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Перед вами одиннадцать сказок, отобранных по прин
ципу: детям должно быть интересно, а взрослым – полезно.
Любвеобильным мужчинам рекомендуем, например,
сказку «The frog and his wives», современным женщинам –
«The small red feather» (хорошо бы ее вообще выучить наи
зусть). Молодым влюблённым, пожалуй, будет интересна
«Which is better», а всем без исключения просто необходи
мо поразмыслить над содержанием сказки «Why the hare
has no tail».
Все одиннадцать текстов снабжены подробными сло
A cunning rabbit
A fox and a wolf are friends. One day the wolf says to the
fox, «I am very hungry. I want to have a rabbit for dinner but
rabbits run too quickly. I can never catch them».
«I know how to help you”, says the fox. «A fat grey rabbit
lives in the deep hole at the oaktree. Let us ask magpies to
chatter that I am dead. I go home and get into bed. You must
hide somewhere in my house. I am sure that the rabbit will
come to see if I am dead. Then you will jump and catch him».
«The fox is dead, the fox is dead», chatter the magpies.
The rabbit wants to know if the fox is dead. But he does
not want to go into the fox’s house. He looks in through the
window, and sees the fox on his bed. He looks like a dead fox.
The rabbit thinks, «I must see if the fox is dead or not. If
he is not dead, he will catch me when I go near to him».
He looks at the fox and says, «The magpies chatter that
the fox is dead. But he does not look like a dead fox. Dead
foxes always open their mouths».
The fox hears it, and he thinks, «I will show the rabbit
that I am dead». So he opens his mouth. Now the rabbit sees
that the fox is not dead. He jumps up and runs away as fast as
he can.
cunning ['kAnIN] хитрый
rabbit ['rxbIt] кролик
fox [fOks] лис, лиса
wolf [wulf] волк
one day – однажды
says [seIz] Present Indefinite глагола to say [seI] говорить –
says to the fox – говорит лису
(предлог to соответствует русскому дательному падежу, во
просы дательного падежа кому? чему?)
to be hungry ['hANgrI] быть голодным
for [fL] для, на
for dinner – на обед
to run [rAn] бегать, бежать
too [tH] слишком
quickly ['kwIklI] быстро
can [kxn] мочь, быть в состоянии
(can – модальный глагол; после модального всегда следует
смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива, но без частицы to)
never ['nevq] никогда
to catch [kxC] ловить
I can never catch them. – Я никогда не могу поймать их.
(В английском отрицательном предложении может быть толь
ко одно отрицание, в данном случае это слово never, в русском
предложении два отрицания: никогда и не)
to know [nou] знать
how [hau] как
to help [help] помогать, помочь
fat [fxt] жирный
grey [greI] серый
to live [lIv] жить
deep [dJp] глубокий
hole [houl] нора
at [xt] у, при
oaktree ['ouk'trJ] дуб
to ask [Rsk] просить, спрашивать
to let [let] позволять, разрешать
let us ask – давай попросим
magpie ['mxgpaI] сорока
to chatter ['Cxtq] болтать, разбалтывать
that [Dxt] что
(союз, присоединяющий придаточные предложения)
dead [ded] мёртвый
to get into bed – лечь в кровать
must [mAst] должен (модальный глагол)
to hide [haId] прятаться
somewhere ['sAmwFq] гденибудь
to be sure [Suq] быть уверенным
to come [kAm] приходить, приезжать
to see [sJ] видеть
if [If] ли, если
I am sure that the rabbit will come to see if I am dead. –
Я уверен, что кролик придёт посмотреть, умер ли я.
then [Den] потом
to jump [GAmp] прыгать
The rabbit wants to know if the fox is dead. – Кролик хочет
знать, мёртв ли лис.
into ['Intq] в
to go into – входить в
the fox’s house – дом лиса
to look [luk] смотреть
through [TrH] через, сквозь
to look in through the window – смотреть в окно
to look like – быть похожим; выглядеть, как
to think [TINk] думать
I must see if the fox is dead or not – я должен увидеть, мёртв
лис или нет
…he will catch me when I go near to him. – ...он схватит меня,
когда я подойду к нему.
…but he does not look like a dead fox. – ...но он не выглядит,
как мёртвый лис.
always ['Llwqz] всегда
to open ['oupqn] открывать
mouth ['mauT] рот
to hear [hIq] слышать
to show [Sou] показывать
so [ou] поэтому
to jump up – подпрыгнуть
away [q'weI] прочь
to run away – убегать
fast [fRst] быстро
as fast as he can – так быстро, как он может
The present
There are many mice in the house and they are not happy.
There is a cat in the house too. Every day the cat kills many mice.
One day the oldest mouse says, «Come to my hole, mice.
Let us think what we can do about the cat».
All the mice come to the hole of the oldest mouse. They
begin to speak. They say that the cat is very bad. Many mice
speak but nobody knows what to do about the cat.
Then the youngest mouse says, «We do not hear when the
cat comes to us. Let us put a bell on the cat’s neck. The bell
will ring. We shall run away».
All the mice are very glad.
«Our young friend has a good plan», they say. «Let us run
and get a bell».
But the oldest mouse says, «We can get a bell. Let us think
who can put it on the cat’s neck».
«I can’t do that», says the youngest mouse.
«We can’t do that», say all the mice.
«Well», says the old mouse, «I think the plan is not good
if we can’t fulfil it. I have another plan. Let us give the cat a
nice bell as a birthday present».
The cat’s birthday is some days later. On this day the cat
finds a beautiful box in the corner of the kitchen. There is a
nice bell and a red ribbon in it. There is a note in the box too:
«Happy Birthday to you, dear Cat!»
The cat is glad, he puts the bell on his neck. And the mice
are glad too. The bell rings and the mice always know when
the cat is near.
present [preznt] подарок
mice [maIs] мыши
(множественное число от mouse – мышь)
to be happy ['hxpI] быть счастливым
too [tH] тоже, также
to kill [kIl] убивать
one day – однажды
the oldest ['ouldqst] самый старый
(превосходная степень от прилагательного old)
mouse [maus] мышь
to say [seI] говорить, сказать
to come [kAm] приходить, приезжать
hole [houl] нора
to think [TINk] думать
let us think – давайте подумаем
what [wOt] что
can [kxn] мочь
(модальный глагол, после которого следует инфинитив дру
гого глагола без частицы to)
to do [dH] делать
…what we can do about the cat – …что мы можем сделать с
all [Ll] все
to begin [bI'gIn] начинать
to speak [spJk] говорить, разговаривать
bad [bxd] плохой
nobody ['noubOdI] никто
…but nobody knows what to do about the cat – но никто не
знает, что делать с котом
then [Den] тогда, потом
the youngest ['jANgest] самый молодой
(превосходная степень от young – молодой)
to hear [hIq] слышать
to put [put] класть, ставить, вешать
bell [bel] колокольчик
neck [nek] шея
on the cat’s neck – на шею кота
to ring [rIN] звонить, звенеть
to run [rAn] бегать, бежать
to run away [q'weI] убегать
glad [glxd] довольный, радостный
plan [plxn] план
to get [get] достать, раздобыть
who [hH] кто
that [Dxt] это
well [wel] хорошо
to fulfil [ful'fIl] выполнять, исполнять
another [q'nADq] другой
to give [gIv] давать
nice [naIs] красивый, симпатичный
as [xz] как, в качестве
birthday ['bWTdeI] день рождения
birthday present – подарок на день рождения
later ['leItq] позже
some [sAm] несколько
to find [faInd] находить
beautiful ['bjHtqful] красивый
box [bOks] коробка, ящик
corner ['kLnq] угол
kitchen ['kICqn] кухня
ribbon [rIbn] ленточка
note [nout] записка
Happy Birthday to you – поздравляем тебя с днём рождения
dear [dIq] дорогой
when [wen] когда
near [nIq] рядом
Jumbo the elephant
Jumbo is an elephant. A very big elephant. Jumbo has a
long trunk, two big ears, four strong legs, two white tusks
and one tiny tail.
One day Jumbo goes for a walk. He walks slowly. Plod,
plod, plod. He comes to the river and sees a little girl. The girl
is crying.
«Why are you crying»? asks Jumbo.
«I want to take water to my house but my bucket has a big
hole in it», cries the little girl.
«Don’t cry», says Jumbo. «I shall help you».
Jumbo goes to the river. He puts his long trunk in the
water. He fills his long trunk with water.
«Look», says Jumbo. «My trunk is full of water. I shall
bring the water to your house».
The little girl is happy. She claps her hands.
«Thank you Jumbo», she says.
Jumbo goes to the girl’s house. Plod, plod, plod. The girl
finds some jugs. Jumbo pours all the water into the jugs. The
jugs are full and his trunk is empty.
«Thank you, dear Jumbo», says the girl. «You are very
elephant ['elIfqnt] слон
long [lON] длинный
trunk [trANk] хобот
ear [Iq] ухо
strong [strON] сильный
leg [leg] нога
white [waIt] белый
tusk [tAsk] бивень
tiny [taInI] крошечный
tail [teIl] хвост, хвостик
walk [wLk] прогулка
to walk – гулять, прогуливаться
to go for a walk – идти гулять
slowly ['sloulI] медленно
plod [plOd], plod, plod – топ, топ, топ
to come [kAm] приходить
river ['rIvq] река
to see [sJ] видеть
to cry [kraI] плакать, кричать
why [waI] почему
to ask [Rsk] спрашивать
to want [wOnt] хотеть
to take [teIk] брать
water ['wLtq] вода
bucket ['bAkIk] ведро
hole [houl] дыра, нора
to help [help] помогать
to put in [put] опустить в, поместить в
to fill [fIl] наполнять
with water – водой
(предлог with передаёт значение русского творительного па
дежа, имеющего вопросы кем? чем?)
to look [luk] смотреть
full [ful] полный
to bring [brIN] приносить
happy ['hxpI] счастливый
to clap [klxp] хлопать, аплодировать
hand [hxnd] рука
to thank [TxNk] благодарить
to find [faInd] находить
some [sAm] несколько
jug [GAg] кувшин
to pour [pL] лить
all [Ll] все
empty ['emptI] пустой
dear [dIq] дорогой
kind [kaInd] добрый
A cat and her strong friends
Once there lived a cat. She thought, «The lion is the
strongest of the animals. It is good to have strong friends. I
shall go to the lion and make friends with him».
She did so, and the lion and the cat were friends for many,
many days. Once they went for a walk together and met an
elephant. The lion began to fight with the elephant, and the
elephant killed him. The cat was very sorry. «What shall I
do»? she thought. «The elephant was stronger than the lion. I
shall go to the elephant and make friends with him».
She did so, and they were friends for many, many friends.
Once they went for a walk and met a hunter. The hunter
shot at the elephant and killed him. The cat was sorry, but she
thought, «The man is stronger than the elephant, I see».
So she went up to the hunter and asked, «May I go with
you»? «All right, let us go home together», he said.
They came to the man’s home. His wife met him and took his
gun from him. The cat saw that and thought, «Oh, the woman is
the strongest of all! She can take the hunter’s gun from him, and
he does not fight with her; he does not even say a word!»
The man sat down at the table, and the woman went to the
kitchen. The cat went to the kitchen, too. She decided to stay
with the woman forever.
That’s why you always see a cat in the kitchen.
strong [strON] сильный
once [wAns] некогда, когдато
there [DFq] там
lived [lIvd] Past Indefinite стандартного глагола to live [lIv]
thought [TLt] Past Indefinite нестандартного глагола to think
[TINk] думать
lion [laIqn] лев
strongest ['strONgqst] самый сильный
(превосходная степень от strong – сильный)
animal ['xnImql] животное
to make [meIk] делать
to make friends with somebody – подружиться с кемлибо
did [dId] Past Indefinite от глагола to do [dH] делать
so [sou] так, таким образом
were [wW] Past Indefinite глагола to be [bJ] быть
went [went] Past Indefinite глагола to go [gou] идти
walk [wLk] прогулка
to go for a walk – идти гулять
together [tq'geDq] вместе
met [met] Past Indefinite глагола to meet [mJt] встречать(ся)
elephant ['elIfqnt] слон
began [bI' gxn] Past Indefinite глагола to begin [bI'gIn] на
to fight [faIt] драться, бороться
killed [kIld] Past Indefinite глагола to kill [kIl] убивать
was [wOz] Past Indefinite глагола to be [bJ] быть
sorry ['sOrI] огорчённый
to do [dH] делать
stronger ['strONgq] сильнее
(сравнительная степень от strong)
than [Dxn] чем
hunter ['hAntq] охотник
shot [SOt] Past Indefinite глагола to shoot [SH] стрелять
to see [sJ] видеть, понимать
to go up to – подходить
asked [Rskt] Past Indefinite глагола to ask [Rsk] спрашивать
may [meI] мочь
(модальный глагол, с помощью которого спрашивают разре
шение сделать чтолибо)
all right ['Ll'raIt] хорошо
let us go – пойдём, давай пойдём
said [sxd] Past Indefinite глагола to say [seI] сказать
came [keIm] Past Indefinite глагола to come [kAm] приходить
wife [waIf] жена
took [tuk] Past Indefinite глагола to take [teIk] брать
gun [gAn] ружьё
saw [sL] Past Indefinite глагола to see
that [Dxt] это
the strongest of all – самый сильный из всех
can [kxn] мочь
even [Jvn] даже
word [wWd] слово
sat [sxt] Past Indefinite глагола to sit [sIt] сидеть
to sit down [daun] садиться
kitchen ['kICqn] кухня
too [tH] тоже, также
decided [dI'saIdId] Past Indefinite глагола to decide [dI'saId]
to stay [steI] остаться, оставаться
forever [fq'revq] навсегда
that’s why ['Dxts'waI] вот почему
always ['Llwqz] всегда
The frog and his wives
Once there lived a Frog who had two wives. His first wife
lived in a town and the second wife lived in a village. He
himself lived in a little place between the town and the village.
He went sometimes to the town and sometimes to the village
to see his wives.
Once a little frog came to him and said, «Come to the town,
please! Your first wife has a nice pudding for you. Come at
once while the pudding is hot!».
The Frog was very happy, because he liked pudding very
much. He was ready to go when another little frog came up to
him and said, «Please, come to the village! Your second wife
has a nice pudding for you. Come at once while the pudding is
The frog sat down and began to think:
«If I go to my first wife, my second wife will be sorry and
angry. If I go to my second wife, my first wife will be sorry
and angry, too. Where must I go?».
He sat and thought for a long time. And he stayed at home
and began to cry:
«Oh! Where must I go? Where must I go?».
Now, when you hear frogs’ Gaou, gaou, gaou, you will
understand that it means: «Where must I go? Where must I
go? Go, go, go?».
How bad it is to have two wives who make puddings at the
same time!
once [wAns] однажды
wives [waIvz] множественное число от существительного wife
[waIf] жена
who [hH] кто, который
had [hxd] Past Indefinite глагола to have [hxv] иметь
first [fWst] первый
town [taun] город
second ['sekqnd] второй
village ['vIlIG] деревня
himself [hIm'self] (возвратное местоимение)
he himself lived … – сам он жил …
place [pleIs] место
between [bI'twJn] между
went [went] Past Indefinite глагола to go [gou] идти
sometimes ['sAmtaImz] иногда
to see [sJ] видеть
came [keIm] Past Indefinite глагола to come [kAm] приходить
to him – к нему
said [sxd] Past Indefinite глагола to say [seI] сказать, гово
please [plJz] пожалуйста
nice [naIs] хороший, вкусный
pudding ['pudIN] пудинг
for [fL] для
at once [qt'wAns] сразу, сейчас же
while [waIl] пока
hot [hOt] горячий
because [bI'kLz] потому что
ready ['redI] готовый
another [q'nADq] другой
to come up to – подойти, подходить
sat [sxt] Past Indefinite глагола to sit [sIt] сидеть
to sit down – садиться
began [bI'gxn] Past Indefinite глагола to begin [bI'gIn] начи
to think [TINk] думать
if [If] если
will [wIl] вспомогательный глагол Future Indefinite
sorry ['sOrI] огорчённый
my second wife will be sorry – моя вторая жена будет огор
чена (огорчится)
angry ['xNgrI] сердитый
where [wFq] куда? где?
must [mAst] должен
thought [TLt] Past Indefinite глагола to think
long [lON] длинный
time [taIm] время
for a long time – долго