Печерская Н.Д. - «Множественное число существительных в

Разработка урока по теме
«Множественное число существительных в английском языке»
Печерская Наталья Дмитриевна,
преподаватель иностранного языка
ГАОУ СПО «Еланский аграрный колледж»
Волгоградской области
Цель: закрепить грамматический материал по теме множественное число
Задачи: Образовательная: научить обучающихся употреблять знакомые лексические
единицы во множественном числе; активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих
уроков; практиковать обучающихся в устной речи;
Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, логического мышления;
Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру общения, толерантность; способствовать
повышению интереса к изучению английского языка;
Оборудование: проектор, раздаточный материал, словари, презентация «Множественное
число существительных»;
Тип урока: комбинированный;
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
T - Good morning, dear boys and girls!
St - Good morning, dear teacher!
T - I am glad to see you! How are you?
St– We are fine. And you?
T – I’m OK, thanks.
T – Who is on duty today?
St -I am on duty today.
T – What date is it today?
St- Today is the 12 of April.
T – What day is it today?
St- Today is Thursday.
T – Who is absent today?
St – Nobody is absent today.
T – Well. Today we are going to repeat the Theme» Plural of Nouns», but at first let us check
your Homework!
2. Проверка домашнего задания.
T – I tell you Nouns in Singular and you must make Plural Forms
Let us start!
T - a pen
St – pens
a table
a man
an exercise
a woman
a knife
a pencil
a boy
a school
a book
a story
a bed
a teacher
a help
a box
a shelf
T – Very good! It is right!
3. Повторение, закрепление изученного материала(правило).
T – Let us repeat the rule of making Plural forms of Nouns!
- Who can answer the rule?
St – (студенты отвечают правило образования множественного числа в английском
языке, затем смотрят презентацию)
T – And now let us do Exercises in your copybooks (презентация)!
Ex.1 Make Plural Forms of the following Nouns.
Bee, Language, Watch, Foot, Man, Holiday, Sandwich, Mouse, Box, Shelf.
T – Very well.
T – I give you cards and you must read, translate sentences and correct mistakes.
Cards: 1. My sister has two child.
2. There are a lot of beautiful flower in the garden.
3. I have a lot of friend at school.
4. These book are mine!
5. Apple are very tasty.
6. That is a nice jeans.
7. I need a new glasses.
8. The bicycle is means of transport.
T – Let us check your work! (обучающиеся проверяют предложения, глядя на
St. – Сhildren, flowers, friends, books, apples, those are nice jeans, I need new glasses.
T – Well done!
T – Read, please the text and write down the Nouns in Plural and in Singular and then tell me all
these Nouns.
St. – (студенты по предложению читают вслух текст, выписывают существительные
единственного и множественного числа, а затем из существительных единственного числа
образовывают – существительные множественного числа, а из множественного –
T – Well!
T - Write down these words in your copybooks using the rules(1-5)!
Trousers, a shelf, a spider, a mouse,a butterfly, a match, a room, a country, a dress, a tooth, a
leaf, a day, a town, a key, a way, a bush, a woman
1. к основе добавляется –s2. к основе добавляется – es3. происходит замещение и добавляется –es4. употребляется только во множественном числе
5. исключения
St. – 1: a spider, a room, a day, a town, a key, a way
- 2: a match, dress, a bush
- 3: a shelf, a butterfly, a country, a leaf
- 4: Trousers
- 5: a mouse, a tooth, a woman
T – And now we will work in Groups. I give you cards and you must complete sentences using a
word from blanks. Sometimes you need «a».
1. My eyesight is not very good. I need ………. .
…… is a group of animals or plants that have the same characteristics.
Footballers do not wear trousers when they play. They wear ……….
The bicycle is ……….. of transport.
The bicycle and the car are……… of transport.
I want to cut this piece of material. I need……….
A friend of mine is writing ………. of articles for the local newspaper.
There are a lot of American TV ……….. shown on British television.
While we were out walking, we saw many different……… of bird.
( Shorts, a species, a pair of scissors, means, a means, a series, series, species, glasses)
St. -1. Glasses
2. A species
3. Shorts
4. A means
5. Means
6. A pair of scissors
7. A series
8. Series
9. Species
T – Well done!
4. Подведение итогов.
T- Today we worked very well.
Marks (преподаватель выставляет оценки обучающимся).
Thank you for your good work.
And now let us write down your Homework! (The rule «Plural of Nouns» learn by heart, p. 132
Our lesson is over. Good bye!
Exercise 1. Tell plural forms of the following nouns.
A table, a man, an exercise, a woman, a knife, a pencil, a boy, a school, a book, a story, a bed, a
teacher, a help, a box.
Exercise 2. Make plural forms of the following nouns.
Bee, Language, Watch, Foot, Man, Holiday, Sandwich, Mouse, Box, Shelf.
Exercise 3. Find mistakes in these sentenses.
1. My sister has two child.
2. There are a lot of beautiful flower in the garden.
3. I have a lot of friend at school.
4. These book are mine!
5. Apple are very tasty.
6. That is a nice jeans.
7. I need a new glasses.
8. The bicycle is means of transport.
Exercise 4. Read this text and wright down nouns. Make plural forms from the nouns in singular
and singular forms from nouns in plural.
Dear Pen Friend,
My name is Sveta. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and
farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Moscow. It is a big city.The streets
are wide and long in MOSCOW.
In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.
Some people like to live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long
rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There a lot of cows, horses, and sheep on the
farms.The hauses in the country are nice and small.
Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!
Exercise 5.
Write down these words in your copybooks using the rules (1-5).
Trousers, a shelf, a spider, a mouse, a butterfly, a match, a room, a country, a dress, a tooth, a
leaf, a day, a town, a key, a way, a bush, a woman
1. к основе добавляется –s2. к основе добавляется – es3. происходит замещение и добавляется –es4. употребляется только во множественном числе
5. исключения
Exercise 6.Complete sentences using a word from blanks. Sometimes you need «a».
1. My eyesight is not very good. I need ………. .
2. …… is a group of animals or plants that have the same characteristics.
3. Footballers do not wear trousers when they play. They wear ……….
4. The bicycle is ……….. of transport.
5. The bicycle and the car are……… of transport.
6. I want to cut this piece of material. I need……….
7. A friend of mine is writing ………. of articles for the local newspaper.
8. There are a lot of American TV ……….. shown on British television.
9. While we were out walking, we saw many different……… of bird.
( Shorts, a species, a pair of scissors, means, a means, a series, series, species, glasses).