Конспект открытого урока английского языка по теме "Музыка"
(УМК В.П. Кузовлева, 9-й класс)
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме "Music";
совершенствовать знания, умения, навыки учащихся в области устной речи, чтения
и аудирования по данной теме.
Задачи урока:
• Образовательные:
• развитие лексических навыков говорения;
• совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования;
• активизация употребления изученной лексики по теме.
• Развивающие:
• развитие внимания, воображения, памяти;
• развитие
продуктивные речевые действия;
— расширение кругозора.
• Воспитательные:
• формирование уважения к культуре других народов и культуре своей
• воспитание чувства ответственности перед своими одноклассниками;
• воспитание этики взаимоотношений. Оснащение урока:
• учебник "English" 9-й класс (автор В.П. Кузовлев);
• карта Великобритании;
• портреты
• таблички с названиями стилей музыки;
• магнитофон;
• кассета №3 "Click on Russia";
• текст о Моцарте.
Beginning of the Lesson
Teacher: Good morning! Sit down, please. I am very glad to see you and hope
that you are ready for the lesson and are in a good mood. Today's les son is dedicated to
music, its beauty, its place and role in people's life.
Introduction of the Lesson
Teacher: Take a look at what famous people have said about music.
On the blackboard:
"Music is universal language of the world."
"Music is another Lady that talks charmingly and says nothing".
Austin О'Mailey
Teacher: I want you to express your own opinions. Do you agree or disagree with
these statements?
Pupil 1: I absolutely agree with these people. Music is a part of our life. We can hear
it everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the
parks. A lot of people enjoy music. Music enriches us and unites people of different
Pupil 2:Music helps us to understand the world around , us, and broadens our
mind. Music offers us opportunities for our personal development. It also makes our
taste better. Music touches our hearts and helps us picture the best moments of our life.
Teacher: It is impossible to argue with great people. I am of the same opinion. I
love music, too. We can't live without music. We have already spoken about musical
places in Britain and in Russia, about your and your parents' attitude to music you listen
to; about musicians, classical and pop music. We'll travel to a very beautiful magic world,
the world of music. So, what will our travel be like? On our way we are going to make
some stops at different stations and you'll do different tasks.
Let's start!
Warm-up Activities Teacher: To make our travel easier,
- let's list as many different styles of music as you can;
- name adjectives which can help you to de scribe music;
- name all the verbs you know which are connected with music.
Follow-up Activities Activity 1
Teacher: We are coming to the first station "Musical Britain".
Look at the map of the UK. Some musical centers of Britain can be seen here.
Why are they marked on the map?
Pupil 1: London is marked on the map, because this city has a long tradition of
classical. music. I think it is so, because London is the capital of the country, its cultural
centre. There are many theatres, opera houses and concert halls there.
Pupil 2: Liverpool is well known as the home town of the Beatles. This pop-group
first performed there in 1959.
Pupil 3: Scotland has a tradition of bagpipe music. Not everyone likes the sound
it makes, but to the Scots bagpipe music is the most exciting in the world. Every town in
Scotland has a pipe band.
Pupil 4: Aldeburgh is marked on the map because of the music festival. This festival
is held every summer and was started by the English composer Benjamin Britten.
Pupil 5:Edinburgh is internationally known because of an annual festival of
music. This festival is held in August and September. It was first held in 1947.
Activity 2
Teacher: Let us stop at the next station "Music: the soundtrack of our life".
You will listen to different pieces of music for some seconds. Your task is to
describe them and say what feelings they evoke in you.
Classical music.
Pupil 1:1 think, it is classical music. This music is melodic and appealing. It is a
complex of emotions. It gives delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. The power of
classical music always captivates me.
Jazz music.
Pupil 2: To my mind, this piece of music is jazz. This music is a mixture of many
different kinds of music. I consider it a bit complicated. Improvisation is an important
part of this style.
Rock music.
Pupil 3: This is rock. I find this music noisy and dreadful, though some young
people are fond of this style, it is not to everyone's taste. When I listen to this music to my
mind it presents pictures of dark days. Music which is played too loudly can destroy our
Pupil 4: But I love rock. I listen to hard rock and techno. I like extreme sports and I
think that rock goes well with all the feats made by extreme sports men. This music is
exciting, and breathtaking; it gives me energy after a hard, boring day at school.
Folk music.
Pupil 5:If I am not mistaken, this is folk music. It is passionate, unforgettable and
overwhelming. The tune is delightful and light. This music arouses romantic feelings.
The mood is spirited, enthusiastic, and joyful.
Pop music.
Pupil 6:1 think, this piece represents pop music. It is full of energy. When I listen
to pop music it helps me remember happy days and forget the problems of everyday life.
It entertains me and helps me to relax.
Activity 3
Teacher: The next station is called "Great Composers of the Past".
From your music lessons you know that every country can be proud of its
composers and musicians. Different composers from different countries have conquered
the hearts of people all over the world. What names come to your mind when you hear
the word "composer"?
Students name great composers and countries they are from.
Teacher: Now I want you to form 2 groups.
The task for the first group: the following parts of the text about Mozart are mixed
up. Put them in the right order.
When he was 6 years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the
big cities of Europe. Two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria, France, England,
and Switzerland. The audience was de lighted to see such a small boy playing the
Burdens of life, poverty and disease speeded up his death. He died at the age
of 35. The real fame came to Mozart only after his death. Many people know and like his
Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. He was born in 1756.
His father, a violinist and a composer, noticed wonderful talent of his son and taught
him how to play musical instruments and to compose.
When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life
without music. By the age of 19 Mozart was the author often major musical works.
Being four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six
he started composing music. At the age of eight-nine Mozart composed his first
symphonies and at the age often - his first creations for musical theatre.
At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he
didn't have a great success as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs and
The task for the second group: Fill in the gaps in the text with appropriate
Wolfgang Mozart
Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian _______. He was born in 1756. His father,
a violinist and a composer, noticed the wonderful ________ of his son and taught him
how to play musical _________ and to compose.
When four years old Mozart played the clavier. When he was five or six he started
_______ music. At the age of 8-9 Mozart composed his first symphonies and at the age
of ten - his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was six years old his father decided to ____ him and his sister to the
big cities of Europe. The two children gave _____ in Germany, Austria, France, England,
and Switzerland. The _____ were delighted to see such a small boy playing the _____.
When he was 14, he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without
By the age of 19, Mozart was the _____ often major musical works.
At the _____ of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though he didn't
have a great ______ as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs and
The burdens of his life, poverty and disease broke down his ______. He died at
the age of 35.
Real fame ____ to Mozart only after his death. Many people now know and like his
___________ .
Teacher: Thank you for your work. We learned a lot about the life of Mozart.
Russia also gave the world many outstanding composers. I want you to listen to the text
and do the task.
Match the names of Russian composers with their works.
Listening from "Click on Russia" No. 3, p. 18.
1. Dmitry Shostakovich
2. Piotr Tchaikovsky
3. Modest Mussorgsky
4. Sergei Rakhmaninov
5. Sergey Prokofiev
"Boris Godunov", "Khovanshchina"
"Symphony No. 2", "The Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini"
"Swan Lake", "The Sleeping Beauty" D.Ballets "Romeo and Juliet",
"Cinderella" E. "Symphony No. 7"
Activity 4
Teacher: Our last station is called "The Beatles".
Can you put these names and surnames together to make the names of the 4
1. John a. Starr
2. Ringo
b. Harrison
3. George
c. McCartney
4. Paul d. Lennon
Your mothers and fathers grew up with their songs. What do you know about
this band?
Pupil l: This group was formed at the end of the 50s. The legend of this group
began in the small English town of Liverpool. The four boys made a revolution in pop
history. They composed songs for young people. Their songs seemed more musical and
more exciting than others. Their sense of humor drew peoples' attention.
Teacher: Thanks a lot. And now I invite you to join "The Beatles" and their song
"Yesterday". (Singing of the song "Yesterday")
Rounding-off. Summary of the Lesson Teacher: So, there is a world
of music around us. Is this world large or small? It often depends on how much you
know: the more you know, the larger the world is.
It's time we finish our travels. You've worked hard. I am satisfied with your work.
I give excellent marks to..., good marks to...
Our lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!
Анна Владимировна Кушниренко, MOV СОШ№ 279, г. Гаджиево
Мурманской обл.