, 100 U/mL penicillin 0, and 100 g/mL streptomycin. Cells were cultured in plastic tissue culture flasks at 37#{176}C in humidified 5% Ph-chromosome- data models most the disparity as 2 a 47,XX, 22 (CFU-T) acute leukemia a common derived T-lymphoid infra). with in possibility is that myeloid and B cells arise cell distinct from T cells. Transformation could cell In from involve consistent Ph-chromosome of lymphoid contradictory is unclear. B cells of this lymphoblastic for involvement cases (vide cells. mes- indicate as that Cytogenetics immunologic within Cell as well phytohemagglutinin phenotype died of the Inc. lymphoblasts and had BCR phase or in T cells cells#{176}28 as well T acute the and are some There involving positive and cultures clonal and clearly cells were normal. CML was made, and developed 3 years later. marrow with chemical typical T cells are involvement of findings including (CFU-GEEMT)’6”7 CML The report T-cell cells’8’9 ABL stimulated proto- of Ph-chromo- CML. process the Ph-chromosome. without ABL on chromosome cases data & Stratton, of 90% leukemia expression of glucosein chronic phase T of lymphoid studies mitogen-stimulated stem cases in CML, involvement pluripotent transwith CML.78 is considerable controversy in CML. Evidence against include and These Acute phase with 79% lymphoblasts. composed cells from one half Ph-chromosome, in BCR l09/L cluster of a and protein Although changes busulfan. insertion to other this chromosome-negative proto- the breakpoint 22, transcription bone changes of the CML. by Grune dividing Whelan, molecular in acute-phase involved in studying 1989 exhibit ABI similar CML. be Kathy 9 to 22. rearrangement of a chimeric BCR-ABL The interstitial. can cells transcription (mRNA). Klisak, translocation Ph-chromosome-negative S ABL RNA Ivana chromosome and be useful Underlying of the RNA (mRNA), BCR/ABL kinase activity. CML lack the Ph-chromosome-positive There involved gene. Cytoge- is character- translocation.3 translocation messenger 210-Kd chimeric gene. cells 1 ). t(6;7)(q23;q24), (CML) chromosome 9 to gne on chromosome BCR/ABL of lation of 1.21) include from (BCR) (TCRB) from of Chronic Dreazen including some-negative and and accumulation of myeloid cells and by the Ph-chromosome resulting t(9;22)(q34.l;ql molecular oncogene leukemia myelogenous BCR Yao, CML-T1 CML. oncogene reactiv- (MoAbs). IV thymocytes. del(1 of appears reactivity. Eiichi Phase and Orna karyotype. of its T-lymphocyte receptor a 47.XX. HRONIC and a T-lymphoid antibodies of type + mar typical hemato- senger cytochemical indicate in in Ikeda, S. Sparkes. Ph-chromosome- with Evidence features C occurs Acute Shuichi Robert of myelopoiesis a person phase. Tomonaga, Ichimaru, established monoclonal the $-T-cell of cells We Masao T-Lymphocyte Leukemia transformation (CML) progenitor pattern anti-T-cell rearrangement netic is the in acute Gale, Michito malignant ) from includes ity Peter Yakir, T lymphopoiesis. (CML-T1 negative Robert leukemia that Derived From Myelogenous Hadas that myelogenous poietic cell suggest Line article must with were defrayed therefore /8 U.S.C. in part be hereby section by page marked 1 734 solely to this fact. © 1 989 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. 0006-4971/89/7404-0025$3.00/0 1381 From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. KURIYAMA 1382 (PAS) were scopic studies using as reported.33 performed of myeloperoxidase electron micro- peroxidase BCR studies. Surface (slg) lin (clg) were analyzed by direct cein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled and immunofluorescence goat lyzed immunoglobu- using F(ab’)2 fluores- (Cappel Laboratories, antihuman PA). Cochranville, provided by Dr Y. Hinuma (Kyoto University, immu- 1 . lmmunophenotypic HLA-DR (CD3) The T. Mak, two possible provided Ontario junctions Helper/inducer T cells OKT6 (CD 1 ) Cortical T cells OKT8 (CD8) Suppressor/cytotoxic OKT9 - of 172 b of BCR exons “2” and “3” linked Cells Using MoAbs Percent of Positive thymic 8 T cells 43 or prolif- 56 cells and acti- 38 activated receptor, cells (CD26) Hematopoietic precursor vated lymphocytes OKT11 (CD2) Erosettereceptor 81 NK cells and LGL Immature 99 T cells and most mature T 56 cells NI( 0 cells and LGL H-3 1 (CD25) lnterleukin-2 GIN-14 HTLV-I J5 (CD 10) Common B 1 (CD2O) Pan-B B2(CD21) MatureBcells B4 (CD 1 9) B cells and pre-B BA-i (CD24) B cells and mature 0KM 1 (CD 1 1) Granulocytes 4. FMC (IL-2) receptor 0 0 ALL antigen 0 0 cells 0 0 cells 0 anuIocytes 0 and monocytes Monocytes 1 7 (CD 14) 0 My 7 (CD 1 3) Myeloid cells and monocytes 0 My 9 (CD33) Myeloid cells and monocytes 0 FMC Granulocytes Megakaryocytes 11 1) HPL 2 (CDw43 HPL 7 (CDw42) Megakaryocytes Erythroblasts A LGL. large 0 and platelets (gp 1 1 b/ 0 and platelets (gp 1b) 0 lIla) Glycophorin Abbreviations: Cells 100 OKT1O lb (CD16) to 278 b of ABL T cells Transferrin Leu-1 and 0 Leu-4 (CD7) BCR 0 (CD4) Leu-9 E. 100 OKT4 Leu-7 Dr Research between (Ia) erating by Cancer cells Mature was ana- rearrangement (kindly II. Specificity OKT3. My by Dr provided of the CML-T1 Analysis Pan-T (CD5) probe isowere Institute protection. composed Predominant HLA-DR Leu-1 cDNA DNA analyses in CML exon Table blot are designated L-6 and K562.39’#{176} Probes complementary to these junctions were synthesized and radiolabeled with 32P using the riboprobe system (Promega Biotec, Madison, WI). Radiolabeled probes were hybridized to mRNA from CML-Tl followed by RNase digestion.39’#{176} mRNA homologous to a probe forms a double-stranded complex and is thereby protected from RNase digestion. Protected probes were analyzed on urea-acrylamide denaturing gels. mRNA from persons in whom the BCR breakpoint occurs between BCR exons “2” and “3” (L-6 junction) protect a 280-b probe composed of 30 b of exon “2” linked to 250 b of ABL exon II. mRNA from persons in whom the BCR break occurs between exons “3” and “4” (K562 junction) protect a 450-b probe performed. of Differentiation) (kindly RNase ABL Japan). is reactive with the p19 antigen of HTLV-I. Immune was also performed on cells following culture for three days with I % PHA. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity (TdT; Bethesda Research Labs, Gaithersburg, MD) was assayed by indirect immunofluorescence. Cytogenetics. Cells were directly processed for cytogenetic analyses by standard and/or G-banding methods.35 HTLV-1 analysis. High mol wt DNA was isolated by standard techniques.TM Ten micrograms were digested with EcoR 1 , electrophoresed in 0.7% agarose gel, and Southern blotting performed onto nylon membranes. Blots were hybridized to a 1.2-kb 32P-labeled HTLV-l probe derived from the 3’ end of the pol region and (Clust& (TCRB). Southern Institute).3738 phenotyping Antibody receptor BCR techniques.TM BCR Weizmann to 870 GIN-l4 autoradiography a 4-kb and of Science), and a I .2-kb BCR intron probe (Oncogene Sciences, Mineola, NY). Studies of 13-T-cell receptor gene rearrangement used a 770-b probe (Jurkat cDNA) spanning the JH and CH regions and corresponding to nucleotides 100 Cells Kyoto, digestion, by standard using Canaani, stained kindly and f3-T-cell endonuclease performed cytoplasmic were with the monoclonal antibody (MoAb) indicated followed by an FITC-labeled F(ab’)2 antimouse IgG. MoAbs used are shown in Table I. HPL2 and HPL7 were kindly provided by Dr H. Shiku (Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan). H-31 and GIN-14 were noglobulin rearrangement lation, reactions, were also performed.TM diamino-benzidine, Immune Transmission and platelet ET AL granular lymphocyte; HTLV-l, human T-cell 0 leukemia virus type I; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen; gp, glycoprotein. MoAbs (Hialeah. France) were purchased from FL) (J5, B 1 . 2. 4, My4, (Glycophorin A). Becton-Dickinson 7 and 9). Hybritech (Mountain (La Jolla. View, CA) (Leu series CA) (BA- 1 ). Sera-Labs and HLA-DR). (Adelaide. Ortho Australia) (Raritan, NJ) (OKT series and 0KM (FMC 1 1 and 1 7). and lmmunotech 1), Coulter (Marseille. From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. T CELLS IN CML In situ I .4-kb hybridization. v-abl were 1383 probe 3H-labeled cpm/zg) One of the two BCR cDNA probes or a and provided by Dr Owen Witte, UCLA) by random priming (specific activity 3 x 108 (kindly and used for in situ hybridization by standard as modified by Cannizaro and Emanuel.42 Slides seven days and silver grains overlaying or touching exposed for the chromosomes esterase PAS was and Cell the media vigorously after culture ous Cells cultures. of 1 month by serial-cell culture for were changed and cultured as described with weekly. Cells to were transfer. maintained CML-Tl over 50 passages; and cytochemistry. began with been time in continuis estimated at 72 hours. to I 5 m in with irregularity granules philic with clefts and are absent. leukemia antigen (CALLA)(J5), and granular lymphocytes cytoplasm indentations; Electron microscopy azuro- shows nuclei with HTLV-/ HTLV-l lamellar tronic complex. except for microscopic numerous, cells are similar Cultured slightly but there is no to acute-phase del( \ cells It $1 11 13 14 15 (data and analyzed acute from showed karyotype 1% 19 20 21 22 12 1% 18 1? / x a. fl of the CML-Tl cells showing the 47.XX. del(l 1 ). t(6;7). (q23;q34), not + mar karyotype. >100 marrow All 36 47,XX, 1 ). An identi- It II 16 Os Karyotype a (Fig 5 11 U $2 . of studies S. 10 and CML-T1. blood and bone phase were 46,XX. CML-Tl + mar ii U Fig 1 were not shown). Cytogenetic on peripheral chronic NK GIN-14 antibody did not react that the cells are not infected blot analysis also showed no in the cells performed cells cells similar PHA. K 9 7 was phenotype or with were (NK) myeloid killer acute-phase analysis. H-31 and activities 1 1 ),t(6;7)(q23;q34), 31 8 6 natural 4 IC II activ- lymphoblastic (LAK) 3 2 ‘I. during metaphases and acute killer suggesting (1 (p 1. cells immu- transferase with Southern genomes metaphases detected. cytoplasmic (Leu-7), were The cells, HTLV-I. were cultured analysis. CML-Tl ace- OKT3, common immune cells fresh Chromosome maturity. Light and elecand platelet peroxidase increased myeloperoxidase K some detected with are in the lymphokine-activated was moderately clumped, and one or more are present. The Golgi apparatus is well developed, there are few lysosomal granules. Mitochondria are large Ribosomes lobulations The or not nucleoli cells or nuclear cytoplasmic nonreactive. whether Chromatin abundant. indentations and I2 with and and scanty are cells and a-naphthyl esterase Leu-7, to B cells, cells. but clefts with diameter CML-Tl I); MoAbs were Morphology I I (Table negative. large were on or in CML-Tl cells. MoAbs reactive included Leu-l, 7, and 9 and OKT4, 6, 8, cells and activity phosphatase cells. Surface and deoxynucleotidyl studies. CML-Tl 10, 9, in continuous has doubling one grow butyrate in some terminal not detected acid fl-glucuronidase, a-naphthyl and were ity for detected Immunologic esterase for positivity positivity also noglobulin RESULTS chloroacetate dot dot tate scored. half AS-D Intense moderate techniques4’ were a-naphthol absent. From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. KURIYAMA 1384 AB cal karyotype was pleural Direct fluid. acute phase was detected in leukemia analysis not Rearrangement sis of CML-Tl to the TCRB 2.8 Kd also detected. were used probe positive . 22; CML ofa of BCR/ABL Chromosome labeling j4.4 represent the respectively. 4 . situ of chromosome mosome 9 (Fig hybridized digestion Having some ABL the BglII RNase without that ABL alleles, probe showed grains over chro- BamH (Fig 4). and EcoR 1 Similar data I HindIII (data not shown). is translocated to chromo- and ABL BCR is rearranged, we investigated of the chimeric in transcription typical of Ph-chromosome-positive a break indicates excess in situ 9 (Fig 3A, B). presumably BCR probes. bands protection assay. the 280-b L-6 probe protected Extensive was studied by Southern blotting with restriction endonucleases that resulted this mRNA This of BCR digested with and 22 by D). determined whether studied scored: translocated with to both BCR rearranged revealed obtained were was were and 22 3C, DNA CML-Tl and Fig 2. Rearrangement of TCRB gene in CML Ti . Lane A. placental DNA; B. CML Ti. DNAs were digested with BamHl and hybridized to a 770b H and C,, TCRB probe. ABL hybridization labeling of 2.8 of metaphases untranslocated In criteria 3) transcription on chromosomes 22 and long arms of these chromosomes Rearrangement ‘#{248}- and detected on the were mRNA. localization was Kd Three rearrangement; Fifty Labeling of 4 Kd and 4.4 typical Ph-chromosome of ABL to chromosome with ) translocation I BCR analy- hybridized bands rearrangement. chimeric hybridization. from from blot and of 12, 9, and CML-TI cells: BamHl novel bands genetic evidence 2) with indicated Germline to compare Southern receptor. digested cDNA CML-related I2 T-cell DNA 2). obtained blood cells performed. of (Fig cells of peripheral ET AL BCR/ CML mRNA from CML-TI but not the 450-b K562 between BCR exons “2” in cells probe. and “3” and B 5 IC 5 r(I) z ‘5 a: 1 q p I 2 q p 3 q Ip 4 c p I 5 q 5 IC 5 _____________________ L’J p1 q I p q Ip1q _________________ Ip p P’q I q Ip’q 6 2 5 IC 5 -- Ip’ q p q p q p’ q 13 14 IS IC III p q q 1pIqT1qIpF1 7 C HROMOSO 18 9 2C 21 22 X mar MES Fig 3. In situ hybridation of CML-Tl to ABL and BCR probes. Panels A and B show cytogenetics and histogram of grain counts with ABI probe; panels C and D show similar studies with a BCR probe. Arrows indicate labeled chromosomes 22. Sometimes it was difficult distinguish chromosome 22 from the mar chromosome. In this analysis grains were assigned to the former. an to From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. T CELLS 1385 IN CML 15 D’#{176} 5 -; U) z q 2 #{149} q #{149} ‘p P 15 ‘ q‘ 15 4 10 0 5’ w .iIi . ‘i I I. Ip’q p’6q l.. ii I p1q z J q i p’q Jp’q 20 15 1O 5 . ‘. I pq ‘.‘ p 13 .... I qlp 14 ‘‘. I I I I qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp 15 16 .11111 . q 17 18 19 20 21 22 X CHROMOSOMES Fig Fig 3C. transcription Western AB both ofa analyses anti-BCR 3D. chimeric and mRNA protein BCR/ABL showed a 2I0-Kd anti-ABL antisera (data (Fig 5). reactive Also, with not shown). AB DISCUSSION This study CML-Tl associated ofCML-TI studies Immunologic , T-cell absence t deals with is a T cell and analysis with the BCR and ABL phenotype of staining of two issues: of the genes. CML-Tl characterized CALLA, TdT, evidence molecular revealed that events a stage IV by Leu-l reactivity and and HLA-DR.43 Reactiv- -J 0 0 Fig 5. say with CML BamHl EcoRl Fig 4. BCR rearrangement demonstrated by Southern blot analysis. DNA extracted from CML Ti cells (A) or normal lymphocytes (B) was digested with BamHi or EcoRl and analyzed with a 1 .2-kb intronic BCR probe (left panel) or with EcoRi and hybridized to a 4-kb BCR cDNA probe (right panel). Arrows indicate the rearranged bands in CML Ti DNA. Ti RNAse CML-Ti. and protection mRNAs KCL asfrom (a Phchromosome-positive CML cell line) protect a 280-b chimeric probe from RNAse digestion. The two normal ABL mRNAs protect fragments of 250 b and 255 b. The 280-b 1-6 probe is protected only by BCR/ABL mRNA in which BCR exon “2” is spliced to ABI exon II. 28O- 22 255 250 I I From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. 1386 ity KURIVAMA with 4, 6, 8, and OKT3, stage T-cell of positivity for consistent with acid of ofa are typical from than reciprocal translocation similar acute cells. analyses phase Direct were performed. Leukemia showed a 47,XX, These ofcells this to the CML-Tl gene48 and the fluid and MYB chronic proto-oncogene.49 not CML-T1 karyotype. from the occurred the with be relatively studied and ABL and by cells In either by T cells have rather than useful to study this progenitor. not of This breakpoints were BCR Unfortunately, unavailable clearly could within respectively. indicate prove useful for the in studying become interstitial involves reciprocal involved insertion translocation, this Dr Emanuel involvement are phase analysis. of possibility the mechanism in CML. ofABL this cell line Since in into BCR may also be process. ACKNOWLEDGMENT T 13-receptor Perhaps T cells acute T cells patient may is reported.28 typical of of the indicated, lymphoid in CML. should which into situation as in a T-cell data involvement CML-Tl been our our of developing cells. This or genomic and from possible Transformation capable myeloid T typical is that of two distinct transformcell common to B lymphocytes and a second event, are ABL several with cell since, analyzing in myeloid myeloid those cells and in CML. chronic in a stem one CML-Tl cytogenetic rare, possibility cells recombinatorial CML-T1 consistent and in Another events, pheno- investigate of BCR in a stem involved be are B lymphocytes myeloid translocation to that involvement occurred must T-cell the results well CML. T-cell normal Studies rearrangement of T-cell have of gene. our data indicate T as ing because the this in progress. These CML. influenced Alternatively, TCRB molecular frequency may different site were +mar marrow of map of derived of transformation translocation proposed Ph- blood cells Alternatively finding sites the from of blood a subclone t(6;7)(q23;34) involves have are have cells. within typically absence PHA-stimulated in the bone The in diverse Interestingly, cells pleural clone. karyotype detect. abnormalities leukemia mechanisms This with with 1) t(6;7)(q23;q34), represent of no ABL. persons marrow from acute-phase and low too of as were cells may marrow the In summary, cells might showed and consistent analyses del(l findings bone normal, (unstimulated) probe BCR studies of bone expres- findings CML.’47 between prior 22, might T 13-receptor of events chromosome 9, consistent into chromosome 22 rather to CML7 and in this case. Ph-chromosome and I might to and These a BCR of ABL to chromosome-negative Cytogenetic is also of 9 mRNA, protein. with translocation insertion the the ty pe rearrangement Ph-chromosome-positive analyses interstitial is of dot gene chromosome BCR-ABL with finding from BCR-ABL chimeric its f3-glucuronidase indicated ABL a chimeric of cells of in this intense as is T 3-receptor ofCML-Tl In situ hybridization evidence and of possibilities of 210-Kd sion is variable finding development,” translocation transcription Leu-7 The phosphatase T-cell rearrangement.45 Molecular studies BCR, 1 1 and development. ET AL typed was Maidenberg by Kirsten helped to prepare the manuscript, which Laage. REFERENCES Koefiuer HP, Golde DW: Chronic myelogenous leukemiaN EngI J Med 304:1201, 1981 2. Champlin RE, Golde DW: Chronic myelogenous leukemia: Recent advances. Blood 65:1039, 1985 3. Rowley JD: Chromosome abnormalities in human leukemia. I. new chromosome-positive concepts. Ann Rev Genet 4. 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Cytogenet van den Berghe chromosome Cell changes Genet 46:344, H: Report in neoplasia. 1987 of the Human From by guest on April 27, 2016. For personal use only. 1989 74: 1381-1387 CML-T1: a cell line derived from T-lymphocyte acute phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia K Kuriyama, RP Gale, M Tomonaga, S Ikeda, E Yao, I Klisak, K Whelan, H Yakir, M Ichimaru and RS Sparkes Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.