Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку Монологическое

Подготовка к ОГЭ по английскому языку
Устная речь
Монологическое высказывание
Жилина Татьяна Васильевна
МБОУ «СОШ № 198»
Документы по Государственной итоговой
Спецификация контрольных измерительных материалов для
проведения в 2015 году основного государственного экзамена
по иностранным языкам
Кодификатор элементов содержания и требований к уровню
подготовки обучающихся для проведения основного
государственного экзамена по английскому языку
Открытый банк заданий ОГЭ
Порядок проведения экзамена
Критерии оценивания задания
«Говорение. Монологическая речь»
Решение коммуникативной задачи (3 балла)
Лексико-грамматическое оформление речи (2 балла)
Произносительная сторона речи (1 балл)
Стратегии выполнения задания
«Тематическое монологическое
внимательно читать текст задания, обращая внимание на
выделяемые элементы содержания и ограничители (пункты плана)
и объем монолога (время);
строить высказывание в соответствии с данным планом;
при планировании монологического высказывания
продумать ключевые фразы каждого пункта;
начинать с общего представления темы;
давать развернутую аргументацию, если в пункте есть “Why”;
стараться не давать избыточную информацию, которая не
обозначена в пунктах
Linking words
Expressing opinions
Giving examples
Ordering arguments
Playing for time
Asking for clarification / Saying you don`t understand
Expressing opinions
I think (that) …
Я думаю, что…
In my view / opinion, …
Personally, I think…
As I see it, …
From my point of view,…
I don`t think…
I don`t really know…
I`m not sure …
По моему мнению….
Лично я думаю…
Как я это понимаю…
С моей точки зрения…
Я не думаю…
Я действительно не знаю…
Я не уверен…
Giving examples
For example,…
To give you an idea…
Привести вам пример…
One example of this is… Одним примером этого является…
Ordering arguments
First of all,… / Firstly,…
Прежде всего / Во-первых…
On the one hand,…
С одной стороны….
The main reason is…
Главная причина…
Another reason is…
Другая причина…
Well, the thing is that…
Ну, дело в том, что…
It`s also true that…
Это также верно…
And finally…
И в заключение…
In short…
In other words…
Другими словами…
To sum up…
Подводя итог…
Playing for time
Let me see,…
Позвольте мне подумать…
Well, let me think,…
Ну, позвольте мне подумать…
Hm, let me think about that for a moment…
Хм, позвольте мне немного подумать…
What`s the word for it?
Какое же слово
Asking for clarification /
Saying you don`t understand
Sorry, I didn`t quite catch that.
Извините, я не расслышал.
• Do you mean …?
Вы имели ввиду…?
• Can you say it / that again, please?
Вы можете повторить это, пожалуйста?
• Could you repeat that more slowly, please?
Вы можете повторить это медленнее, пожалуйста?
C2. Student Card Task 1
Give a talk on your favourite school subject. Remember to say:
which of the school subjects you like most, why;
what you do during the lessons;
whether this subject is going to be useful for your, and why/why not.
You have to talk 1,5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you a
Well, two years ago I changed school because my family had moved. It wasn’t easy for me to get used
to a new school and new teachers. But now I attend school with pleasure because it’s interesting to
study there.
My favourite subjects are Information Technology and Physical Education. IT and PE, for short. I
really enjoy computers. It’s so interesting. Computers give the opportunity to find necessary
information quickly, communicate with friends and …enjoy playing computer games. I’m already
quite good at computers and I want to be an IT specialist. That’s why IT lessons are useful for me. In
the lessons we are taught to write different programmes, use the Internet and make presentations. To
my mind, I think, I’ll need all these skills in future.
My second favourite lesson is PE because I’m keen on sport. I’ve been in different sports but table
tennis is the best for me. Unfortunately, we don’t play table tennis in PE lessons but we play football
and pioneerball, run, skip and jump. In winter and spring we went swimming in the nearest swimming
pool. I like sport and want to be healthy. Hm-hm, I don’t miss PE lessons.
So there are many interesting subjects at school. But IT and PE are the best.
What else besides your favourite subject do you like in your school? Why?
Well, I like my school because I have a lot of friends there. We have good time together during the
breaks and after lessons. We often play football in the gym after the lessons.
C2. Student Card Task 1
Give a talk on your favourite school subject. Remember to say:
which of the school subjects you like most, why;
what you do during the lessons;
whether this subject is going to be useful for your, and why/why not.
You have to talk 1,5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you a question.
Well, two years ago I changed school because my family had moved. It wasn’t easy for me to get used
to a new school and new teachers. But now I attend school with pleasure because it’s interesting to
study there.
My favourite subjects are Information Technology and Physical Education. IT and PE, for short. I
really enjoy computers. It’s so interesting. Computers give the opportunity to find necessary
information quickly, communicate with friends and …enjoy playing computer games. I’m already
quite good at computers and I want to be an IT specialist. That’s why IT lessons are useful for me. In
the lessons we are taught to write different programmes, use the Internet and make presentations. To
my mind, I think, I’ll need all these skills in future.
My second favourite lesson is PE because I’m keen on sport. I’ve been in different sports but table
tennis is the best for me. Unfortunately, we don’t play table tennis in PE lessons but we play football
and pioneerball, run, skip and jump. In winter and spring we went swimming in the nearest swimming
pool. I like sport and want to be healthy. Hm-hm, I don’t miss PE lessons.
So there are many interesting subjects at school. But IT and PE are the best.
What else besides your favourite subject do you like in your school? Why?
Well, I like my school because I have a lot of friends there. We have good time together during the
breaks and after lessons. We often play football in the gym after the lessons.
Тask 1
Give a talk about your school.
Remember to say:
when your school was founded;
what clubs and sports facilities the school has;
whether there is anything special about your school.
You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will
ask you some questions.