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Англ крат

1. Specialized medical care is provided by all kinds of hospitals, clinics dispensaries and centres.
There are clinics and centres which provide not only treatment but consultant services as well.
Most municipal and district hospitals are multitype clinics, which have at least the following
major units: internal diseases, surgery, neurology, gynecology and resuscitation.
Emergency unit or reception ward is a very special area in every clinic.
5.It is there that patients are admitted for treatment, diagnosis; in case of selected hospitalization for an observation or operative treatment.
Those sick persons who are injured or need an emergent medical care are brought to the
hospital by ambulances.
7. At the reception ward the nurse on duty refers the patient to be hospitalized to sanitary
inspection room and then fills in the patient's case history.
Hospitals are staffed with experienced doctors, doctor's assistants, skilled nurses, laboratory
assistants, aid-men and aid-women and others.
The nursing staff is very important as nurses are in constant close contact with their patients
during the whole course of treatment and because they carry out the doctors administrations.
10. So at the hospital all inpatients are under constant care of doctors and nurses.
11. The ward doctors administer their patients the necessary treatment and procedures.
12. All the patients have their special diet especially those who have stomach troubles.
13. It is the ward doctor who fills in the patient’s case history.
14. It consists of three parts - the family history, the past history and the history of the present
15. And the doctors must treat their patients with great attention and care.