"Святой покровитель земли Русской" (сценарий)

«Святой покровитель
земли Русской»
Учитель английского языка
Кондакова Светлана Викторовна – высшая квалификационная категория
Учитель английского языка
Барбэрош Вероника Игоревна – II квалификационная категория
Учитель английского языка
Богдашкина Светлана Евгеньевна – II квалификационная категория
Учитель английского языка
Бекетова Вера Викторовна – молодой специалист
Цели и задачи:
сформировать у учащихся основы знаний о проектной деятельности;
актуализировать знания, полученные в ходе выполнения задания;
развивать интерес к изучению английского языка;
развивать умения адекватного восприятия иноязычной речи на слух;
развивать навыки устной речи на английском языке;
развивать умение говорить о своей культуре на иностранном языке;
развивать творческие способности учащихся;
стимулировать познавательный интерес;
воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого
Оборудование: Персональные компьютеры, мультимедийный проектор,
видеокамера, цифровой фотоаппарат, микрофоны.
Ход мероприятия:
(Ученики находятся в школе, в своем классе. Собравшись вместе, читают
стихотворения о Сергии Радонежском. Вдруг раздается вызывающий
сигнал "Skype" и на экране компьютера появляется изображение ирландской
девочки Мэри)
Pupil 1: Ребята, Мэри на связи. Быстрей все сюда!
(Все подбегают к монитору компьютера)
Mary: Hello! Glad to see you! How are you?
Pupils: Hello! Fine! Thank you!
Pupil 2: Glad to see you too. How are you?
Mary: Excellent! Thanks! I’ve got lots to tell you! Yesterday we celebrated St
Patrick’s Day.
(Заставка: изображение Святого Патрика)
(В кадре появляется Джейн, сестра Мэри)
Jane: Hi, darling! Hi, everybody!
Pupils: Hi!
Jane: St Patrick is our patron. This day people wear green clothes; have a Great St
слайдыпразднованиядняСвятогоПатрикавИрландии).By the way, have
you got your own Patron Saint?
Pupil 3: Yes! The Patron of our land is SergiiRadonezhsky. We are going to
celebrate the 700th anniversary of the day of his birth!
Jane: Oh! Fantastic! Could you tell us about him?
(Заставка: слайды с изображением Сергия Радонежского.За кадром голоса
учеников на английском языке):
Sergius is a patron-saint of all Russia and a founder of the glorious Holy
Trinity Lavra near Moscow. St. Sergius (Bartholomew) was born in 1314 in a
family of a pious Rostov boyar. From his childhood he showed surprising
devotion to austere practices. St. Sergius and his disciples and followers
founded more than 50 monasteries in central and northern Russia.
(Страница "Skype" с изображением Мэри и Джейн)
Mary: Have you visited the monasteries?
(Видеосюжет об экскурсии в Радонеж.За кадром голоса учеников на
английском языке):
Yes! We have visited some of them and are ready to tell you about these
sights. We invite you to Radonezh. Radonezh is a wonderful place which is
lost among thick forests. It is one of the ancient settlements which is situated
on the right bank of the river Pazhy. Here, Sergius began his way to the Lord.
In his childhood he had great difficulties in reading. Everyone laughed at him.
One day looking for the colts Sergius met a spiritual elder. Sergiustold him
about his sufferings. The spiritual elder blessed the boy and from that day
Sergius was able to read and write. Most of all, the boy liked churches, prayer
services and reading The Holy Writ.
This monument of Sergius is considered to be the icon. Opposite the
monument you can see the Preobrazhenskaya church which looks like a pearl
under the blue sky.
One day Sergius (Bartholomew) decided to go to a monastery and become a
monk. His parents Kirill and Mariya didn’t bless him. They wanted their son
to be a warrior and the head of the family. Sergius loved his parents very
much so he had to obey and wait for his chance. Nowadays, Radonezh attracts
people by its Holy Spring. There is a legend that there was a Sergius parents’
house on the place of the spring. The spring was named after
SergiusRadonezhsky. People come here to drink some holy water and recover
from illnesses.
(Страница "Skype" с изображением Мэри и Джейн)
Jane: What a wonderful place! Your story is so interesting that I am looking
forward to learn something more.
(Видеосюжет об экскурсии в Хотьково.За кадром голоса учеников на
английском языке):
Well, let’sgoonourtrip. Now we are in Khotkovo and there we can see The
Pokrovsky Monastery which was founded in1308. It is a historical center of
But let’s return to Sergius. SergiusRadonezhsky’s parents were buried here.
Pilgrims visit the monastery to worship his parents reverend Kirill and
(Заставка: слайды с изображением жизни Сергия Радонежского.За кадром
голоса учеников на английском языке):
After his parents’death, Sergiuswent to Khotkovo, where his elder brother
Stephan was a monk. He persuaded him to find a more secluded place to live
an ascetic life. In 1337 he built a small church in the midst of a dense forest
upon Makovets hill. Thus the history of the Holy Trinity Lavra has started.
Soon Sergius stayed completely alone. Being alone he suffered from poverty
and hunger. But the Lord sent him a forest friend. It was a bear. Sergius
shared his bread with his new friend. Sometimes he gave away the last one to
the bear. So they have lived together until people appeared in their place.
Now, the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a unique spiritual place on
theRadonezh land closely connected with the Russian History. It was St.
Sergius who blessed the Prince DimitryDonskoy for the Kulikovo battle
(1380). His two giant monks Peresvet and Oslyabya followed the great
(Видеосюжет об экскурсии в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру.За кадром голоса
учеников на английском языке):
After the victory of Russians over Tatars Moscow princes patronized the Holy
Trinity monastery specially. In 1408 the Holy Trinity Lavra was destroyed by
Edigei Tatar Khan. Later it was surrounded by a white stone wall on the same
place. On the territory of the Holy Trinity Lavra we can see wonderful
(Заставка: слайды с кадрами из Троице-Сергиевой Лавры.За кадром голоса
учеников на английском языке):
The sepulcher with relics of St. Sergius is in the Holy Trinity Cathedral.
The Dormition Cathedral
The Holy Church
(Страница "Skype" с изображением Мэри и Джейн)
Jane: The architecture of the churches is fantastic! We would like to visit this
place and admire its magnificent view. I am greatly impressed by the story
about your Patron Saint. Thanks a lot.
Mary: It’s very interesting. See you later. Bye!
Pupils: Bye!
(Cлайды с фотографиями по всей экскурсии)
Pupils: Welcome to our country!